Minutes of theFebruary 5, 2018

Board of Directors Meeting

Board PresentManagementHomeowners

Carole BurkeClaire HarryJerry Dorn

Kevin Lindseth

Board Members Absent

Patti Beer


Carole Burke, Board President, called the February 5, 2018 Board of Directors meeting to order withtwo of the Board members present. The meeting was called to order at 2pm.


Jerry Dorn owner of unit 502stated the Park Authorities have been helping with the clean-up of the park and clearing out those in the park after hours and so far it is working.


The Board had theOctober 30, 2017 minutes for review. Hearing no corrections, Carole Burke asked for a motion to approve as written.

MOTION: Carole Burke made a motion to approve the Board of Directors minutes from October 30, 2017minutes as written. Kevin Lindseth seconded. The motion carried with all in favor.


The Board had the October 2017/November 2017 financial reports for their review. Kevin Lindseth had a few questions on the financials that Management and Carole Burke answered for him.

MOTION: Carole Burke motioned that the Board has reviewed the financial reports from October 2017 through November 2017. Kevin Lindseth seconded, the motion carried with all in favor.

Kevin Lindseth stated he has been reviewing the budget and new believes it was a mistake to not have increased the assessments for 2018. Kevin Lindseth stated he would like to have a five year plan for funding the Reserve Account to the appropriate level. Kevin Lindseth stated he feels that the budget just got pushed through without much concern for the Association as a whole.

Carole Burke stated the Board can address Kevin’s financial/budget concerns at the April meeting, however in the meantime the Board can all be thinking a solid five year financial plan for discussion.

Management Maintenance report: Claire Harry presented the management report. The Board had two action items.

A. The Board would like to have additional flowering plants planted this spring.

B. Carol Burke, Board President stated her son Steve can assist Martine with this project and get some additional plants and ground covering.


Board Review and acceptance of Proposal from Tholl Fence for a new Gate Clutch: Management asked that this item is deferred until the next scheduled Board meeting in April 2018. Carole Burke stated that would be fine.


Board Review and Acceptance of New Fence Proposals for South end of building: Management stated she has met with two out of the three fence companies contacted to bid on the South side fence project and has only received one bid. Management asked if this item can be deferred to the April meeting, Board President, Carole Burke stated yes.

Board Review of 2018 Projects outlined in Reserve Study: The Board had the Reserve Study for review of the Reserve projects for 2018. The Board had a discussion and Carole Burke stated none of the outlined projects need to be done this year. Board Director, Kevin Lindseth stated he disagrees with Carole Burke on her statement. The Board will review these projects at a later date.

Board review of Workman’s comp Audit for 7-2016-7-2017: The Board had the 7-2016-7-20107 Audit for their review. The Association received a refund in the amount of $567.00. The Board did not need any further discussion.



There no homeowners present to address the Board at this time; and current Board members present did not wish to speak.


MOTION: Carole Burke made a motion to adjourn the Board of Directors meeting at 2:58pm with no further business to discuss.Kevin Lindsethseconded. The motion carried with all in favor.


Recorded by Claire Harry Acknowledged by Association Secretary

Community Manager


Minutes of the February 5, 2018

Executive Session Board of Directors Meeting

Board PresentManagementHomeowners

Carole BurkeClaire HarryJerry Dorn

Kevin Lindseth

Board Members Absent

Patti Beer


Carole Burke, Board President, called the February 5, 2018 Board of Directors meeting to order with two of the Board members present. The meeting was called to order at 2:59 pm.

There were no minutes for review and approval.

Delinquency Report:

Management stated there is only one account delinquent and it is Patti & Peter Beer. Management stated they are behind two months and will be sending out a statement notifying them of their delinquent status.

Kevin Lindseth stated he wanted to clear the air about Board protocol when it comes to work being done and not all Board members are being noticed about the work. Management stated she does not have a spending limit so all work being done that is more than $500.00 dollars needs to have Board approval and she is instructed to go through the President who in turn is to contact the other Board members.

Management asked Carole Burke if her home was up for sale and was told yes but there has been no action on her sale. Carole Burke stated she will notify Management when her home is in contract.

Kevin Lindseth stated he wants to have the Board change how things have been ran in the past and put more into maintaining the property and funding the Reserve Account adequately.

Adjournment: Carole Burke made a motion to adjourn the February 5, 2018 Executive Session meeting at 3:15 pm with no further business to discuss. Kevin Lindseth seconded. The motion carried with all in favor.