Burley Bulletin

Berwick Angling Club Inc.

P.O Box 24 Berwick 3806

August 2007

Important Dates

Next Competition

When 5thAugustWhere Sugarloaf Reservoir (Saddle Dam area) Melway Ref 273 C8/D8

Species All eligible Fresh water species

Prize Heaviest fish

Weigh In At BBQ site

This Competition Proudly Sponsored By:

Leaf Products 0417382725

Next Competition

When 8th/9thof SeptemberWhere Big River

Comp Results-July

Heaviest Fish DeanClavarino Salmon

Runner Up Dean Vaughan Salmon


Heaviest Fish NE

Welcome to our August newsletter,

I am starting this newsletter with a bit of a whinge, or should that be a real whine, membership fees!only about 1/3 of them have been paid so far, it is now 4 months since they were due, guys to all you Gunna’s (I’m gunna pay them soon) we need them now, it takes a lot of effort chasing them up and the president and treasurer have better things to do with their time than trying to figure out who is staying in the club, if you are currentlynot financial you are welcome to fish in our comps but you are not eligible for points or prizes. Remember Single member $60, Family $100

Pensioner $40.

At our Sugarloaf comp we will be having a BBQ afterwards and I am advised that there is aplay area at the BBQ’s.

Guys, if your going to the Big River comp then we need a $20 deposit by the next meeting, remember $50 for one night, $70 for two nights.

The comp at Barwon Heads was nothing great fish wise but I am advised agreat time was had by everybody despite the cold conditions,refer to the Trash file for more info.



Well I did not go to the Barwon Heads comp myself but I have had a report on it, it appears that after most of our members arrived on the Friday afternoon they decided to visit the local pub, upon arrival at the pub they discovered that Happy Hour was just starting, “pots for a $1.00”, to good an offer to pass up, so our very resourceful members decided to save as much money as they could by drinking as many $1.00 pots as they possibly could in the allotted hour, result! Very few members managed to get out of bed before very late Saturday afternoon to go fishing, this may be the reason for only 2 fish being weighed in. The club will be including Barwon Heads on next years syllabus.

I hear that at Barwon Heads, Traity tried to climb into bed with Rob (that is after trying to open a bottle of red with a fork) we should all be glad Rob managed to steer him away, can you just imagine the rough head on any child from that union.

Rumour has it that Barra’s boat beat Wassa’s car down the Berwick hill, thank goodness we have safety chains!

Angler Of The Year

Max Adlam15 points

Dean Clavarino 10

Simon Ostrim10

Tony Matthews10

John Hill 5

Dean Vaughan5


Mitch McGill10 points

Max Moulday10