Government of West Bengal


HaringhataFarm, P.O. Mohanpur, Dist. Nadia



No. WBARD/ADHF/FEED/NIT-1/T-001/15-16 Date of issue: 22nd January, 2016

Online bids are invited by the Governor of the State of West Bengal through the undersigned from the bonafide suppliers, dealers, traders etc. for Rate Contract of undernoted commodities at Feed Mixing Unit, Haringhata Farm, P.O. Mohanpur, Dist. Nadia.

No. / NameofCommoditywithspecification / Approx. Qty. / Tentative Delivery Schedule / Earnest Money to be deposited
1. / RiceBran(De-Oiled)inpowderform:
(i)Moisture: 10% (Ten) Max.
(ii)Cr. Protein: 14% (Fourteen) Min.
(iii)Cr. Fiber: 14% (Fourteen) Max.
(iv)Sand Silica: 06% (Six) Max. / 150
(One Hundred Fifty)Metric Ton / 35-40 MT/month with effect from 1stMarch, 2016 at Haringhata Farm, P.O. Mohanpur, Dist: Nadia / Rs.33,300/- (Rupees Thirty Three Thousand Three hundred ) only
2. / Wheat Bran:
(i)Moisture: 12.5%(TwelvePointFive)Max
(ii)Cr. Protein: 12% (Twelve) Min.
(iii)Cr. Fiber: 12% (Twelve) Max.
(iv)SandSilica: 0.25 %( ZeroPointTwo Five)Max / 80
MetricTon / 20-25 MT/Month with effect from 1stMarch, 2016 at Haringhata Farm, P.O. Mohanpur, Dist: Nadia / Rs.25,400/- (Rupees Twenty Five Thousand Four Hundred) only
3. / Mug Chuni:
(i) Moisture: 10% (Ten) Max.
(ii) Cr. Protein: 15% (Fifteen) Min.
(iii) Cr. Fiber: 11% (Eleven)) Max.
(iv)SandSilica: 2.5%(Twopoint five)Max. / 12
Metric Ton / At a time on 1stMarch, 2016 at Haringhata Farm, P.O. Mohanpur, Dist: Nadia / Rs.5,300/- (Rupees Five Thousand Three Hundred) only
4. / Yellow Maize (in whole grain):
(i)Sound, matured, free from fungus, rancidity, insect infestation, bad odour, toxic materials.
(ii)Moisture: 10 %( Ten) Max.
(iii)Sand Silica: 02% (Two) Max. / 200
(Two Hundred)
Metric Ton / 30-40 MT/Monthwith effectfrom1stMarch, 2016 at Haringhata Farm, P.O. Mohanpur, Dist: Nadia / Rs.64,000/- (Rupees Sixty Four Thousand) only
5. / Mustard Oil Cake (Expeller):
(i)Moisture: 10% (Ten) Max.
(ii)Cr. Protein: 32% (Thirty Two) Min.
(iii)Cr. Fiber: 08% (Eight) Max.
(iv) Sandsilica: 2.5%(TwoPointFive)Max / 15
Metric Ton / 10-15 MT/Monthwith effectfrom 1stMarch, 2016 at Haringhata Farm, P.O. Mohanpur, Dist: Nadia / Rs.6,800/- (Rupees Six Thousand Eight Hundred) only
6. / Oyster Shell:
i)Calcium: 36% (Thirty Six) Min.
ii)Sand Silica: 5% (Five) Max.
iii)Moisture: 5% (Five) Max. / 4
Metric Ton / At a time on 1stMarch, 2016 at Haringhata Farm, P.O. Mohanpur, Dist: Nadia / Rs.700/- (Rupees Seven Hundred) only
7. / Kalai Chuni
i)Moisture: 10% (Ten) Max.
ii)Cr. Protein: 15% (Fifteen) Min.
iii)Cr. Fiber: 14% (Fourteen) Max.
iv)Sandsilica: 08%(Eight)Max / 20
Metric Ton / 10 MT/Monthwith effectfrom 1stMarch, 2016 at Haringhata Farm, P.O. Mohanpur, Dist: Nadia / Rs.5,300 /- (Rupees Five Thousand Three Hundred) only
8. / Ground Nut Cake (De-Oiled)
i)Moisture: 10% (Ten) Max.
ii)Cr. Protein: 44% (Forty Four) Min.
iii)Cr. Fiber: 11% (Eleven) Max.
iv)Sandsilica: 2.5%(TwoPointFive)Max / 60
Metric Ton / 20-25 MT/Monthwith effectfrom 1stMarch, 2016 at Haringhata Farm, P.O. Mohanpur, Dist: Nadia / Rs.61,300 /- (Rupees Sixty one Thousand Three Hundred) only
9. / Soya bean Cake (Ext)
i)Moisture: 10% (Ten) Max.
ii)Cr. Protein: 48% (Forty Eight) Min.
iii)Cr. Fiber: 07% (Seven) Max.
iv)Sandsilica: 2.5%(TwoPointFive)Max / 30
Metric Ton / 15-20 MT/Monthwith effectfrom 1stMarch, 2016 at Haringhata Farm, P.O. Mohanpur, Dist: Nadia / Rs.30,800 /- (Rupees Thirty Thousand Eight Hundred) only
10. / Fish Meal
i) Moisture: 12% (Twelve) Max.
ii) Cr. Protein: 50% (Fifty) Min.
iii) Fat:12% (Twelve) Max.
iv) Sandsilica: 05%(Five)Max / 18
Metric Ton / 6-9 MT/Monthwith effectfrom 1stMarch, 2016 at Haringhata Farm, P.O. Mohanpur, Dist: Nadia / Rs.14,400 /- (Rupees Fourteen Thousand Four Hundred) only
11. / Common Salt
Good quality. Fine Granules free from foreign materials / 5(Five)
Metric Ton / At a time on 1stMarch, 2016 at Haringhata Farm, P.O. Mohanpur, Dist: Nadia / Rs.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred) only

Detailedparticularsmay be obtainedfromthewebsite29thJanuary,2016alsobeviewedfromtheWebsite

Continued on Page-2


Each tender must be supported by:-

a)Each Tender, unless the Bidder is exempted under the existing orders of the Govt. of West Bengal or Govt. of India, will have to be submitted with scanned Earnest Money Deposit(separately for each commodity as mentioned above)eitherinoriginalDemand DraftorBankers’ChequeorPay-Orderdrawnon any Nationalized BankorT.R. ChallanNo.7underhead“8443-00-103-001-07”onReserveBankofIndia,Kolkata/DistrictTreasuryinfavorofAdditional Director, A.R.D, Haringhata FarmN.I.T. No, Date of Issue & Name of the item is to be clearly mentioned in R.B.I. /T.R. Challanor documents in support of EMD exemption (scan copy of that document should be uploaded for EMD exemption). TheBank Instrument should be deposited in original alongwith one Kg. Sample of the offered item kept in a poly jar of cylindrical(transparent)shape, length; 6”approx.,Base Dia.:3.5”(approx)colorofthe lid should be RED must be produced at the Office of the Asst. Director, A.R.D., Feed Mixing Unit, Haringhata Farmby22nd February, 2016 before 4 pm.

b)Scanned Original PAN Card.

c)Scanned Original Trade License/Company’s Registration Certificate as applicable.

d)Scanned Original VAT Registration Certificate, if not furnished with the tender, must be furnished at the time of receiving payment otherwise payment of bill will not be disbursed.

e)Application Formin Annexure-I [ItemsOfferedin BOQ should be indicated in the Application, DisclosureofrateanywhereotherthanBOQwillbeadisqualification& such tender will be rejected].

f)A copy of NIT duly signed & stamped will have to be scanned & uploaded as a token of acceptance.

g)All the uploaded documents should bear Page number & must be indicated in the CHECK LIST.

h)Intheeventof e-filling,intendingbiddermaydownloadthe tenderdocumentfromthe website remittedthroughDemandDraft/PayOrderissuedfromanynationalizedbankinfavourof the“Additional Director, A.R.D., Haringhata Farm”alsoto bedocumentedthroughe-filling.TheoriginalDemandDraft/PayOrderagainstEMDshouldbe submittedphysicallyat theOfficeof undersigned at Purchase Section, New Administrative Building, Haringhata Farmpositively within 4 pm on 22nd February, 2016.

i)BothTechnicalBid FinancialBid aretobe submittedconcurrentlyduly digitallysignedinthe website

j)Thefinancialofferoftheintending bidderwill beconsideredonlyifthe Technical Bidofthe bidderisfoundqualified by the ‘TenderEvaluationCommittee’Thedecisionofthe ‘TenderEvaluationCommittee’ will befinalabsoluteinthisrespect.Thelist ofQualifiedBidderswill bedisplayedinthe website.


The offered rate should be valid for SIX Monthsbut the period may be extended or curtailed at the discretionof the undersigned/Tender Committee & requirement. The quantity as stated above is tentative & may vary. The successful bidder may require supplying additional quantity at the consuming units at the approved rate within the contracted period.

Onlinesubmissionoftenderwillstartfrom2pmon29thJanuary, 2016. The last date of submission of tender is upto5pmon19th February, 2016. Thetechnicalbidwillbeopenedon22nd February, 2016at11am.The date of opening of financial bid will be notified later on.


(Dr. S. Saha)

Addl. Director, A.R.D., Haringhata Farm