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Opinion on the Europe 2020 Flagship Initiative "European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion"
BOX 1 – European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion: basic informationAim: "to ensure economic, social and territorial cohesion in order to raise awareness and recognise the fundamental rights of people experiencing poverty and social exclusion, enabling them to live in dignity and take an active part in society" .
1. What are the main challenges currently facing your region/city in terms of (i) preventing child poverty (ii) providing decent housing conditions and (iii) combating the social exclusion of vulnerable groups?
I. Analysis of the situation
In the updated Development Strategy of the Mazovia Region the following problems were diagnosed:
Regional weaknesses:
a) a growing percentage of the population which is older than working age;
b) a low percentage of children in preschool education in rural areas;
c) an insufficient number of facilities offering childcare for children aged less than three years old;
d) a mismatch between education and labour market needs, especially in the field of vocational education;
e) low levels of skills and qualifications;
f) limited vocational mobility among people from rural areas;
g) high unemployment rates in rural areas;
h) a low rate of labour market participation for women;
i) limited access to social services for those in need of care, including the elderly, the disabled and their families;
j) a high percentage of persons on long-term benefits, including unemployed persons;
k) a high percentage of persons on benefits;
l) increasing social exclusion;
m) a mismatch between social infrastructure and the needs of an ageing society, disabled persons and their families.
and threats:
a) the growing income gap between rural and urban areas;
b) growing difficulties in finding work faced by persons in the 25-54 age group;
c) increasing social exclusion;
d) a public finance crisis;
e) a decreasing number of jobs;
f) local and regional authority finances lack the stability needed to carry out investments.
II. challenges faced by the Region on the basis of the socio-economic diagnosis accompanying the Development Strategy of the Mazovia Region
a) developing social services in the region;
b) improving access to social services, particularly in the field of long-term and palliative care;
c) improving access to public services, particularly healthcare services provided by hospitals and social services;
d) given the major differences within the region, improving access to employment, especially in rural areas;
e) reducing the number of persons living in poverty and threatened by social exclusion;
f) increasing labour market participation and entrepreneurship in the region;
g) adjusting education to labour market needs.
III. Challenges arising from studies, analyses and experiences in implementing the Regional Social Policy Strategy in the Mazovia Region
1. Preventing child and youth poverty
a) developing preventive action, developing family counselling;
b) developing sport, educational and cultural initiatives targeted at children and young people, particularly in rural areas;
c) standardising and developing day care centres for children and young people;
d) supporting disabled children and young people, including those with mental disorders.
2. Providing decent housing conditions
a) increasing the supply of sheltered housing;
b) supporting the provision of appropriate housing conditions in rural areas (e.g. through water supply systems, sewage, heating);
c) promoting the construction of social housing to European standards;
d) implementing preventive action in relation to persons losing social housing (particularly in urban areas), in order to prevent homelessness (loss of housing due to property being transferred to its owners or rent arrears).
3. Combating social exclusion of the most vulnerable groups
a) developing social services and ensuring equal access to them;
b) moving from institutional care to environmental care - deinstitutionalisation;
c) developing full-time and day support for the elderly and disabled;
d) developing social economic operators especially in the fields of services to the elderly and disabled;
e) improving access to employment particularly in rural areas;
f) preventing new types of exclusion (e.g. digital exclusion, addiction to the internet, etc).
2. Please briefly describe what type of policy programmes/actions are being implemented in your city/region in the policy areas covered by the European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion, highlighting their specific contribution to the above targets (see Box 1).
I. Type of programmes
1. Systemic projects under the Human Capital Operational Programme
The following projects have been implemented in the Mazovia region under the Human Capital Operational Programme to combat poverty and social exclusion:
1.1 In the field of welfare and social integration
a) "Together for Mazovia -education in action ", Action 7.1.3 under the HCOP
b) "Calculating the cost of giving up - introducing innovative social policy solutions in Mazovia, by calculating the cost of failure to take activational support action", Action 7.3 under the HCOP.
c) "Coordination to achieve active integration", project under Action 1.2 .1 HCOP.
d) "Internet for Mazovia" project under the action to combat digital exclusion, Mazovia Region Operational Programme.
e) "Bringing women back to the labour market", project under Action 7.2.1, HCOP.
1.2 In the field of education
a) "Children's Academy of the Future - giving pupils equal educational opportunities through extra classes to develop key competencies in primary schools", systemic project HCOP 9.1.2.
b) "Giving pupils equal educational opportunities through extra classes to develop key competencies in primary schools - let's aim for success", systemic project HCOP 9.1.2.
c) Open nursery schools -systemic project HCOP 9.1.1
d) "Condition - Potential - Needs II" systemic project, Action 9.2 HCOP
e) "Children's Academy of the Future - giving pupils equal educational opportunities through extra classes to develop key competencies in primary schools", systemic project HCOP 9.1.2.
1.3 In the field of the labour market
a) "Self-employment as an effective solution for unemployment", systemic project, HCOP, sub-action 8.1.2.
b) "Academy of the Future V", systemic project, HCOP, Action 6.2
c) "Academy of the Future VI", systemic project, HCOP, Action 6.2
d) "Time for Business III", systemic project, HCOP, Action 6.2
e) "Time for Business IV", systemic project, HCOP, Action 6.2
f) "Plock Small Business School V", systemic project, HCOP, Action 6.2
g) "Plock Small Business School VI", systemic project, HCOP, Action 6.2
h) "Radom Business II", systemic project, HCOP, Action 6.2
i) "Your own business - your opportunity", systemic project, HCOP, Action 6.2
j) "Start up a business with the Regional Employment Office", systemic project, HCOP, Action 6.2
2. Regional programmes
a) Regional equal opportunities programme for the disabled to prevent their social exclusion and assist implementation of measures to promote the employment of the disabled in the Mazovia Region during the 2009-2013 period.
b) Regional Employment Action Plan, 2013
c) Social Economy Development Plan for Mazovia, 2013-2020 - document currently being approved.
d) Mazovia Mental Health Protection Programme, 2011-2015
e) Implementation of the Regional Plan to combat Domestic Violence, 2011-2015
f) Implementation of the Regional Plan to prevent and solve alcohol-related problems, 2011-2015
3. Achieving objectives through strategic action
1. Implementing the Mazovia Regional Development Strategy up to 2020 (document currently updated up to 2030)
2. Implementing the Regional Social Policy Strategy for 2005-2013 - appendix to the Mazovia Regional Development Strategy up to 2020 (document updated for the 2014-2020 period)
3. Are any of the policy programmes/actions described in the above question carried out in partnership with different tiers of government and/or with other stakeholders (regional or local NGOs, representatives of the social partners, the business sector or service providers). If yes, please state:
(a) which administrative levels were involved and
(b) which practical arrangements they took to manage those actions jointly.
(c) who the main partners were and
(d) how you worked with them (work organisation and time).
I. Systemic projects under the Human Capital Operational Programme
The following projects were implemented in partnership:
1. "Calculating the cost of giving up - introducing innovative social policy solutions in Mazovia, by calculating the cost of failure to take activational support action", Action 7.3 under the HCOP.
a) Project with regional scope
b) project management
In line with the EU efficient management policy guidelines. Applying transparent reporting procedures and financial transparency.
c) Partnership
Leader: Mazovia Social Policy Centre
Partners: Warsaw Central Business School, Radom Entrepreneurship Centre
d) Organisation of work
In line with the action plan and schedule
II. Regional programmes
a) regional scope
b) project management
By sharing tasks among implementing partners, meetings and consultations. In some cases councils to coordinate programme implementation were convened (e.g. Mazovia Mental Health Protection Programme).
c) Partnership
All regional programmes are implemented with the involvement of regional public sector and social stakeholders. Tasks are shared on the basis of competences.
d) Organisation of work
A timeframe is defined individually for each programme in line with long-term objectives
III. Partnership with the Świętokrzyskie Innovation and Technology Transfer Centre on implementation of the "Being active - becoming an entrepreneur", sub-action 2.2.1 HCOP. Improving the quality of services provided by institutions to support the development of entrepreneurship and innovation.
a) interregional scope
b) partnership
Project implemented by the Świętokrzyskie Innovation and Technology Transfer Centre in cooperation with the Świętokrzyskie Regional Government, the Mazovia Regional Government, the "Perły Czarnej Nidy" and "Together for Radomka" Associations.
c) Organisation of work
The following measures have been taken as part of this project: training persons providing services to develop innovative entrepreneurial mindsets through workshop sessions, setting up innovative entrepreneurship clubs, developing workshop methodology and materials, training innovative entrepreneurship club leaders, organising regional entrepreneurship competitions.
4. Ensuring effective access to and participation in cultural activities for all is an essential part of promoting an inclusive society. In what way can participation in cultural and creative activities be instrumental for helping people and communities overcome poverty and social exclusion? Please refer to specific examples and existing initiatives.
a) "Digitalisation of Polish cultural heritage sites" project, enabling equal access to historical sites.
b) Cooperation with NGOs and implementation of government action financed by the National Disabled Persons Funds, including through the following initiatives in 2012:
· The Radom branch of the Polish Multiple Sclerosis Association organised a "September Symphony of Hearts" charity concert for 60 disabled multiple sclerosis sufferers.
· The Legionowo "Sztuka Wiązania" Association organised a brass band concert to celebrate Openness to Disabled Persons Day, involving 150 people.
· The "Active for Łajska" Association organised an "Encounter with poetry" evening in which 24 disabled persons participated.
· The "Światło" and "Przystań" foundations organised workshops and art classes for 52 elderly disabled persons.
The aim of the above initiatives was to support the integration of disabled persons and help them access creative and cultural activities.
BOX 2 - European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion: main objectives and actions
5. Which of the objectives and lines of action of the European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion (listed in Box 2) are most relevant for the current situation in your region/city? To what extent have they encouraged you to set more ambitious policy goals at regional/local level? Please explain your answer.
The most important objectives and lines of action of the European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion for the Mazovia region:
· to support the eradication of child poverty.
· to promote active inclusion in society and on the labour market of the most vulnerable groups - unemployment is the principal cause of poverty among the working-age population;
· to overcome discrimination and increase the social integration of people with disabilities, ethnic minorities, immigrants and other vulnerable groups.
Lines of action
· improved access to work, , essential services and education;
· better use of EU funds to support social inclusion and combat discrimination;
· implementing social innovation in order to achieve more effective and efficient social support;
· new partnerships such as those between the public and the private sector;
· developing social services;
· provision of food to the most deprived people, as well as clothing and other essential goods to homeless people and materially-deprived children - e.g. welfare in the form of food aid;
The above-mentioned objectives and lines of action have significantly influenced the following objective for development of the Mazovia region, defined in the Mazovia Regional Development Strategy up to 2030:
Improving the quality of life and using human and social capital to create a modern economy - this objective will be achieved by implementing the following measures and areas:
- Developing human and social capital
(vocational education of young people, lifelong learning and upgrading vocational qualifications, adapting education and training systems to labour market needs);
- Activating labour market reserves and improving the demographic situation (labour market activation of persons in special employment situations, including persons bringing up children, the disabled, graduates, persons aged 50+; more widespread access to childcare and nursery schools, support for large families);
- Making greater use of human resources through greater professional and geographical mobility
(helping persons leaving the farming sector to find new employment, supporting entrepreneurship and self-employment);
- Combating social exclusion, promoting social inclusion
(acting to combat unemployment and mitigating its effects; combating social marginalisation of the disabled, the elderly and persons in difficult situations);
- Equal educational opportunities
(improved access to educational services in rural areas, putting in place the material and organisational conditions to ensure equal educational opportunities for young people from rural areas);
- Raising social infrastructure standards and acting to ensure healthcare and public safety
(creating and developing social infrastructure, including regional infrastructure; putting in place conditions to promote physical activity among members of the public; preventing health problems and providing health protection; improving public safety).
BOX 3 – Social Investment Package :
Social investment package - the challenges (counter-measures):