The below schedules assume chemistry in high school and a strong math background with appropriate math placement scores.
The prepharmacy curriculum has some flexibility. When planning your prepharmacy program, join the prepharmacy listserv (email ) to receive updates about prepharmacy workshops and other recommended activities to help make your application more competitive. Admission into the PharmD program is competitive.
Option 1: 3-year plan
§ CHE 105 requires Math ACT of 23/Math SAT of 540 or above or math placement test and is pre-requisite for BIO 152.
§ MA 109 requires Math ACT of 21/Math SAT of 510 or above or math placement test.
1st Semester / 2nd Semester / 3rd Semester / 4th Semester / 5th Semester / 6th SemesterCourse/Credit Hrs / Course/Credit Hrs / Course/Credit Hrs / Course/Credit Hrs / Course/Credit Hrs / Course/Credit Hrs
MA 109 / 3 / MA 123 / 4 / CHE 230 / 3 / CHE 232 / 3 / PHY 211 / 5 / PHY 213 / 5
CHE 105 / 4 / CHE 107 / 3 / CHE 231 / 1 / CHE 233 / 1 / BIO 208 / 3 / ECO 201 / 3
CHE 111 / 1 / CHE 113 / 2 / BIO 152 / 3 / ANA 209 / 3 / BIO 209 / 2 / MAJOR* / 3
WRD/CIS 110 / 3 / WRD/CIS 111 / 3 / BIO 155† / 1 / MAJOR* / 3 / MAJOR* / 3 / MAJOR* / 3
UK 101 / 1 / MAJOR* / 3 / STA 291 / 3 / MAJOR* / 3 / MAJOR* / 3
MAJOR* / 3 / MAJOR* / 3
Total Hrs: / 15 / Total Hrs: / 15 / Total Hrs: / 14 / Total Hrs: / 13 / Total Hrs: / 16 / Total Hrs: / 14
Total credit hours: 87 ê ê Take PCAT: June IF admitted, begin
Apply: June/July PharmD in Fall
Option 2: 3-year plan
§ Math ACT of 27 /Math SAT of 620 or above required for MA 113
§ CHE 105 requires Math ACT of 23/Math SAT of 540 or above or math placement test
1st Semester / 2nd Semester / 3rd Semester / 4th Semester / 5th Semester / 6th SemesterCourse/Credit Hrs / Course/Credit Hrs / Course/Credit Hrs / Course/Credit Hrs / Course/Credit Hrs / Course/Credit Hrs
MA 113 / 4 / STA 291 / 3 / CHE 230 / 3 / CHE 232 / 3 / PHY 211 / 5 / PHY 213 / 5
CHE 105 / 4 / CHE 107 / 3 / CHE 231 / 1 / CHE 233 / 1 / BIO 208 / 3 / ECO 201 / 3
CHE 111 / 1 / CHE 113 / 2 / BIO 152 / 3 / ANA 209 / 3 / BIO 209 / 2 / MAJOR* / 3
WRD/CIS 110 / 3 / WRD/CIS 111 / 3 / BIO 155† / 1 / MAJOR* / 3 / MAJOR* / 3 / MAJOR* / 3
UK 101 / 1 / MAJOR* / 3 / MAJOR* / 3 / MAJOR* / 3 / MAJOR* / 3
MAJOR* / 3 / MAJOR* / 3
Total Hrs: / 16 / Total Hrs: / 14 / Total Hrs: / 14 / Total Hrs: / 13 / Total Hrs: / 16 / Total Hrs: / 14
Total credit hours: 87 ê ê
Take PCAT: June IF admitted, begin
Apply: June/July PharmD in Fall
Option 3: 2-year plan
§ Math ACT of 27/MATH SAT 620 or above for MA 113 AND CHE 105 concurrent w/BIO 152
1st Semester / 2nd Semester / 3rd Semester / 4th SemesterCourse/Credit Hrs / Course/Credit Hrs / Course/Credit Hrs / Course/Credit Hrs
MA 113 / 4 / WRD/CIS110 / 3 / CHE 230 / 3 / CHE 232 / 3
CHE 105 / 4 / CHE 107 / 3 / CHE 231 / 1 / CHE 233 / 1
CHE 111 / 1 / CHE 113 / 2 / ANA 209 / 3 / PHY 213 / 5
BIO 152 / 3 / BIO 208 / 3 / PHY 211 / 5 / ECO 201 / 3
BIO 155† / 1 / BIO 209 / 2 / WRD/CIS111 / 3 / STA 291 / 3
MAJOR* / 3 / MAJOR* / 3 / MAJOR* / 3 / MAJOR* / 3
MAJOR* / 3
Total Hrs: / 16 / Total Hrs: / 19 / Total Hrs: / 18 / Total Hrs: / 18
Total credit hours: 71 ê ê
Take PCAT: June IF admitted
Apply: June/July begin PharmD in Fall
Major courses are not required to be taken during prepharmacy, but their completion is recommended for UK students as a strong back-up plan. Major (or UKCore) courses can be used as elective credits for prepharmacy purposes. Suggested elective courses (in order of preference) include: Biochemistry (BCH 401G); Genetics (BIO 304); Physiology (PGY 206); Cell Biology (BIO 315); Medical Terminology (CLA 131); Health Care Ethics; undergraduate courses in Colleges of Health Sciences and Public Health, Dual Degree prerequisites, major courses, and UK Core courses. Questions? UK COP Prepharmacy Advisor,
Notes: Composition and Communication I and II (WRD/CIS 110/111) are UK’s required writing and communication courses. Students who are not eligible for CHE 105/111 the first semester will extend their 3 year plan, unless a summer CHE course is completed.
*Elective or Major Course.
†BIO 155 or 153 will satisfy the Animal Biology Lab. At UK, BIO 153 is only offered during summer sessions. BIO 153 covers the preferred content, though either course is acceptable Revised 03/13/13