Meeting commenced 19:30hrs

PRESENT: Cllrs Bishop, Bryant, Harris, Kilby, Matthews (Chair), Rogers, Streatfield, Thompson, Weaver, White, D.Cllr Carpendale, D.Cllr Swan, C.Cllr Jones, Julie Lawes (Clerk) and 4 members of the public.

135.09.17 Apologies for absence (Chair)

Cllr’s Fenn and Powell – valid reasons given.

136.09.17 Declarations of Interest and to consider and Dispensation Requests


137.09.17 To approve the minutes of the meeting held 10th July 2017 (Chair)

PROPOSAL: That the minutes be signed as a true record of the meeting held.

Proposed: Cllr Bryant Seconded: Cllr Bishop PASSED

138.09.17 Clerks Report

From the July Parish Council meeting under Questions to Chairman:

Item 1. Advertising signs on the Jet Garage wall have been reported to Babergh Enforcement Team who are investigating if this is a breach.

Item 3. Area of fencing reported for repair on the A12 near the entrance for Capel Grove is now taking place.

Item 6. Overgrown vegetation by the underpass has been reported.

Item 7. The Bypass Nurseries Car Wash advised they will be given 6 months notice to move locations, they have not yet been contacted. The Harvest Moon is to become an Indian Restaurant.

In addition to the minutes we have now employed a litter picker. We were required to advertise this position and had two applicants with the job given to Louie Kocher.

The Floral Display is to be removed Tuesday 12th September.

139.09.17 Correspondence: received and noted (Chair)


Cllr Streatfield arrived

140.09.17 Half Hour Open Forum (Residents)

1) C.Cllr Jones reported – details attached.

2) D.Cllr Carpendale reported – details attached.

In addition Cllr Carpendale added the Chief Executive is currently collating a Business Case on the move to Endeavour House.

There has been some concern of placement of staff and space. Cllr Matthews advised at a meeting with Arthur Charvonia it was stated there would be a hub point within 7 miles of every location. We were advised our nearest areas would be Wenham and Bramford. D.Cllr Carpendale advised these would be touch down posts for staff and would not be open to the public. Cllr Bryant advised this is not what was agreed.

Cllr Matthews questioned where Planning Committee meetings would be held. D.Cllr Carpendale advised Endeavour House.

3) At a recent Police and Parish meeting Sgt Miah advised of some potential ASB in Capel and queried the progression of the skate park requested by some youths of the village. Sandra Bumphrey advised an article has been placed in this months Capel Capers although it is expected further consultation will be required to secure funding.

4) Cllr Thompson questioned if there had been further information on the possible merger of Mid-Suffolk and Babergh District Council and suggested there may be a legal challenge if overturning a referendum decision without carrying out a further referendum. D.Cllr Carpendale advised no further information had been received.

5) Cllr Thompson advised that if we are expected to take a third of all development why are councillors not getting together and requesting a new government funded town or village with infrastructure. D.Cllr Carpendale agreed many people support this choice and it is an option within the Local Plan.

6) D.Cllr Swan reported – details attached.

7) Resident reported Footpath 13 leading from Thorney Road has been ploughed but not reinstated. CLERK

8) Resident advised on two subsequent occasions they were unable to get a Doctors appointment at the Capel Surgery being advised there were no Doctors on and only students at East Bergholt. On a further occasion there was no Nurse Practitioner. Dr Ayache is off sick until October and then retires. Clerk to pass on concerns.CLERK

9) Cllr White queried with the CCT Chairman present in the public forum if a location had been decided for the skate park. Mr Browning advised they have a preferred location to the rear of the field near the Bowls Club but until funding was obtained this would not be confirmed.

10) Resident reported a large vehicle causing damage to a tree on The Street by the entrance to the Co-op car park. Cllr Streatfield added a large dark blue truck caused the damage speeding down The Street and he was unable to get the number plate. A large branch was broken off causing a near accident to the vehicle behind. The Chair advised the Clerk has contacted the Co-op who is to carry out an assessment on if any tree works are required.

11) Resident commented on the Planning Application to come before council for the Harvest Moon questioning if restrictions are requested on the bottle bank due to the noise impact on residents would a takeaway / restaurant facility also cause disruption.

C.Cllr Jones, D.Cllr Carpendale and D.Cllr Swan left the meeting

141.09.17 Planning Applications (Cllr Rogers)

DC/17/ / Address / Detail / Recommendation
04490 / Harvest Moon Café, London Road / Change of use from A3 Restaurant to A3 Restaurant and A5 Takeaway / REFUSAL
Proposed: Cllr Bryant Seconded: Cllr Rogers PASSED

Refused due to the location of the site being near a dangerous junction on the A12 and an increase in traffic and parking.

142.09.17 Planning Correspondence (Chair)

A Planning Committee meeting was held Thursday 3rd August at which the following recommendations were made to Babergh District Council:

4 Playfield Road - Erection of front porch and single storey side extension. Conversion of garage to additional living accommodation - APPROVAL; Russets, Cedars Lane -

Erection of a detached garage, conversion of store room to play room, conversion of conservatory to sun room. Erection of 1000mm high front wall – APPROVAL;

Oak Apples, Pound Lane - Removal of existing dormer roof. Addition of a full first floor together with a two storey rear extension, single storey side extension, first floor front extension, garage conversion, new porch, together with new doors, windows and roof lights - APPROVAL (With requested restriction on working hours); Molanda, Days Road - Erection of boundary wall – REFUSAL; The Coach House, London Road - Removal of Horse Chestnut under BT309 (T4) - Support BDC Decision; Barn on Land at Springhill, Pound Lane - Change of use of barn to form 1no. single storey dwelling – APPROVAL.

Babergh District Council has: APPROVED: Greenvale, Days Road; REFUSED: Hopkins Homes – Days Road; REFUSED: Persimmon Homes – Land off Little Tufts; and approved a change of external facing material to match the same as the existing building at 7 Mowlands.

An Extraordinary meeting was held to make a recommendation on application: B/17/00122 Hopkins Homes Land off Days Road for 97 dwellings.

This was again refused – further details under the agenda item for Development and Communication.

Following these meetings Babergh District Council has: APPROVED: Oak Apples, Pound Lane; Russets, Cedars Lane; The Coach House, London Road; Molanda, Days Road; 4 Playfield Road; Greenvale, Days Road; 7 Mowlands - a change of external facing material to match the same as the existing building. REFUSED: Hopkins Homes – Days Road; Persimmon Homes – Land off Little Tufts and determined Planning Permission is NOT required for Barn on Land at Springhill, Pound Lane.

Cllr White reported a bungalow on The Street recently having fencing installed to the front of the property. Cllr Matthews advised this was permitted up to 1mtr in height.

143.09.17 Development and Communication (Chair)

An appeal has been lodged for the Hopkins Homes application at Days Road for 100 dwellings. No start date has been given and this can be a 19 week process. The duplicate application for 97 dwellings is expected to go to the Babergh Planning Committee on 27th September 2017. Persimmon Homes has not yet decided if they are to appeal the refusal for 150 dwellings on land off Little Tufts.

Scott Properties has met with the Doctors Surgery and the Capel Community Trust.

They advised the prime concerns identified from the consultation were the Doctors, Highways, offices and leisure facilities. Pete Keeble, Practice Manager for the Constable Country Medical Practice advised he suspects the NHS will turn down the proposal for a new provision as the East Bergholt site has capacity for a further 3000 patients. Cllr Harris stated applications have been granted for further development in East Bergholt. Cllr Matthews advised three applications for 75, 10 and 144 are approved for Bergholt with a further 350 in Brantham. Scott Properties has also been in communication with Highways.

144.09.17 Orwell Housing, Sheltered Housing Complex Dove Close (Chair)

The Council has recently been made aware that over the last 18months residents have been refused placement in Dove Close due to not meeting the criteria within the Help to Buy Scheme. When Dove Close was first opened in Capel St Mary it was for people over 55 who were residents of Capel or the surrounding villages. As it is a Very Sheltered Housing development the applicants would have some care requirements, or be elderly and infirm. There was not any financial restriction, or any question of applicants having to buy a home on the open market.This has raised questions over when did applicants start to have to apply for the Help to Buy Scheme, which organisation made this a condition, why do applicants have to look to buy on the open market when they need the facilities of Dove Close and how are the Bedfordshire Pilgrims H.A. involved? These questions have been raised with Dawn Edwards at Orwell Housing and we wait their response.

145.09.17 Babergh and Mid-Suffolk Joint Local Plan – Town and Parish Council briefings (Chair)

As part of the Joint Local Plan Consultation two representatives are invited to attend a briefing on 21st September 6.30pm at Holbrook Academy.

Cllr Matthews and the Clerk are to attend. Further public events will be held at various locations.

146.09.17 Capel St Mary Emergency Plan (Chair)

PROPOSAL: That the Capel St Mary Parish Council Emergency Plan be adopted.

Proposed: Cllr Matthews Seconded: Cllr Hole PASSED

147.09.17 Reports: War Memorial (Cllr Thompson)

The War Memorial Committee is refurbishing ‘Bens Garden’ at the Capel St Mary Primary School and is looking to include names of those who attended the school and died in the war. It is expected to cost £2k and will be funded by donations to the Trust. Cllr White queried if donations can be used for this purpose. Cllr Thompson advised this was acceptable within the terms of the committee.

A Garage Sale was held with those taking part making a donation towards the War Memorial Trust with an expected income of around £150. A general knowledge quiz night is to be held 11th November 2017. The second edition of the Capel Times is due out in October.

148.09.17 Capel Community Trust (Cllr Harris)

The Capel Community Trust advised that quotations are being received for replacement paving round the village hall with an aim for completion by the end of the year. A quote is being obtained for a leak in the pavilion roof. Costs are to come from the funds held by the Parish Council.

Cllr Harris stated his annoyance with the criticism which he had received for attending a meeting held between the CCT and Scott Properties stating that he had attended the meeting as a Trustee and no decisions were made. Due to emergency access being identified as required over the playing field the Trust were keen to see what leverage might be available. He advised that the CCT is not bound by the same rules as the Parish Council and was within its rights to attend this meeting. Responding to criticism of the notes taken following the meeting Cllr Harris advised that the CCT did not state this development was inevitable, but that development in general was inevitable. It is for the Parish Council to do the best for the village and the Trust to get funds and resources for the best provision of facilities.

Cllr Thompson challenged the statement that development being inevitable was a general comment, as this meeting was specifically with Scott Properties. The CCT offering to be the ‘village mouthpiece on development’ was also unacceptable.

Cllr Bryant advised that councillors were not present at the meeting so had only the meeting notes to go on. A number of councillors were concerned about the content of these notes and some of the statements made. Scott Properties will be looking for opportunities to say they consulted with the local community, that the CCT contributed and that a negotiation took place to redesign the development to meet local needs. Cllr Harris stated that unless we say what we want or do not want then nothing will be achieved. Cllr Bryant advised we would not need to say what we wanted as the proposal for 450 dwellings is too many. Entering negotiations undermines this case.

Cllr Matthews advised there was no objection to the CCT meeting with Scott Properties as this is their decision, however she did object to them referring to themselves potentially being the mouthpiece on development. The Babergh Local Plan consultation document identifies four possible scenarios with the more favourable being an independent settlement. It was disappointing to be made aware that despite the decision being made by the Parish Council not to meet with developers the CCT Parish Council Representative had attended.