Workforce Investment Act (WIA) BRIDGE PROGRAM

Application and instructions

  1. Proposal Deadline and Pre-Submittal Conference

A. Submission Information

The due date for submission of proposals isApril 29, 2011 by 4:00pm.

Proposals will be accepted prior to the due date, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday – Friday at the same location. All proposals must be complete. Incomplete proposals may not be reviewed. In-person or bonded messenger delivery of proposals is encouraged. Time stamped receipts will be issued as proof of timely submittal.

One (1) original andthree (3) copies must be delivered in a sealed envelope or box to:

Amy Santacaterina

Deputy Commissioner

Department of Family and Support Services

1615 West Chicago Avenue, 3rd Floor

Chicago, IL 60622

The outside of the envelope or package should be labeled, “RFP for WIA Bridge Program”.

No proposal will be considered complete and therefore reviewed unless the original copy is delivered and received at DFSS offices.

Proposals received after the due date and time may be deemed NON-RESPONSIVE and, therefore, subject to rejection.

Please e-mail a complete file copy of the proposal to:

Proposals should be prepared on standard 8.5" x 11" letter size paper and double-spaced. Expensive paper and bindings are discouraged. The City encourages the use of materials containing recycled content.

B. Questions

Respondents are strongly encouraged to submit all questions and comments related to the RFP via e-mail. For answers to all program-related please contact:

Denise Bryant:

For all technical questions relating to the execution of the proposal, please contact:

Julia Talbot:

C. Pre-Submittal Conference

DFSS and the cooperating City Departments will host a Pre-Submittal Conference on:

April 12, 2011

10:00am to 12:00 pm

1615 West Chicago, Ave. Chicago, IL60622

1st Floor Conference Room

DFSS strongly encourages prospective Respondents to attend the Pre-Submittal Conference.

All those interested in attending should contact Maria Bermejo at nd write “RFP for WIA Bridge Programs” in the subject line. Please give the names of those wishing to attend, and the agency name.

To request reasonable accommodation for the pre-proposal conference, please contact, Gladys Hall . Requests for accommodations will be accepted up to 48 hours prior to the event.

D. Timeline

This is the anticipated timeline for the funded programming:

RFP Released / March 31, 2011
RFP Pre-Submittal Conference / April 12, 2011
RFP Due / April 29, 2011
Award Notifications Made / May 27, 2011
Start Program / July 1, 2011

2. Application Requirements


Submitted proposals must adhere to all of the following requirements:

  • One original and threecopies will be submitted for each proposal
  • One complete set of the proposal containing original signatures in blue ink signed by an authorized representative of the organization will be marked “Original”. Additionally, one complete scanned copy of the proposal will be emailed to the following address by April 29, 2011:
  • Recycled paper
  • 8 1/2 x 11 letter size
  • Double-sided printing
  • One inch margins
  • At least 1.5 -spaced
  • At least 11-point font

The original should be marked “Original” and contain original signatures of an authorized representative of the organization, preferably the Executive Director. Proposals should be prepared on standard 8.5” x 11” letter size paper using 12 point font. Special paper and bindings are discouraged. The City encourages the use of materials containing recycled content.

Charts and diagrams should be included in the proposal section to which they pertain.

If a Respondent intends to use a subcontractor for any portion of the project, specific information requested for the Respondent must also be provided for any subcontractor.

The Respondent should include only the facts and data necessary to present a complete and effective proposal.

Presentations, brochures or additional data beyond this are unnecessary and discouraged.

Failure to submit a complete proposal and/or to respond fully to all requirements may cause the proposal to be deemed unresponsive and, therefore, subject to rejection.

Receipt of a final proposal does not commit the department to award a grant to pay any costs incurred in the preparation of an application.

The complete application packet should consist of the following items, in this order:

1. Agency Application Information Form (page 6)

2. Program Narrative (five sections, 15 page limit plus resumes, page 7)

3. Fiscal Questionnaire (page 10)

4. Budget Instructions (page 11)

5. Attachments

3. Evaluation and Selection Procedures

  1. Evaluation Process

Proposal Review

A panel of employment and training professionals selected by DFSS will review all proposals. Panel members may include staff from DFSS, and the Chicago Workforce Investment Council and the Chicago Workforce Investment Board. The panel will perform an in-depth review of the proposals based on the evaluation criteria. DFSS reserves the right to request interviews with potential grant recipients and conduct site reviews to confirm physical and programmatic accessibility. DFSS also reserves the right to award grant agreements on the basis of proposals received, without further discussions. Failure to submit a complete proposal and/or to respond fully to all requirements may cause the proposal to be deemed unresponsive and, therefore, subject to rejection.

Fiscal Review

DFSS will conduct a fiscal review on qualified proposals. Selected DFSS staff will review proposal budgets, cost allocation plans, agency audits, leveraged funds and responses to questions related to fiscal operations. DFSS reserves the right to review and request further information on the Respondent’s financial situation, if not sufficiently outlined in the submitted audit(s).DFSS reserves the right to assess the risk posed by any recent, current or potential litigation, court action, investigation, audit, bankruptcy, receivership, financial insolvency, merger, acquisition, or other event that might affect an organization’s ability to operate the requested program

Past Performance Review

Through this process, DFSS will review a Respondent’s performance on any previous and/or existing DFSS grant agreement(s). Achievement of grant agreement goals such as WIA, CSBG or CDBG benchmarks, number of enrollments, placements and job retention of enrollees along with compliance with programmatic and fiscal guidelines and timelines will be evaluated.

Final Selection

After analyzing all of the above data, DFSS will select respondents for recommendation to the Chicago Workforce Investment Board for approval. Once approved by the WIB, the City may award grant agreements to successful respondents. Selections will not be final until the City and respondent have fully negotiated and executed a contract.

The City reserves the right to terminate this RFP solicitation at any stage if DFSS determines this action to be in the City's best interests. The receipt of Proposals or other documents will in no way obligate the City to enter into any agreement of any kind with any party.

The City assumes no liability for costs incurred in responding to this RFP or for costs incurred by the Respondent in anticipation of a Grant. All service delivery is subject to DFSS review and approval prior to implementation or public dissemination.

B. Selection Criteria

Organizational Capacity

Organizational capacity is the extent to which the Respondent has the resources and expertise to manage a federally funded workforce development program of comparable size and scope. This includes the Respondent’s fiscal, technological, management, administrative and staff capabilities. DFSS’ risk assessment of the Respondent and the Respondent’s skill in delivering a bridge program for the targeted industry as well as the ability to coordinate services among service providers, educational entities and businesses will also be considered.

Program Design

Program design is the extent to which the Respondent’s proposed plan meets the expectations outlined in the RFP. This includes the extent to which the Respondent’s proposed plan addresses all activities, identifies specific action steps supporting the activities and presents a comprehensive curriculum that prepares individual for jobs within the selected industry and presents a career path for individuals to progress. The extent the proposal demonstrates a link between the training program and existing or future jobs and specifies reasonable time frames with the specified grant period for completion is also included.

Demonstrated Capacity, Outcomes and Staffing

Demonstrated capacity is the extent to which the Respondent demonstrates a history of successfully implementing workforce training programs for low skilled populations and likeliness of achieving quality outcomes. This includes evidence of established employer relationships, demonstrated experience providing skills training and literacy services for low-skilled individuals, past and outcomes of the training program demonstrated experience placing job seekers into industry related employment or advanced training and previous experience and performance on grant agreements of similar size and scope.Expertise of current staff, staffing plan and capacity to successfully prepare the job seeker population for employment and/or advanced training within the targeted industry is also included in this section.

Financial Structure and Plan

Financial structure is the extent to which the proposed budget will realistically finance the services and goals of the program. This includes the likelihood that the proposed service strategy will result in achieving the proposed goals; the accuracy of the budget; the direct-staff-to-customer ratio; the amount and type of funds that will be leveraged towards achieving program outcomes and the overall cost effectiveness of the proposed services.



Agency Application Information Form
Legal Name of Applicant Agency / FEIN Number
Administrative/Mailing Address / DUNS Number
Site Location Address / Ward
Executive Director / Executive Director’s Phone Number
Executive Director’s Fax Number / Executive Director’s Email Address
Contact Person for Proposal / Contact Person’s Phone Number
Contact Person’s Fax Number / Contact Person’s Email Address
Type of Organization (check one)
Not-for-Profit Agency / For-Profit Agency / Faith-Based Agency
Other, if yes Description:

Adult AmountRequested: $______Dislocated Amount Requested $______

Total Amount Requested $______

__Please check here if this application is one of multiple applications submitted by the same vendor.

Agency Statement of Certification

This proposal has been duly authorized by the governing body of the proposed. The proposed activities, dates, availability of resources, staff, cost, and all statements made are true and correct. The applicant will comply with all rules and regulations of the funding agency and will revise this proposal if necessary.

Authorized Signer’s Name / Authorized Signature
Authorized Signer’s Title / Date Signed

4. Application

Agency Application Information Form

Prepare the attached application information form(on page 6) which identifies the Respondent, provides contact information, date of submission, and project location and amount requested.


Prepare a narrative of no more than 15 pages total (excluding resumes which can be included in the attachment section) addressing the following programmatic items.

Section A – Project Overview and Organizational Capacity (two pages maximum)

Provide a general overview of the proposed training program and industry sector. Identify any key partners and explain their role in the program design. Describe the organizational capacity of the Respondent(s). Include past experience managing federally funded workforce development programs and/or delivering training programs. Describe the administrative capabilities of the organization along with a description of the physical location and technological capabilities of the training program site.

Section B – Program Design (sixpages maximum)

Provide a detailed work plan for completing project activities and producing project deliverables with specific action steps and a timetable for completion.

As noted in the summary, DFSS seeks trainers to provide comprehensive workforce support and training to low-income, low-skilled adults. Please provide the information requested in the following sub-sections (1 through 10) for each proposed program.

1.Target Industry and Employer Engagement

Please describe the industry and targeted occupations; please demonstrate through data and analysis the unmet need for new entrants in specific occupations. Please describe how industry representatives will be included in program design, screening of candidates, curriculum development, instruction, hands-on experiences and field trips, job shadowing, internships and/or placement into advanced education and/or related employment.

2.Recruitment Strategies

Please describe the population(s) that you will target and indicate how these individuals would meet WIA requirements. Describe characteristics of the targeted group, methods of recruitment and how program eligibility will be determined. Please describe how you will work with the WorkNet Chicago Workforce Centers, including any staff that will conduct screenings of possible participants from the existing Workforce Centers’ pool of customers. Would you be willing to co-locate intake of customers at the Workforce Centers?


If applicable, list and describe the corresponding industry-recognized certifications for each job title that will be awarded, if any. Identify and provide verification if the training program is an approved certified WIA training program. This includes providing the existing Program Identification number as listed in Illinois Workforce Development System (IWDS).


List any participant pre-requisites to each proposed program (i.e. Reading/Math Levels).

5.Training and Support Services

Describe your training model, including the type of training you propose (e.g. classroom, hands-on, etc.), the proposed location for the training, and whether the program is new or existing. Please list all trainee support services to ensure training completion. Describe the contextualized instruction that integrates basic reading, math and language skills with industry and occupation knowledge. Attach a curriculum outline.

6.Training Program Time

For each program, state the total number of hours required, the time and days that the program is offered, and the average length of time needed to complete the program.

7.Location and Capacity

For each program, list the location and describe the facilities where students will attend classes. Please note if any portion of the training will be conducted on-line, as well as any online support services that will be available to participants. List the contact information for the enrollment office. Indicate how many trainees you would serve and over what time period.

8.Career Pathway and Employment Information

Attach a career map or flow chart of the skills and training and /or work experience needed for advancement within the sector/industry. Include the anticipated wages at each level and the skills, licenses or certificates that are required for advancement.

For each program, please indicate the average job placement rate and salary of graduating students from the training program your organization proposes for this project, and the year from which data was collected. If the training program is new, please state this and provide the information for other analogous training programs offered by your organization. If your program has formal partnerships with employers, please describe the relationships and your ability to place participants in permanent unsubsidized employment.

9.Placement and Retention Services

Please describe how your organization will provide services to place participants in post-secondary education and/or employment and what strategies will be used to ensure retention and movement along the career pathway. Explain the career development services that will be included as part of the program. Explain how the training will help participants transition to credit bearing education or occupational programs.

Section C – Demonstrated Capacity, Outcomes and Staffing: (3 page maximum plus resumes)

1. Demonstrated Capacity; Describe the past experience and success in delivering training programs to low skilled individuals.

Please indicate what percentage of past program participants completed the program and (passed the associated exams/ received the certification if applicable). Please indicate what percentage of past program participants were placed in training-related employment and their retention rate.

2. Implementation and Outcome Plan

Describe your implementation plan that illustrates an 18 month timeframe. Include anticipated start and end dates and duration of each task.

Please complete the following chart for your proposed program(s), only including participants funded by this grant.

Program Name:
Training Program:
# Participants Recruited
Total # participants beginning education/ training
Total # participants completing education/ training
Total # achieving grade level gains on TABE test or equiv.
Total # matriculating into post-secondary education
Total placed into unsubsidized employment
Total placed into employment in targeted industry
Total retaining employment for 180 days

3. Staffing

Discuss the proposed organizational structure for the project and each training program if different, the number and qualifications of personnel that the Respondent proposes to make available to complete the work, the portion of time available for these individuals expressed in full-time equivalents (FTE’s), the manner in which they will be utilized, and how they will operate within the proposed organizational structure; provide resumes of key project staff, detailing their technical skills, experience, education, etc.

Section D – Respondent’s Fiscal Qualifications (two pages maximum)

Provide information on the Respondent’s financial condition; clearly identify your ability to meet payroll and payroll schedule; provide a brief history of the Respondent; describe the general range of products and services offered; identify a minimum of three references; provide a list and brief description of all legal actions for the past five years.

Section E – Detailed Budget Narrative (two page budget narrative maximum)

Complete the budget summary forms (instructions to follow) for the proposed program. If requesting both WIA Dislocated Worker funding and WIA Adult funding submit two budgets. Please prepare a budget narrative containing an overall justification of each cost category. The narrative should explain why this level and type of funding is needed for the project. This explanation should address (a) the reasonableness of the cost, (b) the necessity of the cost and (c) a description of how the cost is allocated. The narrative should also clearly identify the source and amount of any leveraged funding that will support the project.