Hatchet Essay Recovery
The following recovery assignment is offered to any student who earned below and 85 on either the Hatchet Writing Process Summative Grade or the Hatchet Final Product Summative Grade. This assignment mirrors what we did in class. This time you get to select the topic.
Writing Process:
1. Select two different articles on the same topic of your choosing. The articles should be from two different perspectives.
· Ex: Topic: Football
· Article one Peyton
· Article two Newton
· Main Idea/What you want to know: What does it take to be a great player?
2. Print and Annotate the articles – identify the main idea and strong supporting details that you could use in an essay.
3. Complete the note cards – Prompt, Introduction, Article One, Article Two, Conclusion
4. Be sure to show peer feedback – this can be another student or a parent.
5. Organize your notecards into a logical sequence for an essay.
Final Product:
1. Create and type an essay from the rough draft of your note cards. Be sure that your essay is not a summary, but a comparison of the two articles. Your essay should answer the following prompt:
· How did each article help you learn a new life lesson or understand your topic better? Compare and Contrast your selected topic from the two different perspectives.
2. Identify key elements of your final draft.
· Underline your thesis statement in the introductory paragraph with a yellow highlighter
· Underline your textual evidence from each article with a pink highlighter. – Remember you should have a total of four – two from each article (They should be similar and different in some way.)
· Circle your transition words.
· Box pronouns – draw and arrow from your pronoun to its antecedent.
3. Complete a self-analysis of your essay.
· Use the self-analysis form given in class.
Once you have completed the above steps. Submit your work as follows
1. This form on top with parent signature.
2. Typed final draft with key elements identified per step 2
3. A completed self-analysis form
4. All notecards
I understand that this assignment is a recovery opportunity to replace the grade that I received for the Hatchet Summative Essay. I understand that I will complete this work outside of class, but may attend tutoring for help. This recovery assignment must be submitted prior to Monday May 2, 2016.
Student Signature:
Parent Signature: