Notice of Meeting


Meeting: /
Academic Council (Research)
Place: / 1E3.20 Meeting Room
Date & Time: / Thursday 18th April, 12:15-13:15


All SU Agendas and Minutes are available on

If you require papers in an alternative format, please ask the Secretary to this Committee.

The University has identified seven categories of information which it will not routinely publish under the Freedom of Information Act (eg: details about living individuals, information held under an obligation of confidentiality, or which might prejudice the University’s commercial interests).

It is not anticipated that items on the agenda for this meeting will contain such information, but if this does occur then a separate set of minutes of the discussion of such agenda items will be produced and submitted to the next meeting of the Committee for approval. Further information on the Freedom of Information Act is available from the Secretary to this Committee.



1. / Register of attendance
2. / Apologies for absence
3. / Matters arising from the previous minutes
(a)AP to look into the exclusion of PGRs from careers mailing lists during Years 1 and 2. – 3(c).
(b)AP to work with LTEO for finished draft of Staff/ Student Partnership Agreement. – 5.
(c)AP to look into communication of PGR funding. – 6.
(d)AP to discuss accreditation of PGSkills with LTEO. – 7.
(e)AP to look into successor to Tracey Stead (former PG Training Coordinator). – 7.
4. / Notice of any other business (A.O.B.)
5. / Report by the Students’ Union Education Officer
6. / Academic Executive committee Report
7. / Meeting of Minds
8. / DISCUSSION TOPIC: research papers
Is there enough support and opportunity to get work published in journals? Or is focus on your thesis more pressing and important?
9. / DISCUSSION TOPIC: inclusion of supervisors in vivas
10. / Any other business
11. / Date and time of next meeting:Friday 17th May, 13:15 - 14:15,3E2.4

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