Dyneley House Surgery – Patient Participation Group

Dyneley House Surgery - local patient participation report

Practice population profile / 11688
Under 16 – 1929 (16.4%)
16 – 24 - 1181 (10.0%)
25 – 34 - 1432 (12.1%)
35 – 44 - 1501 (12.7%)
45 – 54 - 1735 (14.7%)
55 – 64 - 1592 (13.6%)
65 – 74 - 1214 ( 13.5%)
75 + - 1104 ( 10.3%) / Sex;
Male – 5769 (49.36%)
Female – 5919 (50.64%) / Ethnicity
Not all patients ethnicity recorded.
Of those recorded;
White – 633 (78%)
Asian – 147 (17%)
Black – 23 ( 3%)
Chinese – 14 ( 2%)
35 to 78 / Male – 6
Female - 8 / Ethnicity;
Asian British & White British
Differences between the practice population and members of the PRG
7% of the PPG is of British Asian descent.
Information about the group has been passed to the local elders at the mosque, by our representative.
Additionally, the following local groups have been informed of the patient groups existence;
Age UK, Alzheimer’s Society, Asthma Society, Aware, Carers’ Resource, Craven Advocacy, Craven Cassette, Craven MIND, Craven Volunteer Bureau, Craven DVS, Cruse, MS Society, Parkinsons UK, SCAD, Stroke Association.
Posters have been displayed in the Skipton Children’s Centre.
Information published in the local press.
A ‘virtual’ Patient Group has also been set up for patients who want to contribute but, due to various reasons, are unable to attend meetings in person. This currently has 13 members.
Flyers attached to repeat prescription slips.
A dedicated Patient Group section on the Practice Website.
A dedicated Patient Group notice board in the patient waiting room.
Information about the Patient Group and meeting dates and times are displayed on the two waiting room TV screens.

Patient Survey- A copy of last year’s survey pro-forma was distributed prior to a meeting held with the PPG on December 3rd 2012. The Practice asked for any amendments to the survey to be agreed with the PPG in order for the 2013 survey to be undertaken early in 2013.

The PPG requested that the priorities were;

  • incorporating an audit of the new appointments system
  • sufficient retention of last year’s survey in order to compare year on year.
  • 3 questions that adhere to CQC (Care Quality Commission) requirements be included. (These were include under the heading ‘Your Care’).

The outcomes of the latest Annual Practice Survey were discussed at the AGM of the Dyneley House Patient Participation Group (PPG) on February 27th 2013.

There was overall satisfaction with the survey findings considering the major changes to the appointment system which were introduced in July 2012.

Year on year comparisons remain consistent, and high levels of satisfaction were recorded, in the areas of;

  • Practice Information
  • Reception
  • Outcome of consultation with a Doctor
  • Outcome of consultation with a Nurse

Additionally, to assess reaction to the new appointment system 5 questions were posed about the making of an appointment and 1 to rate the new system.

Various degrees of satisfaction were recorded, from patients, in this area.

In view of the impending requirements of the Care Quality Commission3 questions were included to assess patients’ opinions.

There were an overwhelming percentage of patients expressing satisfaction in these areas.

A detailed breakdown of all the responses can be found on the PPG pages in the Survey Results section.

Discussions with your PPG, and feedback from patients completing the survey, identified areas for improvements in provision of servicesin the area of appointment making are these are detailed in the action plan below. The PPG has agreed to the Practice implementing them

Action Plan:

  • Implement changes to the appointment making system,
  • Reception to agree a time frame, with the patient, for a doctor to call them back,
  • Doctor’s rota to be amended to better reflect patient demand.
  • ‘mini’ survey to be carried out in 3 months assessing impact of the above changes,
  • PPG to issue detailed newsletter about appointment system and survey findings.
  • The Practice to continue to involve the PPG in discussions about service changes.

The Practice Opening Times are published on the Practice website at and are currently;

Monday to Friday – 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Additionally we offer an extended hours service on Wednesdays between 6:00 p.m.and 8:00 p.m. and Saturday mornings 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.

When the Practice is closed:

Medical assistance for non emergencies can be obtained by calling 0845 0568060 between 6:00 and 6:30 p.m. and 111 between 6:30 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.