Dear All,

Please see below the lastest update from our DWO PCSO Adam Charles. Thank you Adam.

I'm know that many of you have seen our DWO's patrolling around the area. Not only has their presence

been very welcome but it has allowed them to be successful in stopping at least one unlicensed cold caller, and initiated further enquiries

on the latest dreadful moped robbery. Apparently the Police were patrolling and speaking to a local resident nearby to the incident

and the moped drove past them at a great speed! With the registration number taken it was later established that the moped

was stolen earlier that day in Lambeth!! A silver 125CC Honda. Should anyone spot it somewhere please call 101 immediately

or let our DWO Team know. Let's hope that the Police presence on our streets has also warned off such criminals.

Please note that our next Safer Neighbourhood Public meeting is on 7th December at 8pm in the Friends Room at St Marys Church. There will be a talk

by Sgt Miles Fuller of the Bromley Burglary Squad. The Agenda is attached. Refreshments following.

Don't forget the Bromley Burglary Squad Crime prevention Event on Sunday 26th November between 9am and 1pm at

the Bromley Tennis Centre, Newstead Wood Road, BR6 9SA.

The next public Bromley Safer Neighbourhood Board is at Beckenham Methodist Church, Clock House Road, BR3 4JP. 6.30pm for 7pm.

Kind regards,


From our DWO PCSO Adam Charles

Shortlands Crime Record 01/11/17- 15/11/17

Theft from Motor Vehicle-:

1.01/11/17.Mid morning to early afternoon.Malmains Way.Side window smashed.2 chainsaws and a leaf blower stolen.

2.01/11/17.Early to mid afternoon.Bushey Way.Rear passenger window of tipper truck broken.Drill, spare drill parts, leaf blower & grinder stolen.


1.10/11/17.Mid morning.Den Road junction with Kingswood Road.Handbag snatched from elderly female by two youths on moped causing injuries to arm and shoulder.A very nasty crime against a vulnerable victim.


1.10/11/17.Afternoon offence.Victim received a call supposedly from Barclays Fraud department stating there may have been fraudulent activity on account.Told if she was unsure she could ring customer services using the number on the back of her card.She did this and after explaining the situation was put through to the original caller who said that they would put the victim through to a secure system to change their pin number and afterwards attend the bank.When the victim said they were unable to attend the bank a courier was sent to collect the cards.Victim later received a call from Marks & Spencer bank stating someone had tried to withdraw £500 from their account.Victim realisedcards had not been cancelled and made phone calls to cancel them.Also discovered a large amount of cash had been withdrawn from her Barclays account.In total victim lost around £2,000.