Insert your paper’s title here
Insert the paper’s ID here

Author 1


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Author 2


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Author 3


Email address

Extended Abstract Title of Presentation

Extended Abstract (max. 500 words)

For the IAME 2017 it is possible to submit extended abstracts instead of full papers. Extended Abstracts will not go through a double-blind review process and will be evaluated only by the International Scientific Steering Committee on their suitability for the conference. Extended abstracts are reserved a presentation slot in the programme but are not included in the proceedings. Extended abstract presentations will be marked with a special symbol in the conference programme and will be accessible through the conference website. It is the responsibility of the author to provide reference to full papers, if desired, during the conference.

In this document, the formatting requirements for the Conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME 2017) extended abstracts are described. The extended abstract shall be written in compliance with these instructions. Please review this document to learn about the formatting of text. For further details on table captions and references please refer to the full paper template. Extended abstracts should be uploaded on the IAME Conference Management System website as [.doc] or [.docx] file or [.pdf].

An abstract not exceeding 500 words should be submitted on the website on the specific form, after the title of the paper in a section titled "Abstract". It should be written so as to motivate readers to attend the presentation at the conference and explore the research presented. In addition to the 500 word abstract an extended abstract should be uploaded on the website and should comprise of four sections as follows:

Objective (max. 200 words)

Please outline here the objective of the research.

Data/Methodology (max. 200 words)

Please outline here the objective of the research.

Results/Findings (max. 200 words)

Please outline here the objective of the research.

Implications for Research/Policy (max. 200 words)

Please outline here the objective of the research.

Keywords: keyword 1, keyword 2, keyword 3, keyword 4. (maximum 6 key words)

IAME 2017 Conference, June 27-30, Kyoto, Japan 2