Ray Phillips M.Div.

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October 16, 2018


Table of Contents



First Goal

Second Goal

The Real Issue

It Creates Division

1. Ordination of Whoever Will

2. Important Basic Assumptions

3. Tracing How Spiritual Leaders Were Selected from

Bible Times to Now

4. A Brief Overview of Sun Worship vs Divine Worship

4. The Doctrine of Ordination

The Text that “Doesn’t exist.”

Various Methods of Translation

Who Can be Ordained?


Structure of these Texts

The Sin of Jeroboam

Paul on Ordination

Who Is Paul?

Jezebel in Laodicea

How to Know what a symbol means.

5. Personal Memories

Commissioned ministers can lead North American conferences, leaders vote

6. NEWS FLASH - Latest Developments

“Women's ordination issue not on World Session agenda, Adventist president says

7. Text Used to Support the Ordination of Women

Galatians 3

Ephesians 2

1 Peter 2

8. “What in Fact is a Priest?”

Not Under a Theocracy

God has a Unique Place for Each One

9. Phoebe

Some Unsupported Assumptions


10. “We Do Not Have Priests Today!”

God Does Nothing Without First Revealing it.


11. Was Paul a Creature of his culture?

Destroys the Bible


“Satan’s Attack Against God’s Memorial

March 26, 1908 Teaching the Truth

12. Comments from Ellen G. White

“Many of these professed Christians dress, talk and act like the world, and the only thing by which they may be known, is their profession. Though they profess to be looking for Christ, their conversation is not in heaven, but on worldly things.”

"What manner of persons" ought those to be "in all holy conversation and godliness," who profess to be "looking for, and hasting unto the day of God?" 2 Pet. iii, 11. "Every man that hath this hope in him, purifieth himself, even as he is pure." 1 John, iii, 3. But it is evident that many who bear the advent name, study more to decorate their bodies, and appear well in the eyes of the world, than they do the word of God, to learn how they may be approved of him.”

“What if the lovely Jesus, our pattern, should make his appearance among them, and the professors of religion generally, as at his first advent? He was born in a manger. Follow him along through his life and ministry. He was a man of sorrow and acquainted with grief. These professed Christians would be ashamed of the meek and lowly Saviour who wore a plain, seamless coat, and had not where to lay his head. His spotless, self-denying life would condemn them; his holy solemnity would be a painful restraint upon their lightness and vain laughter; his guileless conversation would be a check to their worldly and covetous conversation; his declaring the unvarnished, cutting truth would manifest their real character, and they would wish to get the meek Pattern, the lovely Jesus, out of the way as soon as possible. They would be among the first to try to catch him in his words, and raise the cry, Crucify him! Crucify him! {RH, June 10, 1852 par. 1-6}


This book that you hold in your handsis the results of efforts by several scholars. While I have written most of the copy and compiled ideas from my files of what others have written, this is solely for the purpose of helping the reader to gain a grand overview of this vital topic and to see its importance in the church today.

Some want us to believe that the one who is ordained is not an important issue. However, the Bible labels it as a fundamental doctrine of Christ and God places a death sentence on any who are involved in it.[1] That would seem to make a person believe that this subject is important.

Our Savior warned us about being deceived in the last days.[2] This warning does not seem to have made much of an impact on too many Christians today. Why do I say this?

Well, because Satan has taken his very first deception, the one he used very successfully in heaven,the one he used to deceive the first pair in Eden; and has used it very successfully for some several thousand years, and is still using it to deceive, “if possible even the very elect.” He has polished it up and people are still falling for it as well as they did when hefirst used it in heaven. No wonder he continues to use it, it has worked so successfully in the past, why not use it again?

What is that deception? That God has not been fair and that He is withholding something that would be a benefit to us. And if we go our way, that we can do God’s work better than by following His instructions.


It brings to memory a little tease that I have used from time to time. Some friends of ours, yes they are still friends, invited us to their home. The wife is a good cook and one dish was especially delicious. So, I went to the kitchen and quietly told her that the dish had a “musty taste” to it. She reacted in horror, until I added; "it tasted like I ‘musty’ have some more." She laughed and was glad that I liked it.

Well, fast forward a number of years, to a similar situation, however the same lady, only this time she became very irate. Actually, I had forgotten about the previous incident. I apologized, but she replied; “Oh, I’m not mad at you, I’m mad at myself for falling for the same thing twice.” At least she was honest.

Far too many today, even when Satan has fooled them on a number of occasions, just do not seem to learn from the experience, or will not admit they have been deceived before.

When those, who should know better, parrot the same arguments that have been used by our Roman Catholic friends, only in regards to a different topic, there is no excuse. It really makes one wonder:"who is so blind but God’s servants."[3]

First Goal

It is the hope that this effort will bring the big picture together, in as short of a space as possible. I hope thatthe biblical position will be seen and Satan’s deception will be foiled, at least for a few.

In the attempt to consolidate a mountain of information into as little space as possible, there may be times when clarity is sacrificed. The reader is asked to take that into consideration.If there is a question, go to God’s word. There is where the answers are found.

Second Goal

There is a second goal that is also being addressed here. Having been involved in this discussion on a personal level,since the 1970’s, much of the history I know from having been there or being involved, or knowing those who were involved. So, when I say that unfortunately, all of us were misled, that is a sentiment that the others involved would probably also share.

As Satan is so good at doing, he does all he can to divert attention from the real issues, to the pseudo-issues. In this way, he can divert the attention away from the heart of the issue to some fringe topic. This tactic has been used in this topic very successfully.

The Real Issue

See, the real issue is not which gender should be ordained. The issue is not even spiritual leadership. The real issue is especially not equality or equal opportunity as some would like for us to believe. Those are all the “devil’s rabbits” he has used to divert the attention from the real issue.

Therefore, it is the attempt of this endeavor to draw the focus back to the real issues and separate them from all of the window dressing, posturing, argumentation and rhetoric that has been blowing around on this issue.

It Creates Division

The issue of who should be ordained is one that has split the church and has deceived many into accepting a doctrine; straight from sun worship. In some cases, this was because ministers and other spiritual leaders pushed the women involved into being ordained. Those who know what God’s word says could not support the action and it has divided the church.

In other cases, feminist organizations, taking their cue from the secular movement, have attempted and succeeded in introducing those concept into the church thru various kinds of pressure tactics.

They argue that if the church would just accept what they want, that there would not be any division. Forgetting, or sidestepping the fact that it is they who are the ones introducing the non-biblical concepts and practices into the church that has created the division.

If the plain statements of scripture were followed, there would not be any division among God’s true people.[4] However, God allows error to be presented to test each soul in regards to where their loyalty lies.[5] Truth is, has and will always be a dividing factor,[6] so it should not be any surprise that it is dividing the church here. Our task is to determine which position is from God’s word and which one is far from God’s word.[7]

In this paper, due to the attempt to be brief, there will only be a presentation of the texts or other references with a short comment for each. There will not be any attempt to support each point with any kind of a lengthy argumentation. However, the reader can rest assured that such support is available, if the reader wants a more “in depth” study.

In the beginning, simple summary statements will be made stating the conclusions I believe the evidence supports and the references will be given. The reader can then look at the evidence for themselves.

Then, the discussion will move to where it should have been all along, on the core issues. In that part of the discussion, more supporting evidence will be given.

The method that I will use to attempt this; is to start where the discussion has been focused and then move to where it is believed that the discussion should have been all along.

Just a note about one of the papers referred to here. That is a paper by Dr. C. Mervyn Maxwell.[8] This paper was sent to me by Dr. Maxwell, shortly before his untimely passing. He had a major influence on me and even though our initial meeting was rather inauspicious, we soon became the best of friends.

His paper is titled: “Women in the Greco Roman World.” It is, as near as I can tell, the last research project he worked on. This gift that he sent me is highly treasured. Not just for its content, but because of its meaning on the friendship level. I’m sure when we get to heaven that he will again greet me with: “Hi, Ray, It is SO very good to see you again.” And the feelings will be mutual. Dr. C. Mervyn Maxwell was a prince among men.

If a dedication is appropriate, this work is being dedicated to Dr. C. Mervyn Maxwell, a beloved friend,teacher and counselor.

Maranatha 

Ray Phillips


1. Ordination of Whoever Will

The premise this study is this based on include these basic, key, important facts.

  1. God’s word is the final authority on all points of spiritual life.[9] The test each person will have is to whether to take God at His word, or substitute another authority. The particular subject is not the main issue. The main issue is in regards to our loyalty to Him.
  2. God never changes. He is the same, yesterday, today and forever.[10] Some want to believe that God adapts to the social situation. In this they are mistaken, as God sets the pace, we do not. We must conform to what He says, not expect Him to submit to what we want.
  3. God will do nothing without revealing it to His Servants the Prophets.[11] This is a very important point. If there is a change, then one should demand two passages of inspired wittings.
  4. The place in the Bible where God says that He will makes that change.
  5. The place in the Bible where He authorizes that change to be made.

Anyteaching or practice that does not have those two bits of evidence, we can know, without question, it is not from God.

  1. Isaiah prophesied about the ONLY changeto be found in the Bible regarding who should be ordained.[12] In this prophesy, we are told not just that a change would be made, but what the change would be. So, when we find the fulfillment, it must agree with this prophesy.
  2. The fulfillment of this prophesy is found in the instructions God gave through Paul in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1.[13] And when it is checked with Isaiah’s prophecy, we find that the only change is; that no longer is the membership in the tribe of Levi essential to be a spiritual leader. Exactly as Isaiah said it would be. All other criteria remains as Paul enunciated it.
  3. The example Jesus set was that He did nothing on His own initiative. He only did what His Father in heaven told Him to do. He is to be our example.[14] That is the only course of action that will open Heaven’s gates for us. To follow any other authority, other then God’s word, is evidence that such a movement is not from God, no matter what is claimed.
  4. If the Bible speaks to an issue, no other authority can have anyhigher authority for the Christian. There is an old saying that should be revived. It was: “If God’s word says it, that settles it for me.” That is the only mottos that a Christian can have.
  5. If lies and misrepresentation are found to be needful, resorting to them shows that the movement is not from God.[15] Satan is the father of liars.[16] Truth never has to resort to lies to gain credibility. Anyone can apply this test to any teaching or practice.
  6. While authoritative, the writings of Ellen White are a lesser light leading to the Greater Light, the fact still remains, that the Bible is the prime authority in the matter.[17] There is more then enough passages of scripture to support any important principle. Actually, only two are needed, as mentioned above, but in this issue, there are multiples of two texts available.
  7. Tradition and scriptures are NOT of equal authority. Our theology is based on the Bible,not on tradition. Only when tradition is not contrary to what God has said, is it considered.[18] And even then, it must be in harmony with the trend established by the Bible. God does not lead different people in different directions. There is only one way, one truth and one life.
  8. Any passage must be taken in context. A “text out of context is a pretext.” The context is as important as what the passage actually reads. This is why this is such an important point.
  9. In areas where there is a seeming question, the original language words are examined for the various meanings they convey. Then the context is allowed to determine which meaning is correct. In most, if not all cases, the seeming problems are usually only a result of personal opinion slipping in to divert us from truth. Preconceived opinion is the biggest barrier to knowing truth one can find.
  10. There is a counterfeit godwho is trying to deceive. His teachings can only be detected by comparing them with the Bible.[19] Even then, all that is said must agree. For this clever fallen angel is well able to make error appear to be truth. However, the Bible gives us more then enough information to keep from being deceived.
  11. Any attempt to worship God in ways that only have as their authority; human enactments, is to worship God in vain.[20] The heart and soul of worship must be submission to His revealed will. Unless one is totally submitted as far as truth has been revealed to them, one’s worship is only a shame.
  12. We need to accurately handle the word of God, or we will be found to be going in the wrong direction.[21] Texts will not always yield their meaning through a casual reading. Sometimes, texts we have read many times, under the convicting power of the Holy Spirit, will reveal a meaning that had been hidden for a long time. However, this “new” meaning must still be in harmony with all that has gone before.

The above fifteen principles will be the framework on which the following discussion willbe built.


2. Important Basic Assumptions

These are the following assumptions that will be the basis of this discussion.

  1. All writings that are inspired by God are profitable for instruction, correction, etc.[22] This is basic.
  2. God’s word alone is truth. [23] He alone is God and there is none beside Him. All human concepts must step aside for God’s word.
  3. There is no middle ground. Either a teaching or practice is from God, or it is from Satan. There are no other options.[24] Often Satan presents ideas that are so close to truth, yet contain just a little bit of error. In such a case it all becomes error. One drop of poison renders the total to be poison.
  4. When we add to what God has said, we will be tripped up, as Eve was, in her exaggeration of what God had said.[25]
  5. Christians today are accountable to both the Old and New Testaments, as they are both inspired by the same God.[26] On is not in opposition to the other, they are two parts of one whole.
  6. The example that Jesus left us is: He did nothing on His own initiative,[27]neither should we.