PTA Meeting

Red Bird Elementary

November 12, 2008

7:11PM – Meeting called to order by PTA president, Lisa McPeek.

Presidents Report:

1) Before approval of October minutes, Christina Lewis, PTA treasurer, clarified that PTA does not pay for any part of the initial, educational field trip that students take each year. We do, however, cover bussing for a second field trip, if one is taken (maximum: two busses, per grade, per year). October 2008 minutes were approved (1st – Christina Lewis, 2nd – Kearsten Wood).

2) The 5th grade teachers were commended for the outstanding Veteran’s Day program they put together with the kids, and Michelle Popovich, also, for the great job she did with refreshments. There was not much left to send overseas, but that contact had already been established and they were expecting our shipment (we may not do that ahead of time next year). Mrs. Chicarell will put a table, at the front lobby, for donations of additional baked goods, in disposable boxes, to supplement our shipment to Iraq.

3) Thanks was given to: a) the Nista family for donating their fundraiser overpayment to PTA, b) the Hennessey family for their donation, combined with a matching gift program amount ($250 to kindergarten program), c) Scott Collins for donating ice for the visitors lunch.

4) Mrs. Cedar will be out until December 1st. We will circulate large cards for the students to sign.

5) Christmas Tree/Hat & Mitten Giving Tree set-up (trees and decorations in shed) should be done before Thanksgiving break, perhaps Tuesday after school. Perhaps we should purchase some boxes for donated items.

6) Can the 4th grade teachers change the scheduled date (Thurs,1/29/09) for Hobby Night? Participants may be strained since the Talent Show rehearsal is 1/30, and the show is 1/31.

7) The Accelerated Reader program should be up and running by next week.

8) Anyone can join PTA at any time during the year. You must be a PTA member to be a committee chairperson.

Secretary’s Report: Tish Van Arsdale stated that she had nothing to report.

Treasurer’s Report: Christina Lewis stated that ourbalance was $22,227.06.

Corresponding Secretary’s Report: Beth Ardern informed us that we had received a “thank you” card from Miss Bayuk’s class for the donut party (PTA membership drive winner), and from Ms. Debbie Uveges for the birthday treats. Flowers and a card had been sent to Ms. O’Toole (for the passing of her father).

Teacher Representatives’ Report: Miss Bayukthanked us, on behalf of all of the teachers, for the Accelerated Reader program that we purchased for them, and for everything that we do.

Principal’s Report: Mrs. Cedar was not present.

Committee Reports:

Membership: Julie Nalow was not present.


Chuck E. Cheese Fundraiser: Tawnya Petti stated that we have a check for $201.16.

Chick-fil-A Fundraiser: Tawnya Petti secured Friday, Dec 5th, 5–8PM, at the Mentor Great Lakes Mall location, for this event. She needs volunteers, at that time, to work the prize wheel and help out.

Tri-C Fundraiser: Lisa McPeekstated that we earned $6,939.85. There were only three orders with problems, and the deadline for contacting Tri-C with product or order problems is Friday.

New Fundraising: Ideas will be presented at next meeting. Discussion followed, including several ideas including selling candy bars (then Lisa McPeek voiced concern about pre-payment problems) and selling plants (like the Memorial Pre-K holiday plant sale).

Market Day:Christina Lewis said we had 38 customers, a great group of volunteers, and we earned $208.64.

Room Parents: It was stated that on the day of RBE’s 50th Birthday Party, room parents will arrive in the lobby at 12:30, and students will go to the gym at 1:00 for the event. There is an assembly procedure in the gym. At that time, room parents will bring two boxes of donuts to the classrooms and set up rooms. There was concern voiced about the safety of Wal-Mart donuts for children with allergies. Jell-O alternative should be provided for those students. When the kids return, the room parents are free to leave. Parents must sign their children out if they are leaving with them. The local paper has been contacted about the event.

Publishing Room:No discussion.

Book Fair:Kearsten Wood stated that the half-price book fair will be 4/27/09 – 5/1/09(not “Right to Read” week). Wednesday, 4/29/09, will be “Family Night,” and we may have a guest author.

Box Tops/Campbell’s/Tyson:We will receive a $1,643 check in December (combination of May profit and fall profit of $754). November bonus Box Tops promotion was sent home with students.

Reflections: Tawnya Pettisaid today is the entry deadline. Winners will be announced on 12/8 (K-G2 at 8:30 and G3-G5 at 9:30). Entries will be displayed.

Homework Helper:The program start date has been pushed back to Thursday, 1/8/09. Participants are recommended by teachers, and parents can go to their child’s teacher to request participation. The program will take place on Thursdays from 2:15 – 3:15 in the library.

Yearbook: Lisa McPeek stated that we will switch companies. We will now pay $12.68 per color-print yearbook, no S&H, can use our own cover design, and will receive 5% off if we pay in full at one time (last year’s fee was $12 per B&W yearbook). Lisa Dedek needs volunteers to take pictures with their own cameras. Send in your own photos. The deadline for submitting the yearbook for print is 3/2/09 for hardcopy or 3/22/09 for an online submission. We are looking for someone to take over as yearbook chairperson.

Talent Show: Lisa McPeek stated that the Talent Show will be on Saturday, 1/31/09, from 2-4pm, at the CornerstoneChurch. The rehearsal will be on Friday, 1/30/09, from 4-6pm. Applications will go home with all students, K-G5, next week. The budget is $100. Auditions (for content purposes) will be held on 12/17, from 2:30-6pm, in the RBE MPR. Profits made at the snack table will go to the Scholarship Fund. (Lisa McPeek received all information by phone from Michele Armstrong).

LakeCounty Council:Scheduled the first Tuesday of each month.

New Business:

Nestle Pure Life: Lisa McPeek signed us up for this program (proceeds intended for Phys. Ed. stuff).

Food Drive: Lisa McPeek will talk to student council about it.

“Change” the World: We will talk about it at the next meeting.

Box Tops:There was discussion about how Box Top money is handled. Lisa McPeek explained that we are handling it incorrectly, according to PTA rules. Any money that is collected by the PTA needs to be deposited into the PTA account, and then voted on and disbursed from that point. Right now, the money is deposited into the school’s activity account and Mrs. Cedar decides how the money is to be used at the school. Lisa McPeek and Tawnya Petti had a meeting with Mrs. Cedar in October. Various options were discussedand it was decided,at that time, that the PTA board would discuss the matter and present their decision at the next PTA meeting. The PTA board voted on the matter, electing to deposit all Box Top money directly into the PTA account. Additionally, we will give Mrs. Cedar a gift at the beginning of each school year (just like we do for the teachers). She can then use this money for teacher requests at the school. Lisa will speak to Jen Conaway, the Box Top coordinator.

Teacher Requests:

1)Request by play-ground aides and monitors for jump ropes (new type) and balls for recess ($142.75). The request was tabled, to allow time to inquire if our “Apples for Students” program should fund those types of physical education or exercise equipment requests.

2)First grade classrooms need four new specialized carts (magnetic reading/writing center carts, like grades 2 and 3 already use). $269.95per cart ($1,079.80 total). Request approved by ballot vote (18-yes, 0-no).

Raffle for PTA Meeting Attendees: Two gift baskets donated by Tri-C, won by Vicky Wade and Beth Ardern.

Santa Shop:Michelle Popovich stated the event will be held on Saturday, 12/13/09, from 10am until 2pm or 3pm. Set up will be on Friday, 12/12/09 after school at about 3pm. Clean-up will be on Saturday after the event. The Santa Shop organization will do their pick-up, at the school, on that following Monday, 12/15/09. We will sell the products to the students, and there may also be some H.S. Key Club members there to help the children in the Santa Shop. Parents will be required to stay in the building while their children shop.

Questions: We need gift ideas, for the RBE staff, from PTA, for RBEs 50th anniversary.

Meeting adjourned (1st – Beth Ardern, 2nd –Kearsten Wood) at 8:35PM.


  1. T. Van Arsdale
  2. H. Moran
  3. J. Said
  4. S. Cudnik
  5. C. Redd
  6. R. Laurence
  7. D. Dedich
  8. V. Wade
  9. L. McPeek
  10. C. Lewis
  11. M. Popovich
  12. M. Shank
  13. K. Wood
  14. J. Winner
  15. S. Bihary
  16. N. Martin
  17. A. Stocker
  18. M. Cline
  19. T. Petti
  20. B. Ardern


Please contact your PTA board members:

Lisa McPeek, President: 417-0338

Tawnya Petti, Vice President: 428-8508

Christina Lewis, Treasurer: 417-1546

Tish Van Arsdale, Secretary: 428-5657

Beth Ardern, Corresponding Secretary: 259-0069