What’s Happening Around Rocket-town
February 9: Staff Appreciation Lunch
February 9: PTA General Meeting, 6:30Pm Apollo Library
February 10: Variety Show Tryouts
February 11: Spirit Day – Crazy Hair!
February 26: Variety Show
Click HERE to view the full calendar
/ Golden Acorn - Nominate a Great Volunteer or Outstanding Educator!
2016 Apollo Elementary Service Awards – Our PTA’s highest form of recognition. Each winner receives an award pin and special certificate from the WA State PTA. Also, $70 in the winner’s name is given to the WA State PTA Scholarship Foundation, which provides scholarships to selected high school students entering post-secondary education.
- Golden Acorn Award: PTA volunteers who go above and beyond to support the students and school.
- Outstanding Educator Award: for teachers, educational assistants (EAs), bus drivers, custodians, administrators or staff who go above and beyond.
- Outstanding Advocate Award: volunteers who advocate for children and youth at the school, district, state or national level.
Online, click HERE
Paper form, click HERE to download.
f you have questions.
Staff Appreciation Lunch February 9th
Let's show our teachers how much they are LOVED!We are still in need of soups, salads desserts and decorations. Please click HEREto sign up to provide a dish for our upcoming Staff Appreciation event.
Curious about Summer Camp?
Please join the PTA for an overview of "Club Connection," Issaquah School District's summer camp, being held right here at Apollo this year! Learn about the fun, flexible options and upcoming registration deadlines at the PTA Meeting, Tuesday, February 9th at 6:30pm in the Apollo Library.
Popcorn Friday - we still need additional volunteers
Parent teams of 3 pop and sell corn to the students about every other Friday at the school, from about 11:30 to 2:30. It’s a fun and rewarding experience to interact with other parents and with the kids. Plus you get free popcorn at the end of the day.
No experience needed! Training will be provided.Please go to the Apollo PTA site and sign up for a couple dates this Spring.The next date is Jan 22 and the opportunities run through June 10. Click HEREto volunteer.
Lunch for the Break
Lunch for the Break will be providing a free box of food (breakfast, lunch & snacks) to any Apollo student who needs extra help with food over Mid-Winter Break. Many students rely on a regular lunch in the school cafeteria, which isn’t possible during break. The Lunch for the Break program is a community effort to meet this student need, coordinated by the Issaquah Food& Clothing Bank.
By phone: 425-392-4123 x11
Paper: Get application from your school counselor/main office or at Food Bank
Pick up box of food on Thursday, Feb. 11. (The closest pick-up location will be the Water District #90 office.)
This program depends on generous contributions from our community.
Go to to donate a box of food or make a monetary donation. Drop off box of food on Wednesday, Feb. 10
The Lunch for the Break program is in need of volunteers to help pack boxes of food and produce on the mornings of Tuesday, February 9 and Wednesday, February 10. Please sign up at issaquahfoodbank.org/volunteer. For more information, contact.
Community Corner
Kindergarten Registration Assistance for Multilingual Families March 4th.
Individual assistance and interpretation with kindergarten registration forms on Friday, March 4, 2016 from 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at the Administration Building, 565 NW Holly St, Issaquah.
One-on-one interpretation is available in Spanish, Mandarin, Korean, and Vietnamese. For additional interpretation, email Rosann Rankin at y February 29.
Childcare will be provided, nurses will be available to answer questions, families can sign up for free school supplies, and information on transportation will be available.
See flyers below for translations:
For more information & questions contact the Family Partnership Team