Hamble / Warsash Activities KS1

  1. Sound collectors – making the music of Hamble or Warsash – comparing sounds in different streets – high / low – loud / quiet – long / short.
  1. Picture matchers – using pictures to follow routes and trails in Hamble or Warsash – creating mystery trails for peers.
  1. Picture matchers – so this is where the person taking the picture was! Taking pictures in the same place and talking about the changes that they notice since the first set of pictures was taken. Change is a very difficult concept for ‘little’ geographers.
  1. Picture sorters – sorting pictures, captions and maps for an album of Hamble or Warsash which has been dropped and jumbled up – not indoors but in the field.
  1. Mighty map followers – following a mighty large scale map trail around the village. We have found The Green Percy! We have found Capstan House!
  1. Story book writers–“The day we went out and about in Hamble or Warsash, we saw…….” Based on Shirley Hughes – When We Went to the Park – this story book is great for investigating people, place and interactions.
  1. Post card designers- creating postcards for sale in local shops. Design a card using photographs or drawn images.
  1. I Spy detectives – school produced I Spy books – Signs, Houses and Homes, Below our Feet, Above our Head, Shops and Services etc. The nature of your I spy books depends on what is in your school grounds and local area.
  1. I Spy book makers – Below our feet – Above Our head – Signs/signals / Houses and Homes / Street furniture etc. The children create I Spy books for other children.
  1. Picture takers for uploading on . Picture takers and up-loaders all with titles and captions – see non fiction literacy requirements.
  1. Frieze makers – Creating a magical feature A-Z for the classroom wall – both physical and human features. A for anchor, B for boat, C for Car Park, D for Dinghy etc
  1. Infant tape makers – this way please. Creating Hamble or Warsash trails – for children, parents, teachers and visitors etc.
  1. Houses and homes detectives – House pen pictures - a real move from recognition / identification to description.
  1. Monster map makers – picture map makers for the Hamble or Warsash public notice boards. (OS Mapping News Issue 27 Winter 2004 – ‘Magical maps with very young geographers’ - by Jeff Stanfield).
  1. Happening today in Hamble or Warsash
  1. Signs, signals and logo detectives – signs, signals and logo makers – signing the locality for little residents. We can unravel the mystery of places if we read the signs – both human and natural – symbolism.
  1. Wish you were here – video/DVD makers. Virtual tour makers.
  1. Weather watchers – what happens in our place on wet, windy, hot, snowy etc days.