for the

International German Masters Championships

in Modern Pentathlon and Tetrathlon

July 04th und 05th 2014 in Minden, Germany

Organizer:Verband für Modernen Fünfkampf NRW (Nordrhein-Westfalen)

Host of Organization:MTV Minden

Entitled to participate:Masters, Women/Men

The competition will be conducted in classic mode.


rules:According to UIPM Masters Rules 2014.

The Organizer keeps the right for eventual changes.

Registrations:Deadline for Registrations is May 19th, 2014.
Registration Address: Reinhold Fischer, Email:
Phone: +49 5772/5196Fax: +49 5772/6895

After registration deadline there can be no guarantee given for room reservations or riding participation.

Starting Fees:Pentathlon 150,00 €, Tetrathlon 100,00 €,

Accommodation Costs:1 Accommodation Double Room per Person 30,00 €

1 Accommodation Single Room per Person 52,50 €

Not included:

Sports Breakfast: 12,50 € per person

Diner: starter, salad, soup, warm and cold meal, dessert, inclusive water, orange- and appeljuice: 18,50 €

Places of Competition:Shooting:Kampa-Halle, Hahler Straße 112, 32427 Minden

Swimming:Melittabad, Sieben Bauern 43, 32425 Minden

Fencing:AS Sportzentrum, Ringstraße 93, 32427 Minden

Riding:Reithalle Möllerhof, RV Frotheim-Isenstedt, Espelkamp
Stelleriegerstraße 24, 32339 Espelkamp-Frontheim.

Running: Outdoor track at Riding Stadion Espelkamp

Accommodation/Meeting:Hotel Exquisit Minden
In den Bärenkämpen 2a, 32425 Minden, Phone +49 571 94 60 60

Access hotel:


Friday July 4th, 2014:Registration from 14:00 o’clock at Hotel Exquisit (for all athletes)
beginning of room allocation

Technical meeting: 15:00 - 15:30 o’clock

Shooting: Kampa-Halle 16:00 – 17:00 o’clock

Swimming: Melittabad 18:30 o’clock (25m track)

Kampa-Halle und Melittabad are accessable from Hotel Exquisit in ca. 10 minutes by walk. Afterwards diner at Hotel Exquisit.

Saturday July 5th, 2014:Breakfast Hotel Exquisit

Fencing: 09:00 Uhr AS Sportzentrum Minden, Ringstraße 93

12:00 o’clock:Departure for Riding facilities Espelkamp

Riding: from14:00 o’clock draw of horses

14:30 Start of Riding

Running: Outside track at riding stadion Espelkamp
(Spikes allowed), 4 x 500 m rounds with handicapstart.

16:00 – 17:00 o’clock Running

Afterwards winners ceremony and diner at Hotel Exquisit

Miscellaneous:Changes in timing are possible, Fencing equipment according to FIE rules. The Organizer does not take over liability. Participating athletes either prove membership within their sports club being member of their national pentathlon associations and/or private liability insurance. Each participant starts on his own responsibility.

Riding: declaration of exclusion of liability for organizer and riding club on site.

Pentathletes must make payment in advance in amount of 100,00 € until May 19th 2014. Otherwise no riding participation can be guaranteed.

Please make the payment for starting together with the registration to the following payment address.

Payment Adress: Reinhold Fischer, Bank Account.: 287586301, Bank Code (BLZ): 250 100 30, Postbank Hannover

IBAN DE85250100300287586301BIC PBNKDEFF

For Your Registration Entry please use Registration Form attached.

Minden, den 19.02.2014

Reinhold Fischer