Document Type: Guideline
Location:Teaching and Learning Portal Pages
Version: 1.0
Publication date: 30 August 2012
Author: Academic Services
Approved by: Head of Student Operations
Last updated: August 2012
Procedures relating to examinations administration
These procedures will apply to all University set examinations, and for external professional examinations where procedures are not previously established by external professional bodies.
Academic Service
The Dean of the Academic Services (AS), has overall responsibility for the academic integrity of the examinations process. During the examinations period, the Head of Student Operations will act on behalf of the Dean to monitor the examinations process and take responsibility for the co-ordination of University level decisions as required.
Faculty Registrars, in liaison with Assessment Officer as appropriate, are responsible for:
- the preparation and moderation of examination papers;
- the scheduling of faculty examinations to meet course assessment requirements;
- the allocation of Invigilators to examination venues;
- provision for special needs students as advised by the Learning and Information Service (LIS);
- the dissemination of examination timetables to students;
- resolving operational issues relating to individual examinations or venues during the examinations period, and;
- liaison with the Head of Student Operations in AS to ensure action is taken at University level when required.
Chief Invigilator
Faculty Registrars will arrange for the appointment of a Chief Invigilator to act as the Senior Supervisor for one or more examinations in a specific location. Chief Invigilators are responsible for ensuring that the examination is carried out in accordance with University guidelines (see Annex 1) and will complete “Chief Invigilator’s Report” (see Annex 2) for each examination.
Faculty Registrars will arrange for the appointment of sufficient Invigilators to support the Chief Invigilator in supervising individual examinations. The normal ratios are defined within the Duties of Invigilators Annex 1.
Invigilators will normally be members of academic staff. They may also be suitably qualified external invigilators. Permanent members of support staff will only act as Invigilators in exceptional circumstances.
Reserve Invigilator
Faculty Registrars will arrange for the appointment of sufficient Reserve Invigilators for each examination venue. A member of the academic staff designated by the relevant Dean of Faculty, in liaison with the Faculty Registrar, or an External Invigilator identified by the Faculty Registrar or nominated representative.
Unit Leader
Unit Leaders will normally act as Chief Invigilator for their unit examinations. Where they are unable to invigilate their unit examination they, or a nominated member of their teaching team, must be contactable for the duration of the examination to respond to any questions that may arise regarding the examination paper.
Academic Rooming
The Academic Rooming Office is responsible for the provision of examination venues and a University level examinations timetable. The Academic Rooming Office will liaise with Faculty Registrars or their nominees to plan the scheduling of examinations.
Estates & Facilities Service
The Estates and Facilities Service is responsible for the preparation of examination venues, including supporting faculties with the provision of specialist equipment e.g. ergonomic chairs. The Service will ensure that examination venues are laid out in preparation for examinations using desks of a size that provide a minimum space of one metre between the centre of each desk.
Examination Timetables
Faculties are responsible for the compilation and accuracy of the examination timetables made available to students via the University portal.
2.Registration Procedures
Edexcel Awards
Edexcel deals with all students on programmes leading to an award of a BTEC Higher National Certificate (HNC), Higher National Diploma (HND), or a National Vocational Qualification (NVQ).
The detailed arrangements for the registration of students are contained in the Edexcel Information Manual, a copy of which is available from AS. Annual registration fees for individual students are set by Edexcel.
All Edexcel registrations are valid for a maximum period of 5 years for the award of the qualification.
If a registration lapses prior to certification, individual students will be required to re-register on, and complete the requirements of, a currently approved programme with credit for previous satisfactory completion being given where appropriate.
Student numbers must be registered with Edexcel by the dates specified in the Edexcel Information Manual. Registration of University students within the Licence Agreement will be undertaken by AS (Awards Manager, Student Operations) drawing on enrolment data from the University’s Student Records System. AS is also responsible for producing the parchments for students graduating with an Edexcel award.
SQA Awards
The Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) act as an agency for The Maritime and Coastguard Agency who are responsible, among other things, for the issue of Certificates of Competency for Deck Officers and Marine Engineer Officers in the Merchant Navy and the Certificate of Competency for Deck Officers and Marine Engineering Officers for Fishing Vessels.
Administration of SQA courses is undertaken at the WarsashMaritimeAcademy, by the Course Administrator.
Other Awards
The University offers a range of professional courses for which registration is required on an individual basis.
Faculty administrative staff are to liaise with AS to ensure that all necessary arrangements are in place for registration.
3.Timetabling, Preparation, Security, Typing and Production of Examination Papers
Responsibility for the preparation of internally set examination papers
Responsibility for the preparation of examination papers remainslies with the faculty which delivers the unit.
Faculty Registrars will arrange for examination papers to be produced to a University format and to an agreed faculty timetable that will meet established deadlines for the internal and external moderation of papers and the co-ordination of examination scheduling across the University. Faculty Registrars will make appropriate arrangements for security of production, storage and transmission of papers by personal delivery within the University, or by recorded delivery to external examiner(s).
If it is known that a member of staff or relative is undertaking a particular examination as part of a course of study at the University then the Faculty Registrar will ensure that member of staff is not involved in the production of the paper and that appropriate security arrangements are put in place.
The following procedures have been set out to assist Faculty staff in the preparation of examination papers. Some of these procedures are offered as ‘good practice’ to facilitate the presentation of questions for typing and to monitor each stage in the preparation of papers. Faculties may wish to modify certain aspects, but the following must be observed:
- the paper numbering scheme;
- the security of papers;
- the format of papers (including the font size);
- the examination envelope label to be kept up to date; and
- moderation by internal and external examiner(s).
All examination draft question papers, answers, and marking schemes should be provided to the relevant Faculty Office by the Unit Leader in an electronic format, clearly indicating the question number and subject and to the deadlines specified by the faculty.
Rubric for Examination Paper (see Annex 3)
Once the drafting examination paper has been produced the Unit Leader should ensure that the front rubric is completed, noting that:
- Reading time is not normally allowed, with the exception of existing courses that have been validated with reading time specified in the course documentation;
- Use of dictionaries/thesauri is not normally permitted. Exchange students visiting the University are permitted to use bi-lingual dictionaries in examinations, provided they produce their authorisation letter at the examination, and after the dictionaries have been examined by an invigilator; and
- Students are permitted to use templates, pens, pencils, rulers, rubbers, and general writing equipment unless specifically prohibited. The use of calculators may also be allowed for certain examinations. Where this is the case students will be informed in advance by the Unit Leader that these are permitted. This information will also be included in the rubric for the examination paper.
The draft examination paper, together with the rubric should be placed in an envelope with a label attached to the front (Annex 4). This will form the official record of progress of the preparation of the examination paper to final approved (signed off) version.
All documentation appertaining to the examination (e.g. draft papers, original hand-written copies and answer schemes) is to be retained in the envelope.
Once the draft examination paper is received by the Faculty Office, a paper number must be allocated as follows:
Unit Number/Period Number (1, 2 or 3)/Session Year (2010-2011)/E1 indicating the first examination of this unit.
Where more than one examination takes place per unit, E2 etc would be substituted.
Production of Examination Papers
All examination papers are to be produced electronically and stored under the appropriate section on the S:\ drive and password protected. Appropriate security must be observed, to ensure no unauthorised sight or access to papers, memory sticks, or screens.
When typing examination questions:
- leave 3 line spaces before the question is typed;
- leave 6 line spaces between each question;
- a print margin of 1” (2.5cm) should be allowed at the top, bottom, left and right hand sides;
- avoid splitting a question over two pages. If this unavoidable a clear indication must be given at the foot of the page (e.g. “continued overleaf”);
- the examination reference number (see above) is to be typed in the bottom right hand corner of each page of the examination paper; and
- Trebuchet MS font in 11 point size should be used.
The name of the administrator producing the examination paper be shown on the examination envelope label. The examination paper must be checked and signed off by the appropriate internal examiner.
Moderation Procedure & Printing
When the examination paper has been produced and moderated internally in accordance with faculty policy it must be sent to the appropriate external examiner(s). The following paperwork will normally be enclosed:
- a copy of the previous year’s paper (if it is a newly appointed external examiner);
- two copies of the examination paper;
- a copy of the examination answer and marking scheme; and
- a stamped addressed label.
The paper should be sent by recorded delivery and a record kept in the Faculty Office.
Once the external examiner has agreed the paper, nominated faculty staff will ensure secure arrangements are in place for the printing of the paper. Under no circumstances should examination papers be sent via the internal mail system.
Upon return of the printed examination papers the Faculty Registrar, or nominated representative, will check that the papers have been printed correctly and make up the examination packs that will consist of:
- correct number of examination scripts (plus adequate spare copies);
- ‘Instructions to Invigilators’;
- ‘Chief Invigilators’ Report’ Form;
- ‘Examination Evacuation Procedures’;
- ‘Procedures Relating to Academic Misconduct’;
- the relevant examination register;
- stationery as per the rubric (plus spares); and
- examination answer books (plus adequate spare copies).
The Faculty Registrar, or nominated representative, will ensure that delivery of examination papers, together with associated documentation, to a named contact at other approved establishments in the United Kingdom or Overseas are made by secure means.
Final Examination Pack Check
Once the examination pack has been completed by faculty Staff it is essential that a final examination pack check is carried out by the Unit Leader.
The Unit Leader must satisfy himself/herself that all items required for the examination are correct and contained in the pack and then sign and date the pack check label (see Annex 4). The examination pack is to be securely retained in the Faculty Office until the day of the examination, when it is the responsibility of the relevant Chief Invigilator to ensure that the pack is collected and taken to the appropriate examination venue.
One copy of the final examination paper will be retained on a master file by the Faculty Registrar, or nominated representative.
Availability of Past Examination Question Papers
Students may gain access to copies of previous examination papers for reference by accessing the Library section of the Student Portal. At the end of the academic year Faculty Registrars, or nominated representatives, will provide the Library with electronic copies of all examination papers sat during the academic year.
4.Support for Disabled Students
Faculties will make appropriate examination provision for disabled students where support has been formally assessed and approved by the Learning and Information Service (Study Assistance). Support may include specialist equipment, scribes or extra time. However notification of agreed support requirements must be with faculty offices at least four weeks prior to the start of formal examinations.
For students who, for reason of a disability/special needs, and/or dyslexia, have received formal approval to have additional time in a formal examination, an allowance of fifteen minutes per hour be allocated.
Fifteen minutes of extra time per hour are to be permitted when a scribe is used for an examination.
Students who have LIS (Student Support) approval to use a personal computer in an examination, will have an additional time allowance of fifteen minutes per hour allocated. The software for the personal computer would normally be that currently offered and maintained as standard by LIS.
Where students request particular software packages to support examinations these must be approved by LIS and normally supplied by the individual student who would have to personally ensure they are competent in the appropriate packages. The student will be given the normal fifteen minutes additional time allowances.
The time allowance set out in this scheme may not be applied cumulatively.Where the allocated normal duration includes a portion of an hour, most commonly half an hour, the time allocation will be rounded up to the nearest five minute period.
5.Examination Evacuation Procedures
The safety procedure to be followed in the event of a fire/emergency is detailed in the University’s Emergency Procedures.
Examination procedures to be followed in the event of an evacuation during an examination are set out at Annex 1.
6.Examination Scripts
Following the examination, the Unit Leader, or individual member of the teaching team as appropriate, will collect and sign for the relevant scripts from the faculty office for marking.
External examination scripts will be processed by the relevant Faculty Registrar or nominated representative under the regulations of the relevant external body.
Examination scripts should not normally be returned to students. Scripts should be retained securelywithin the faculty for a minimum of one year.
7.Academic Misconduct
It is important that prompt action is taken when any student is suspected of cheating or undertaking any behaviour that might be considered academic misconduct. Attention is drawn to the guidance at Annex 1 (iv) ‘During the examination’. The faculty is responsible for advising AS of the incident as soon as possible so that consideration can be given to initiating the Academic Misconduct procedure.
Southampton Solent University
Duties of Invigilators
1.Responsibility for Invigilation
A Faculty is responsible for providing sufficient invigilators to cover all examinations administered by that Faculty.
The invigilation of shared examinations remains the responsibility of the ‘parent’ Faculty.
Invigilators are normally academic members of staff designated by the Faculty but may also be appropriately trained external invigilators secured by the Faculty in accordance with University recruitment guidelines.
2.Instructions to Invigilators
The following instructions apply to both internal and external Invigilators. In some cases there may be regulations and instructions to Invigilators issued by a particular examining authority which supplement and/or replace the University’s own procedures.
For each examination the Faculty Registrar will appoint a Chief Invigilator, responsible for the conduct of the examination, and the appropriate number of Invigilators.
All Invigilators will take instruction from the Chief Invigilator throughout the period of the examination.
Reserve Invigilators are provided for each examination session and are required to familiarise themselves with all the duties of an Invigilator and act in that capacity when required. They must report to the Chief Invigilator/Faculty Contact at least fifteen minutes before the start of the examination to ascertain whether their services are likely to be required. They are to inform the Faculty Office where they may be contacted throughout the period of the examination.
For each examination room there will be a Chief Invigilator and at least one further Invigilator.
As a guide, the minimum number of Invigilators required is indicated as follows:
Number of StudentsNumber of Invigilators
Up to 50a Chief Invigilator with at least one other Invigilator.
50 to 100a Chief Invigilator with at least two other Invigilators.
101 to 150a Chief Invigilator with at least three other Invigilators.
151 to 200a Chief Invigilator with at least four other Invigilators.
Over 200a Chief Invigilator with at least five other Invigilators.
Prior to the Examination
i.the Chief Invigilator shall be responsible for the collection of the examination pack from the Faculty Registrar, or nominated representative, at least thirty minutes prior to the commencement of the examination;
ii.Invigilators must arrive in the examination room at least thirty minutes prior to the planned commencement of the examination;
iii.Invigilators must ensure that the examination room is suitably prepared in that:
- a clock must be visible to all students;
- the room must be adequately lit and ventilated;
- there are sufficient places for the number of students, laid out in a manner appropriate to the examination, enabling invigilators to walk between them without disturbing students; and
- each place is provided with the materials, aids and equipment indicated on the rubric of the paper, and with an answer book.
iv.Students are permitted to use templates, pens, pencils, rulers, rubbers and general writing equipment unless specifically prohibited. The use of calculators may also be allowed for certain examinations. Where this is the case students will have been informed by the Unit Leader of the calculator specification permitted. This information will also be included in the Rubric for the examination paper;