Questionnaire for the implementation of an
Emeriti Network in European Vision Research
Draft Version (2008-11-04)
1Vision Scientist (Emeritus)
Gender / / female / / maleFamily Name:
First Name:
E-mail address:
Short CV:
CV as a PDF-file: / Please attach your CV (PDF)
Picture: / Please attach a picture (jpeg)
1.2.Scientific Interests
Main scientific interests(up to 5 lines freetext)
Methodology:(up to 3 lines free-text)
(up to 10 key publications)
Author(s) / Title / Journal1.5.Memberships
Memberships:1.6.Further Activities
Further Activities/ EuroVisionNet – Portal / Presentation Research Groups / Data / 1 / 8
Scientific Research Topics
(Tick up to 10 keywords)
/ ACAID / Acanthamoeba
/ accessory optic system/pretectum
/ accomodation
/ acetylcholine
/ adaptation: blur
/ adaptation: chromatic
/ adaptation: motion
/ adaptation: pattern
/ adenosine
/ adenovirus
/ age-related macular degeneration
/ aging
/ aging: visual performance
/ amacrine cells
/ amblyopia
/ amoeba
/ anatomy
/ anterior chamber
/ anterior segment
/ antibiotics/antifungals/antiparasitics
/ antigen presentation/processing
/ antioxidants
/ antiviral drugs
/ apoptosis/cell death
/ aqueous
/ astigmatism
/ astrocyte
/ astrocytes: optic nerve head
/ astroglia: optic nerve head
/ autoimmune disease
/ bacterial disease
/ binocular vision/stereopsis
/ bipolar cells
/ blood supply
/ brightness and lightness
/ Bruch's membrane
/ calcium
/ candidate gene analysis
/ carbon dioxide
/ carbonic anhydrase
/ carotenoids/carotenoid binding proteins
/ cataract
/ cell adhesions/cell junctions
/ cell-cell communication
/ cell membrane/membrane specializations
/ cell survival
/ chaperones
/ chorioretinitis
/ choroid
/ choroid: neovascularization
/ chromatic mechanisms
/ ciliary body
/ ciliary muscle
/ ciliary processes
/ circadian rhythms
/ clinical (human) or epidemiologic studies: biostatistics/epidemiology methodology
/ clinical (human) or epidemiologic studies: health care delivery/economics/manpower
/ clinical (human) or epidemiologic studies: natural history
/ clinical (human) or epidemiologic studies: outcomes/complications
/ clinical (human) or epidemiologic studies: prevalence/incidence
/ clinical (human) or epidemiologic studies: risk factor assessment
/ clinical (human) or epidemiologic studies: systems/equipment/techniques
/ clinical (human) or epidemiologic studies: treatment/prevention assessment/controlled clinical trials
/ clinical laboratory testing
/ clinical research methodology
/ color appearance/constancy
/ color pigments and opsins
/ color vision
/ comparative anatomy
/ computational modeling
/ conjunctiva
/ conjunctivitis
/ connecting cilium
/ constancy
/ contact lens
/ contrast sensitivity
/ cornea: clinical science
/ cornea: basic science
/ cornea: endothelium
/ cornea: epithelium
/ cornea: storage
/ cornea: stroma and keratocytes
/ cornea: surface mucins
/ cornea: tears/tear film/dry eye
/ corticosteroids
/ crystallins
/ cyclosporine
/ cytokines/chemokines
/ cytology
/ cytomegalovirus
/ cytoskeleton
/ degenerations/dystrophies
/ depth
/ detection
/ development
/ diabetes
/ diabetic retinopathy
/ disease gene mapping
/ differentiation
/ discrimination
/ dopamine
/ drug toxicity/drug effects
/ drusen
/ edema
/ eicosanoids
/ electrophysiology: clinical
/ electrophysiology: non-clinical
/ electroretinography: clinical
/ electroretinography: non-clinical
/ emmetropization
/ EMT (epithelial mesenchymal transition)
/ endophthalmitis
/ enzymes/enzyme inhibitors
/ esotropia and exotropia
/ excitatory amino acid receptors
/ excitatory neurotransmitters
/ extracellular matrix
/ extraocular muscles: development
/ extraocular muscles: structure
/ eye movements
/ eye movements: conjugate
/ eye movements: recording techniques
/ eye movements: saccades and pursuits
/ eyelid
/ face perception
/ fluorescent in situ hybridization
/ flow cytometry
/ fungal disease
/ ganglion cells
/ gap junctions/coupling
/ gene/expression
/ gene microarray
/ gene modifiers
/ gene transfer/gene therapy
/ genetics
/ glaucoma
/ glia
/ glycoconjugates/glycoproteins
/ grouping and segmentation
/ growth factors/growth factor receptors
/ heading
/ herpes simplex virus
/ horizontal cells
/ hyperopia
/ hypoxia
/ image processing
/ imaging/image analysis: clinical
/ imaging/image analysis: non-clinical
/ imaging methods (CT, FA, ICG, MRI, OCT, RTA, SLO, ultrasound)
/ immune tolerance/privilege
/ immunohistochemistry
/ immunomodulation/immunoregulation
/ infant vision
/ inflammation
/ inflow/ciliary body
/ inhibitory neurotransmitters
/ inhibitory receptors
/ injection
/ inner retina dysfunction: biochemistry and cell biology
/ inner retina dysfunction: hereditary
/ innervation: neural regulation
/ innervation: sensation
/ in situ hybridization
/ intraocular lens
/ intraocular pressure
/ ion channels
/ ion transporters
/ iris
/ ischemia
/ keratitis
/ keratoconus
/ keratoprostheses
/ lacrimal gland
/ lamina cribrosa
/ laser
/ learning
/ Leber congenital amaurosis
/ lesion study
/ linkage analysis
/ ipofuscin
/ lipids
/ low vision
/ macula/fovea
/ macular dystrophy, inherited
/ macular holes
/ macular pigment
/ melanocytes
/ melanoma
/ melatonin
/ memory
/ metabolism
/ microbial pathogenesis: clinical studies
/ microbial pathogenesis: experimental studies
/ microglia
/ microscopy: confocal/tunneling
/ microscopy: electron microscopy
/ microscopy: fixation processing
/ microscopy: light/fluorescence/immunohistochemistry
/ mitochondria
/ molecular diagnostics
/ motion-2D
/ motion-3D
/ Muller cells
/ mutations
/ myopia
/ NaK ATPase
/ neovascularization
/ nerve fiber layer
/ neuro-ophthalmology: cortical function/rehabilitation
/ neuro-ophthalmology: diagnosis
/ neuro-ophthalmology: optic nerve
/ neuropeptides
/ neuroprotection
/ neurotransmitters/neurotransmitter systems
/ nitric oxide
/ nutritional factors
/ nystagmus
/ ocular irritancy/toxicity testing
/ ocular irritants
/ ocular motor control
/ oligodendrocyte
/ oncology
/ opsins
/ aberrations
/ optic disc
/ optic flow
/ optic nerve
/ optical properties
/ orbit
/ outflow: ciliary muscle
/ outflow: trabecular meshwork
/ oxidation/oxidative or free radical damage
/ oxygen
/ pathobiology
/ pathology: experimental
/ pathology: human
/ pathology techniques
/ pattern vision
/ perception
/ perimetry
/ pH
/ pH regulation/protons
/ phagocytosis and killing
/ phosphorylation
/ photodynamic therapy
/ photoreceptors
/ photoreceptors: visual performance
/ plasticity
/ posterior capsular opacification (PCO)
/ presbyopia
/ proliferation
/ proliferative vitreoretinopathy
/ protective mechanisms
/ protein modifications-post translational
/ protein purification and characterization
/ protein structure/function
/ proteins encoded by disease genes
/ proteoglycans/glycosaminoglycans
/ proteolysis
/ proteomics
/ pseudomonas
/ pterygium
/ pump/barrier function
/ pupil
/ pupillary reflex
/ quality of life
/ radiation damage: light/UV
/ radiation therapy
/ reading
/ receptive fields
/ receptors
/ receptors: pharmacology/physiology
/ refraction
/ refractive error development
/ refractive surgery
/ refractive surgery: comparative studies
/ refractive surgery: complications
/ refractive surgery: corneal topography
/ refractive surgery: other technologies
/ refractive surgery: LASIK
/ refractive surgery: optical quality
/ refractive surgery: phakic IOL
/ refractive surgery: PRK
/ regeneration
/ retina
/ retina: distal (photoreceptors, horizontal cells, bipolar cells)
/ retina: neurochemistry
/ retina: proximal (bipolar, amacrine, and ganglion cells)
/ retinal adhesion
/ retinal connections, networks, circuitry
/ retinal culture
/ retinal degenerations: cell biology
/ retinal degenerations: hereditary
/ retinal detachment
/ retinal development
/ retinal glia
/ retinal neovascularization
/ retinal pigment epithelium
/ retinitis
/ retinitis pigmentosa
/ retinoblastoma
/ retinochoroiditis
/ retinoids/retinoid binding proteins
/ retinopathy of prematurity
/ ribosomal RNA
/ sclera
/ screening for amblyopia and strabismus
/ second messengers
/ second messengers: pharmacology/physiology
/ shape and contour
/ shape, form, contour, object perception
/ signal transduction
/ signal transduction: pharmacology/physiology
/ small incision cataract surgery
/ space and scene perception
/ spectacle lens
/ scene perception
/ Staphylococcus
/ strabismus
/ strabismus: diagnosis and detection
/ strabismus: etiology
/ strabismus: treatment
/ stress response
/ superior colliculus/optic tectum
/ synapse
/ taurine
/ temporal vision
/ texture
/ thalamus/lateral geniculate nucleus
/ topography
/ toxoplasmosis
/ trabecular meshwork
/ trachoma
/ training/teaching cataract surgery
/ transcription
/ transcription factors
/ transgenics/knock-outs
/ transplantation
/ trauma
/ treatment outcomes of cataract surgery
/ tumors
/ uvea
/ uveitis-clinical/animal model
/ varicella zoster virus
/ vascular endothelial growth factor
/ vascular occlusion/vascular occlusive disease
/ vergence
/ vestibulo-ocular reflex
/ vision and action
/ visual acuity
/ visual cortex
/ visual development
/ visual development: infancy and childhood
/ visual fields
/ visual impairment: neuro-ophthalmological disease
/ visual search
/ vitamin A deficiency
/ vitreoretinal surgery
/ vitreoretinopathies
/ vitreous
/ vitreous substitutes
/ wound healing
EuroVisionNet – Portal / Presentation Research Groups / Data / 1 / 8
1.7.Keywords (please insert your own keywords, max. 5)
Keyword 1Keyword 2
Keyword 3
Keyword 4
Keyword 5
2Further Comments
/ EuroVisionNet – Portal / Presentation Research Groups / Data / 1 / 8