Dear Parents/Carers of Year 6,
Re: Year 6 school journey – Monday 4th June – Friday 8th June 2018
I am delighted to be able to inform you that this year’s school journey for Year 6 will be to Harrow House, Swanage. Year 6 have previously visited this site on 3 occasions, and we have returned this year due to the wonderful opportunity to expand the children’s learning in an adventure setting.
Land and Wave will run all of our daytime activities. These range from the land based ones including- den building, fire lighting, campfire cooking, orienteering, beach sports and archery; and also the water-based ones- sea kayaking, paddle boarding, raft building and coasteering.The instructors are experts within their fields, and each year we have been reminded of their deep knowledge and passion. The website for the company is
We will be staying at Harrow House- an international school with wonderful facilities. During the ‘down-times;’ and during the post-dinner activity, the children can participate in football, badminton, various sports in the sports-dome, tennis, basketball, swimming in the indoor-heated pool, olympic games, and even play pool/table tennis in the inside common room. If you wish to peruse the accommodation, the website is: During this exciting week, the pupils’ learning is extended beyond the classroom and the children will develop personal and social qualities, increase their self confidence, learn new skills and have lots of fun.
The contribution will be £361.00 per child. The cost breaks down as follows: £34.00 for the cost of the coach, £318.00 for the accommodation and activities and £9 for the hoodie for our children to be easily identifiable.
Families in receipt of Income Support/Jobseekers Allowance may receive support from Lewisham to reduce the cost to £217.00. To apply for this grant, please complete the attached form and return it to the school office with current proof of benefit – we cannot accept photocopies. Please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Windham or myself if you have any problems regarding this or any other area of the journey.
Land and Wave are holding a provisional booking for us which needs to be confirmed with a deposit by Tuesday 12th December 2017 at the latest. If you wish your child to attend you need to send a non-returnable deposit of £40 by Friday 8th December 2017, and complete the slip below.
Unfortunately a firm commitment must be made by this date as they require confirmed numbers and an accompanying deposit. It is highly unlikely that late bookings will be able to be accommodated.Land and Wave set out clear dates by which they expect further deposits to be made in order to fulfil the booking conditions. If they do not receive these amounts on time, our booking becomes invalid. For this reason, would you please complete payments in instalments as follows: payments on Tuesdays.
If you wish to spread the cost, we are happy to accept weekly or monthly instalments every Tuesday as long as the totals are paid by the following dates:
- By Tuesday 12th December 2017 £40.00 deposit
- By Tuesday23rd January 2018 £80.00
- By Tuesday 27th February 2018 £80.00
- By Tuesday 27th March 2018 £80.00
The remaining £81.00by Tuesday 24th April 2018 bringing the total to £361.00.
We do hope that all children will take part in the school journey. Please do not hesitate to contact MrsWindham or MrsColeif you have any further questions.
Please return the signed slip below and the deposit by Friday 8th December 2017 atthe latest.
Yours sincerely,
Julia McCrossen
Acting Head Teacher
Name of child………………………………………………….Class……………………
Name of parent………………………………………………..
I hereby consent that my child may participate in the Year 6 School Journey toHarrow House, Swanage from Monday 4th June – Friday 8thJune 2018 and enclose a deposit of £40.00
I understand the need to adhere to the payment dates due to Land and Wave's booking conditions.
Parents signature...... Date……………………….
CHEQUES TO BE MADE PAYABLE TO: JOHN BALL SCHOOL. Payments to the school office on Tuesdays please.