8th Grade Civil War Project

Objective: Students will increase their awareness of specific concepts of the Civil War by completing various enrichment activities.

Due Date: A-Day: Tuesday, March 3 B: Day: Wednesday, March 4

Description: This is a contract project. Students will determine their own grades based on how many activities they complete as well as the quality of those activities. This project will be completed at home. The final product should either be typed or written in blue or black ink. Notebook paper should not be used. The final products can be submitted on a poster, booklet, pamphlet, report portfolio, or in a scrapbook. All written descriptions should be completed in original text, or IN YOUR OWN WORDS! Copying and pasting from the Internet in PLAGARISM and will result in the elimination of points for that portion of the project.

Points: This is a 150 point FORMAL grade. Choose activities from the list below. You will create 5 of activities listed; each activity is worth 20 points. You MUST complete the Picture Dictionary and Modern Warfare activities. The remaining 3 activities are yours to choose. Your grade will consist of: 2/3=sum of points for the activities for 100 points, 1/3=Knowing and Understanding Humanities rubric for 50 points.

Notes: Do not complete any work on lined notebook paper or in pencil. Use unlined paper (color does not matter). Either write in ink or print your work from the computer.

Activities: 2/3 of your grade

Required Activities

1. Picture Dictionary: Define the following words and include the role that each played in the war: Fort Sumter, iron clad ship, 54th Massachusetts regiment, Anaconda Plan, and Conscription Act. Illustrate each item. Pictures can be hand drawn or printed from the computer. BE SURE THAT YOUR PICTURES ARE HISTORICALLY ACCURATE TO THE CIVIL WAR. Do not use modern 21st Century examples or you will not receive credit.

2. Modern Warfare: Research how warfare has changed over the last 150 years since the end of the Civil War. How have uniforms changed? Weapons? Fighting styles? Battle strategies? Demonstrate changes in any form of media.

Choose 3 of the following:

3. Weapons: Look up weapons used during the Civil War. Choose at least three different types of weapons and equip a soldier. DRAW (not from the computer) and color the selected weapons. Label the parts of the weapons and write a brief description of their use in war in no less than five sentences EACH.

4. News Story: Create the front page of a news story for a newspaper or website on one battle of the Civil War. Be sure to include the five W’s (who, what, when, where, how/why) and the outcome of the battle. Write in complete sentences and use proper spelling and grammar. Do not copy and paste from the Internet—write your own story.

5. Journal Entries:Write four journal entries as if you are doctor or nurse caring for the wounded from the battlefield. Each entry should consist of a minimum of four descriptive sentences and should be historically accurate (correct dates and facts).

6. Knapsack:Create a knapsack for a soldier of either the North or South. Research and choose seven items the soldier would either need or have on him. Include a list of the items. The list should include the name of the items, their function/purpose, and why your soldier needs the items.

7. Propaganda Poster:Create a propaganda poster to encourage citizens to join the army for either the North or South. Use either markers or colored pencils to color the poster. Include on your poster a slogan and at least one image supporting your cause. Poster should be hand drawn.

8. Memorial: Create a memorial for a major battle. What is the message of your memorial? Who is the intended audience? Who would your memorial honor? What does the memorial look like? Where would the memorial be located?

9. iMovie/Video: Create a video detailing a day in the life of a soldier in either the Union or Confederate army. The video should be at least three minutes long and should be historically accurate. Ideas: food, uniform, weapons used, resources available to soldiers, battle conditions, daily life.

10 .Baseball Cards: Create three baseball cards on 3x5 index cards of three different Civil War Generals. Each card should include a picture of the general on the front (either hand drawn or printed from the Internet), his name and a description on the back as to what his role/significance was during the war. (What was his importance, what did he command, and what battles was he in?)

Helpful Internet Sites:

Ø  Various topics on the Civil War: http://www.ducksters.com/history/civil_war.php

Ø  Civil War Potpourri: http://www.civilwarhome.com/potpourr.htm

Ø  Son of the South: http://www.sonofthesouth.net/

Ø  Kid Info: http://www.kidinfo.com/American_History/Civil_War.html

Ø  Civil War Medicine: http://www.civilwarhome.com/civilwarmedicineintro.htm

Ø  Civil War Armies: http://www.civilwarhome.com/civilwararmies.htm

Rubric: 1/3 of your grade

A: Knowing and Understanding

Points / Description
33 pts / Student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below.
25-38 pts / ·  Makes a limited attempt to use some relevant terminology
·  Demonstrates basic knowledge and understanding of context and concepts through some descriptions and/or examples
39-42 pts / ·  Uses some terminology accurately
·  Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of content and concepts through simple description, explanations and examples
43-45 pts / ·  Uses considerable and relevant terminology accurately
·  Demonstrates substantial knowledge and understanding of content and concepts through descriptions, examples, and explanations
47-50 pts / ·  Consistently uses a range of terminology accurately
·  Demonstrates detailed knowledge and understanding of content and concepts through thorough developed and accurate descriptions, explanations, and examples