Kindergarten – 2nd Language Arts

(Tier III)
Phonemic Awareness, Word Recognition and Fluency / Read own first and last name
Identify and complete rhyming words and patterns / Rhyming Rapping Rabbit Game
Patterns in poems and rhymes
Phonological awareness packet
Rhyme Rodeo Game
Word Family Sort / Lindamood Phonemic Sequencing Program
Fundations/Wilson Reading
Orton Gillingham
Intervention By Design
Making Words
Academy of Reading
Distinguish the number of syllables in words by using rhythmic clapping, snapping or counting. / Segmenting Syllables Name Game / Elkonin Boxes
Fundations/Wilson Reading
Orton Gillingham
Intervention By Design
Academy of Reading
Distinguish and name all upper- and lower-case letters. / Letter Sound Activities
Paw Park Uppercase and Lowercase match Earobics game
ABC Match / Earobics
Fundations/Wilson Reading
Orton Gillingham
Intervention By Design
Recognize, say and write the common sounds of letters. / Letter Combination Activities
Alphabet Action
Distinguish letters from words by recognizing that words are separated by spaces. / Starfall / Ladders to Literacy
Fundations/Wilson Reading
Orton Gillingham
Intervention By Design
Hear and say the separate phonemes in words, such as identifying the initial consonant sound in a word, and blend phonemes to say words. / Build-A-Word Game
Sounding Out Activity
Phonological Awareness Activity
Phonics Build a Word Picture match Game
Word Family Sort / Letter-sound Association Activity
Fundations/Wilson Reading
Orton Gillingham
Intervention By Design
Making Words
Academy of Reading
Reading A-Z
Read one-syllable and often-heard words by sight. / Word Recognition Activities - FreeReading
Starfall / Language Experience Approach
Fundations/Wilson Reading
Orton Gillingham
Intervention By Design
High Frequency Word Intervention
Reading A-Z
Reread stories independently or as a group, modeling patterns of changes in timing, voice and expression. / Speed Reading
Repeated Reading
Paired Reading / Repeated Reading
Nuclear Reading
Intervention By Design
Read Naturally
Guided Reading
Reading A-Z
Academy of Reading
Acquisition of Vocabulary / Understand new words from the context of conversations or from the use of pictures within a text. / Bump A Word Game
Making Words / Making Words
Guided Reading
Recognize and understand words, signs and symbols seen in everyday life. / High Frequency Words
Word Walls
Knowledge Ratings
Magic Squares / Word Walls
Read Naturally
Identify words in common categories such as color words, number words and directional words. / Semantic Word Maps
Semantic Feature Analysis (SFA)
Word Sorts
List Group Label
What’s in the Bag? Game / Word Sorts
List Group Label.
Determine the meaning of unknown words, with assistance, using a beginner’s dictionary. / Word Recognition Activitites / Making Words
Reading Process: Concepts of Print, Comprehension Strategies and
Self-Monitoring Strategies / Demonstrate an understanding that print has meaning by explaining that text provides information or tells a story. / Finger Pointing/Following / Wilson Reading Program
Reading Comprehension SBR strategy
Intervention By Design
Guided Reading
Academy of Reading
Reading A-Z
Hold books right side up, know that people read pages from front to back and read words from left to right / Guided Reading
Know the differences between illustrations and print / Guided Reading
Visualize the information in texts, and demonstrate this by drawing pictures, discussing images in texts or dictating simple descriptions. / Picture Sentences
Guided Imagery
Mental Imagery: Recall
Learning Boxes (pair visual with words)
Comic Book Creator / Sketch to Stretch
Academy of Reading
Predict what will happen next, using pictures and content as a guide. / Story Impressions
Anticipation Guides
Mental Imagery: Recall
Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) / Support Reading Strategy (Morris & Nelson, 1992)
Prior Knowledge
Intervention By Design
Reading A-Z
Compare information (e.g., recognize similarities) in texts using prior knowledge and experience. / KWL Chart / Shared Book Experience (Holdaway, 1979)
Recall information from a story by sequencing pictures and events. / Sequencing
Doodle Splash Game / Literal Comprehension Coaching
Intervention By Design
Answer literal questions to demonstrate comprehension of orally read grade-appropriate texts. / Click or Clunk / Question Generation
Intervention By Design
Academy of Reading
Monitor comprehension of orally read texts by asking and answering questions. / KWL Chart
Expectations Outline
ReQuest / Reading Recovery
Intervention By Design
Academy of Reading
Identify favorite books and stories and participate in shared oral reading. / Super Sorter
Online Books / Reading Centers
Reading Applications: Informational, Technical and Persuasive Text / Use pictures and illustrations to aid comprehension / Picture Sequencing game / Reading A-Z
Identify and discuss the sequence of events in informational text / Summarizing Informational Texts
Story Scramble / Think-Pair-Share
Question Generation
Intervention By Design
Tell the main idea of a selection that has been read aloud. / Main Idea Intervention
Reintroduce Main Idea
Build Mastery: Main Idea
Main Idea Online Quizzes / Intervention By Design
Identify and discuss simple maps, charts and graphs. / Frayer Model / Storyboard
Follow simple directions / Storyboard
Reading Applications: Literary Text / Identify favorite books and stories / Online Book Quiz
Identify the characters and setting in a story. / Create a Character
Retell or re-enact a story that has been heard. / Reciprocal Teaching
Distinguish between fantasy and reality. / Comparing Fiction and Nonfiction
Recognize predictable patterns in stories.
Writing Processes / Generate writing ideas through discussions with others. / Book Buddies / Word Sorts
Exploring Writing
Choose a topic for writing. / Writer Workshop (topic)
Determine audience / Teaching Audience through interactive writing
Organize and group related ideas.
Write from left to right and top to bottom. / Daily Writing Assignments
Use correct sentence structures when expressing thoughts and ideas / Poetry Portfolios
Reread own writing. / Revising Collaborative Stories
Story Grammar Checklist
Use resources (e.g., a word wall) to enhance vocabulary / Semantic Word Maps
Semantic Feature Analysis (SFA)
Knowledge Ratings
Rewrite and illustrate writing samples for display and for sharing with others. / Pre-writing and Drafting
Writing Applications / Dictate or write simple stories, using letters, words or pictures. / Letter Writing Activity
Draw a Story / Exploring Writing
Name or label objects or places. / Magic Key Characteristics
Write from left to right and from top to bottom.
Dictate or write informal writings for various purposes. / Writing Quality Intervention
Writing Conventions / Print capital and lowercase letters, correctly spacing the letters. / Proofreading Online Tool
Leave spaces between words when writing.
Show characteristics of early letter name-alphabetic spelling. / Spellits game
Use some end consonant sounds when writing.
Place punctuation marks at the end of sentences.
Research / Ask questions about a topic being studied or an area of interest / ReQuest
Use books or observations to gather information, with teacher assistance, to explain a topic or unit of study. / Outline talking about a topic
Recall information about a topic, with teacher assistance.
Share findings visually or orally. / Reverse Outlining
Communication / Listen attentively to speakers, stories, poems and songs.
Connect what is heard with prior knowledge and experience. / KWL Chart
Follow simple oral directions.
Speak clearly and understandably.
Deliver informal descriptive or informational presentations about ideas or experiences in logical order with a beginning, middle and end.
Recite short poems, songs and nursery rhymes. / Diamante Poems