CRM@SAP Mobile Sales (Online Version) Quick Start Guide



Important Information

Starting the Mobile Sales (Online Version) Application

Search for a Business Partner

Display Contacts & Details for an Account

Update Contacts

My Favorite BPs

My Open Opportunities

Update Opportunity

Update Opportunity Revenue


Add VAT-Team Member

Important Information

Please read the following information before using the CRM@SAP applications on your BlackBerry® device.

  • Avoid using the Escape key (located below the thumb wheel). This button causes the BlackBerry Browser to go back to the previous page, but does not transmit any information to the application server, which causes the device an the application server to lose synchronization. If you’ve ever purchased anything over the internet, and seen the big notice to avoid hitting the “Back” button on the browser so that your credit card won’t be charged twice, you should be familiar with this procedure. The only time you should use the Escape key is when completely exiting the application.
  • HTTP 500 Errors – The HTTP 500 Error is the most common error seen while using the SAP Mobile Sales (Online Version) application. It actually represents a number of potential errors, and there is usual a hidden “Details” button that provides more information about the cause of the error. It is very helpful for support personnel if you can provide the text of the detailed error message (if the message is short enough to do so). If you get one of these errors, the only way to continue is to completely exit the application. You can do this by pressing and holding the Escape key until you return to the home page of the BlackBerry device.
  • HTTP 0 Errors – Occasionally, after a long wait, you will receive an HTTP 0 error message. This indicates that the BlackBerry device has waited too long for a response from the application server and has “given up.” Usually, this happens because you have executed a search operation that returns too many results or has inadequate search criteria. Avoid searching for opportunities by description, and when searching Business Partners for common names (such as “Smith”) try to add as much additional information as possible (such as city and country). Just like with HTTP 500 errors, the only way to recover is to press and hold the Escape key until you return to the home page of the BlackBerry device.
  • Data Connection – To use CRM@SAP applications on your BlackBerry device, you must have a GPRS data connection. If you don’t see the uppercase letters “GPRS” next to the signal indicator in the upper right-hand corner of your device, you are not in a zone where you can access any of the CRM@SAP applications.

Starting the Mobile Sales (Online Version) Application

  1. Using the thumb wheel, select the CRM@SAP icon (shown above in the red circle).
  2. Click the thumb wheel to launch the CRM@SAP application menu.
  1. Scroll to the Mobile Sales (Online Version) choice on the menu and press the thumb wheel.
  2. Select “Get Link” from the context menu and press the thumb wheel.
  1. You should now be on the Mobile Sales (Online Version) main menu.

Search for a Business Partner

  1. Scroll to Search option under Business Partner and press the thumb wheel.
  2. Select “Get Link” from the context menu and press the thumb wheel.
  1. Enter a company name.
  1. Scroll to the Submit button and press and hold the thumb wheel.
  2. Or click the thumb wheel, select “Get Link” and click thethumb wheel.
  1. Scroll to the entry that you are looking for.
  2. Press and hold the thumb wheel.
  1. The Business Partner Details are displayed.
  1. Scroll to the telephone number and click the thumb wheel once.
  2. Press the thumb wheel again to call the telephone number.
  1. The number will be called for you. Press and hold the Escape key to end the call
  1. Select “Yes” with the thumb wheel to return to the SAP Mobile Sales (Online Version) application.

Display Contacts & Details for an Account

  1. Scroll to Display Contacts. Click and hold the thumb wheel.
  1. Scroll to the contact that you want to update.
  2. Press and hold the thumb wheel.
  1. The BP Contact Details will be displayed.
  2. Select Update and press and hold thumb wheel.

Update Contacts

  1. After you select Update, make your changes.
  2. Scroll to the Submit button and press and hold the thumb wheel.
  1. The Relationship is successfully updated.
  2. You will be able to see your changes the next time you logon.
  3. Note: Sometimes the change is made immediately.
  1. Scroll to the Home button. Press and hold the thumb wheel.

My Favorite BPs

  1. If you have added Business Partners that you typically work with to your “Favorites” list on the Portal, you can directly access them from the “My Favorites” menu item.

MyOpen Opportunities

  1. Scroll to My Open Opportunities. Press and hold the thumb wheel.
  2. All your In-process Opportunities will be displayed.
  1. Scroll to the opportunity you want to view.
  2. Press and hold the thumb wheel.
  1. View the Opportunity Details.

Update Opportunity

  1. Scroll to the Update Opportunity button. Press and hold the thumb wheel.
  1. Update fields as needed.
  2. Scroll to the “Submit” button at the bottom. Press and hold the thumb wheel.

Update Opportunity Revenue

  1. Scroll to the Update Revenue button. Press and hold the thumb wheel.
  1. Select the product for which you want to change the revenue value. Press and hold the thumb wheel.
  1. Enter the new revenue value.
  2. Scroll to the Submit button. Press and hold the thumb wheel.


  1. Scroll to the VAT-Team button. Press and hold the thumb wheel.
  1. The VAT-Team members should be listed.

Add VAT-Team Member

  1. Scroll to the Add Team Member button. Press and hold the thumb wheel.
  1. Select the correct BP function.
  2. Enter first and last name.
  3. Scroll to the Submit button. Press and hold the thumb wheel.
  4. Note: For common names, you can follow the Search BP link for a more detailed search.
  1. Choose the correct BP from the list.
  2. Press and hold the thumb wheel to select. The new team member should be added.


BlackBerry 10/6/2018