Idaho SIP Workplan Q3 (Aug-Oct) 2013 Report
Project: Advancing Nursing in Idaho to Improve Health
Project Lead: Margaret Henbest
Area of Focus: Nurse Residencies, Lifelong Learning, and Barriers to Practice
Project Goal #1: A statewide continuum of transition programs for nurses: new graduates entering into practice and nurses transitioning into leadership or education positions
Objectives / Action Steps / Target Date& RP / Q1 (Jan-Mar) Action Step Progress / Q2 (Apr-July) Action Step Progress / Q3 (Aug-Oct) Action Step Progress / Deliverable
(18 or 24 mo) /
Develop a uniformed state-wide curriculum for new graduate Nurse Residency Model / Identify key stakeholders with academic and practice partners for engaging in the planning and curriculum development and conduct at least 4 focus groups in the geographic regions of the state. / Q2 2013
Project Manager / Have not started
In progress
Notes: Project manager, Val Greenspan hired 3/26/13 and did 2 of 3 structured interviews of the existing nurse residencies in Idaho, a preliminary interview with LTC exec. dir. related to LTC residency needs. Additional interviews are scheduled. Considering coordination of focus groups with needs of other Idaho SIP areas. / Have not started
In progress
Notes- Stakeholders met via telephone 05/07, 21; 06/18 & 6 of 9 met 06/18 at the Summit. Focus on curricular comparisons & on a generic Nurse Residency definition & marketing points for informational purposes.
-Structured interviews used instead of focus groups
-1 stakeholder added 06/13; 1 will be moving out-of-state / Have not started
In progress
Notes: -Stakeholders telephone conf. 09/20 focused on finalizing informational flyer and
Discussion: “What should be the new graduate Nurse Residency Model in Idaho?”
- Best actions: 1) Stakeholder meetings Q1-3 are first ID Nurse Residency discussions ever
2) Q3 - Flyer to increase CNO/CEO and other’s knowledge about Nurse Residencies / 18 mo:
Key stakeholders identified are active in the workgroup developing the Nurse Residency program
Presentation of proposal to Council of Nurse Educator Leaders
Model presented to a minimum of 4 regional focus groups made up of key stakeholders for evaluation of feasibility of implementation
24 mo:
Program advertised to new graduates and diverse, rural, critical access hospitals & employers
Nurse Residency program pilot tested in one setting
Present proposed work on developing Nurse Residency curriculum to Council of Nurse Educator Leaders at their 2013 annual meeting / Q1 2013
Margaret Henbest, Lori Stinson, Project Manager / Have not started
In progress
Notes: Margaret Henbest presented the SIP to CNEL. / Have not started
In progress
Notes: / Have not started
In progress
Notes: See Q1
Conduct survey of hospitals and university in Idaho that currently sponsor Nurse Residency Programs / Q1 2013 – Q3 2013 Project Manager / Have not started
In progress
Notes: descriptive interviews underway; results will inform necessity of a more formal and widespread survey to ascertain need, setting and interest statewide. / Have not started
In progress
Notes: Since interviews are being done & stakeholders represent ID Nurse residency programs, a survey is no longer considered necessary. / Have not started
In progress
-Interviews completed of 13 of 25 CAH and 3 midsized hospitals(more beds than CAH and <200 beds) with input on curricular and
model components
Develop Nurse Residency Model based on national models and those currently in use in Idaho, collaborating with school of nursing to reach diverse, rural, critical access hospitals throughout Idaho / Q4 2013 – Q1 2014 Project Manager / Have not started
In progress
Notes: / Have not started
In progress
Notes: Beginning to develop Ideas towards this, but no firm model adopted yet / Have not started
In progress
Notes: Draft model ideas collated from interviews, stakeholders, INL conference participants, literature and other sources
Present model to at least 4 critical access hospitals in geographically diverse areas of Idaho, for evaluation of feasibility of implementing the model / Q1 2014 – Q2 2014
Project Manager / Have not started
In progress
Notes: Current focus is on needs and gaps. Modeling will evolve as information is analyzed. / Have not started
In progress
Much information gathering & analysis is needed to reach this action step.
-Interviews have uncovered geographical gaps in hospitals without a Nurse Residency that might be feasible places for presenting a model. / Have not started
In progress
Notes: : Previous step must be completed first
Present model to Council of Nurse Educator Leaders at their 2014 annual meeting for evaluation of feasibility of implementing the model / Q1 2014 Project Manager / Have not started
In progress
Notes: Next meeting is mid-march 2014. / Have not started
In progress
Notes: / Have not started
In progress
Notes: Meeting scheduled for 03/2014
Nurse Residency delivery to one pilot group in one setting; Disseminate advertisement of Nurse Residency program to target sites with the greatest number of Hispanic and new male graduates to increase opportunity for diverse group of participants in pilot group / Q3 2014 – Q4 2014 Project Manager / Have not started
In progress
Notes: Val is querying stakeholders about employment sites that may over-represent Hispanic and male new graduates for outreach in the future. / Have not started
In progress
Notes: Val has queried stakeholder group about underserved employment (for nurse residencies)sites with significant number of new Hispanic and male graduates.
Other action steps have been a priority; once model determined, then this step will be planned / Have not started
In progress
Notes: CAH and midsized hospital and other interviews about maximizing nurses representing diverse groups (e.g., males, Hispanics, Native Americans)
- Since there are no known professional assoc. in ID for these groups, INAC posits supporting formation of new groups
Develop a transition program to support clinical nurses in assuming leadership / management positions / Review existing leadership / mentorship programs nationally / Q1 2013 Project Manager, Margaret Henbest, Sharon Kensinger / Have not started
In progress
Notes: Sharon Kensinger attended California Leadership course in November 2012, and provided written review to INAC leadership team and IALN board. In negotiations with her to take on project manager position for this SIP objective / Have not started
In progress
Notes: Sharon Kensinger will continue to be involved after taking CNO position in Hawaii. She will coordinate with Carmen Brochu, CNO of Kootenai Medical Center, Margaret Henbest, and Buffie Main, co-chair of the leadership action team. This team proposed purchase of ACNL course at June INAC Summit, where decision was affirmed. / Have not started
In progress
Notes: Deena Rauch has assumed the role of Project Manager in Sharon Kensinger’s absence. She will be attending the California Leadership Course in November. Carmen Brochu, Margaret Henbest, Buffie Main, Karen Neil from Idaho State University will serve on the advisory council. / 18 mo:
5-day Leadership Transitions Program developed
Program advertised to 30 health care settings, including targeted regions/critical access hospitals / Federally Qualified Health Clinics, Indian Health Services
24 mo:
Program pilot tested to 10 participants who are gender and ethnically diverse
Preliminary evaluation and recommendations for sustainable model of delivery throughout the state
Create 5-day Leadership Transitions program for nurses based on national leadership competencies for nurse leaders / Q4 2013
Project Manager / Have not started
In progress
Notes: / Have not started
In progress
Notes: Negotiating specific contract deliverables with ACNL; beginning to develop and contact potential faculty to present sessions of the course. / Have not started
In progress
Notes: Contract negotiations reinitiated by Margaret Henbest and Deena Rauch. Faculty being identified for areas of expertise.
Advertise Leadership Transitions program to a minimum of 30 hospitals/care settings, including all seven regions, critical access hospitals / Federally Qualified Health Clinics, Indian Health Services etc. to increase the potential for diversity in the applicant pool / Q4 2013 – Q1 2014 Project manager / Have not started
In progress
Notes: / Have not started
In progress
Notes: Targeting early Spring 2014 for pilot of course. This date may have to be revised. Currently on schedule to begin advertising course in Q4 of 2013. / Have not started
In progress
Notes: targeting November 2014 for pilot
Pilot the program to 10 nurses, stratified for equal representation from urban and rural settings, who are gender and ethnically diverse. / Q3 2014 Project Manager / Have not started
In progress
Notes: / Have not started
In progress
Notes: / Have not started
In progress
Conduct preliminary analysis of evaluations for further refinements to the program and recommendations made for next steps to establish sustainability / Q4 2014 Project Manager / Have not started
In progress
Notes: / Have not started
In progress
Notes: / Have not started
In progress
Develop a transition program to support clinical nurses in assuming academic / education positions / Conduct systematic review of the literature and national sweep of programs already in place and write manuscript for publication / Q3 2013 Project Manager, Graduate St. Intern (GSI) / Have not started
In progress
Notes: Project manager for this objective will be faculty member at BSU. Currently in negotiations with Pam Springer at BSU. / Have not started
In progress
Notes: Interviews underway for GSI; Systematic review will begin in mid-Sept. / Have not started
In progress
Notes: New program manager identified due to position change of project manager. The literature supports the Importance of an intentional experiential and peer learning course needed to orient clinicians to teaching. A collaborative effort in Maryland was described in literature and will be further explored / 18 mo:
Manuscript submitted for publication on current state of the science surrounding transition programs for nurses entering academic / education positions
Preliminary program outline developed
24 mo:
Recommendations for next steps to implement a sustainable program
Conduct focus groups with clinical nurses and nurse educators to identify key reasons for transitioning into an academic role, support requirements for mentoring/coaching, and outcomes of successful transition / Q1 2014 Project Manager, GSI / Have not started
In progress
Notes: / Have not started
In progress
Notes: Focus group participants identified. First meeting planned for Sept. Framework for discussion identified / Have not started
In progress
Notes: Objective was changed since a synthesis of the lit will yield same results.
Synthesize literature review and focus group findings to develop a preliminary program / Q3 2014 Project Manager, GSI / Have not started
In progress
Notes: / Have not started
In progress
Notes: / Have not started
In progress
Present program to key stakeholders, including CNEL, and NLI for review of feasibility, accuracy, and make recommendations for next steps / Q4 2014 Project Manager, GSI / Have not started
In progress
Notes: / Have not started
In progress
Notes: / Have not started
In progress
Project Goal #2: Identify barriers limiting APRN ability to practice to the full extent of their education and training and make recommendations for action plans.
Objectives / Action Steps / Target Date & RP / Q1 (Jan-Mar) Action Step Progress / Q2 (Apr-July) Action Step Progress / Q3 (Aug-Oct) Action Step Progress / Deliverable(18 or 24 mo) /
Design and distribute a survey to evaluate APRN barriers to practice in Idaho / Refine draft of 2 surveys developed in collaboration with the Idaho Hospital Association, Department of Labor and Board of Nursing on evaluating current barriers to APRN practice:
1) Employer survey
2) Practitioner survey / Q3 2013 Project Manager, Steve Millard, Sandy Evans, Dianna Clough / Have not started
In progress
Notes: Hired project manager for this objective: Julie Marcum. Julie has met with Access to Care team and reviewed their preliminary work in drafting survey questions. Key relationships and partners identified. Julie is researching APRN practice surveys that have been completed already across the nation. / Have not started
In progress
Notes: INAC summit held 6/13 where overview of project and current status was presented by JM. Survey review by APRN breakout participants was conducted and comments were incorporated into draft APRN survey. Dept of Labor survey expert reviewed and provided feedback on survey. Meeting conducted with core group and revisions were made. DOL review of final draft is being requested. Marketing ideas to increase awareness about survey were discussed at INAC summit. Article submitted to RN Idaho to inform state APRNs of upcoming surveys and rationale. Marketing plan is being developed to enhance response rate. Employer survey draft is in progress. Input from BSU College of Health Science survey expert will be obtained. Pilot survey plan is being developed / Have not started
In progress
Notes: APRN survey ready for expert review/BSU Center for Health Policy. Collaborations have been solidified with BSU and Idaho Dept of Labor for survey assistance, data analysis and report writing. Funding has been approved via the Idaho Board of Nursing for financial support of the above / 18 mo:
Comprehensive communications plan to increase awareness of barriers to APRN practice in Idaho
Survey to evaluate
APRN practice barriers
24 mo:
Survey distributed to 100% of the APRN’s licensed in Idaho and to 70% of the employers in both community and inpatient settings
Recommendations for next steps in evaluating data and informing communications plans
Pilot the surveys to 4 employers of APRN’s and 10 APRN’s to evaluate the accuracy of the survey questions to attain the appropriate information / Q4 2013 Project Manager / Have not started
In progress
Notes: / Have not started
In progress
Notes: Timeline is on target to pilot in Q4. / Have not started
In progress
Notes: Timeline is on target to pilot in Q4
Develop comprehensive communication plan to increase the potential for response to the survey / Q4 2013 Project manager / Have not started
In progress
Notes: / Have not started
In progress
Notes: Initial meeting with marketing/communication expert scheduled for August 2013. / Have not started
In progress
Notes: Informational postcard has been developed that will be mailed to all Idaho APRNs informing of upcoming survey.
Implement communications plan ongoing throughout survey distribution and evaluation of data / Q1 2014 –
Q4 2014
Project manager / Have not started
In progress
Notes: / Have not started
In progress
Notes: / Have not started
In progress
Notes: Presentation 10/13 providing information about surveys to Nurse Practitioners of Idaho. Provided article on survey project which will be published in NPI newsletter. Presentation to IBN APRN Advisory Committee 9/13.
Distribute survey to APRN’s and employers and propose plan for data analysis and recommendations for next steps / Q4 2014 Project manager / Have not started
In progress
Notes: / Have not started
In progress
Notes: Target is to release APRN practice survey in early spring 2014. In process of applying for targeted funds through Idaho Board of Nursing dedicated funds to fund surveys. / Have not started
In progress
Notes: Target is to release APRN practice survey in early spring 2014. Funding has been approved by Idaho Board of Nursing to fund surveys, data entry & analysis and writing final report.
*NOTE: Blue text = addresses diversity goals through activities accomplished within the objectives