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ITEM NO. 1 (C- 13)
Confirmation and signing of the minutes of last Council’s Meeting No. 02/2005-06 dated 27.05.2005 at 11-30 A.M., at Committee Room, Palika Kendra, NDMC. (See pages 2 – 8 ).
The above minutes were confirmed subject to the following addition in the decision of Item No. 13 (E-3) :
“The Council also advised that the procurement procedure for allopathic, homeopathic and ayurvedic medicine be reviewed by FA to ensure that quality of medicines is not compromised.”
HELD ON 27.05.2005 AT 11-30 A.M..
MEETING NO. / : / 02/2005-2006DATED / : / 27.05.2005
TIME / : / 11-30 A.M.
1. Smt. Sindhushree Khullar : Chairperson
2. Smt. Tajdar Babar : Vice-Chairperson
3. Sh. Ashok Ahuja : Member
4. Sh. Mohinder Pal Chawla : Member
5. Smt. Mohini Garg : Member
6. Sh. U.K. Worah : Secretary, N.D.M.C.
1 (C-7) /Confirmation and signing of the minutes of last Council’s Meeting No. 01/2005-06 dated 27.04.2005 at 11-30 A.M. at Committee Room, Palika Kendra, NDMC.
/ Confirmed.2 (C-8) /
Reply to Admitted Question under section 28 of NDMC Act, 1994.
/ No question was asked.3 (S-2) /
NDMC Works Manual.
/ The Council after deliberations, unanimously decided that NDMC should have a Works Manual of its own and authorized the Chairperson, NDMC, to take action as deemed appropriate by her to have the NDMC Works Manual of 1996 revised/rewritten to meet the functional requirements in the NDMC. The Council also resolved that till the new Works Manual came into operation the Engineer in Chief, NDMC, would periodically issue instructions and guidelines to ensure proper execution of works in the NDMC. The Chairperson informed the Council that she would entrust the task of revising/rewriting the NDMC Works Manual of 1996 to Shri R Sundara Raj, former Chief Vigilance Officer, NDMC, who informed that Chairperson that he would arrange to have the first draft of the Manual prepared and circulated among the members of the Council on or before 1 September, 2005.Further resolved by the Council that the NDMC Works Manual will be reviewed after every 3 years, and will be placed before the Council in its Meeting to be held in April, 2008.
4 (A-5) /
Construction of 17 Nos. Type III Flats at Palika Hostel Building at R.K.Ashram Marg.
/ Resolved by the Council that the administrative approval and expenditure sanction is accorded to the preliminary estimate amounting Rs.57,62,000/- for the work of 17 nos. Type III flats at Palika Hostel Building, R.K. Ashram Marg. The action taken by the Chairperson to award the work in anticipation of the approval of the preliminary estimate is also approved.The number of municipal quarters category wise, as mentioned in the agendum, be now read as under :
Type I 1505
Type II 1085
Type III 578
Type IV 127
Type V 53
Type VI 06
It was further decided that the construction work of these Type III flats be completed before 15th December, 2005.
5 (A-6) / Resurfacing of service roads, colony roads, lanes, bylanes in NDMC area. / Resolved by the Council that administrative approval and expenditure sanction to the estimate amounting to (a) Rs.94.79 lacs, (b) Rs.295.05 lacs (c) Rs.64.44 lacs (d) Rs.71.81 lacs and (e) Rs.125.27 lacs (Total Rs.651.36 lacs) is accorded in relaxation of earlier decision regarding inspection of service roads etc and advise the department to put in place a system of regular inspection of roads etc and proper maintenance of Road History Register.
6 (B-3) / Norms for Annual Maintenance of various electrical services/works in Municipal buildings. / Resolved by the Council that the proposed norms for maintenance of electrical works as explained above in table 17 and 18 are approved. It was further decided that the norms shall remain valid for 3 years.
It was also resolved by the Council that the said norms for maintenance of electrical works will be reviewed after every 3 years, and will be placed before the Council in its Meeting to be held in April, 2008.
Further certified copy of the assets of the Electricity Department on the basis of which capital cost has been worked out shall be attached with the norms, which shall be a part of the approved norms. Which shall also remain valid for 3 years.
7 (B-4) / Revised estimate for annual maintenance for running and maintenance of Electrical Services in Municipal buildings (North of Rajpath) for the Year 2004-05. / Resolved by the Council that revised estimate amounting to Rs.2,09,16,647/- with an excess expenditure of Rs.46,24,627/- over previous sanctioned estimate for the year 2003-2004 for annual running and maintenance of electrical services in municipal buildings (North of Rajpath), is approved.
8 (L-2) / Improvement of New Delhi Area – Proposal for uniformity in painting, signages of Kiosks. / Resolved by the Council that the proposal for uniformity in painting, signages of kiosks is approved in principle with following modifications :
1. Chairperson is authorized to finalise the colour scheme. However, white colour is not recommended as it gets dirty fast.
2. Advertisements that are not permissible under law are not to be allowed.
3. Kiosks near schools should be relocated.
4. Further the word ‘signages’ may be read as ‘billboards’.
Detailed estimates may be prepared for the said works and works should begin only after the same are approved by competent authority.
9 (O-2) / Constitution of Standing Committee on Audit in NDMC for consideration of Reports of the Chief Auditor, NDMC / Resolved by the Council as under:
A. A Standing Committee on Audit in NDMC be constituted under section 9 of the NDMC Act.
B. In accordance with section 9(3) of the Act, the Chairperson of the Council shall preside over the Committee’s meeting. The following members of the Council shall be the members of the Committee till further orders:
i) Shri P.K. Pradhan, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Urban Development.
ii) Shri O.P. Kelkar, Principal Secretary (UD), GNCTD.
iii) Shri Mahinder Pal Chawla.
C. Chief Auditor, NDMC and Financial Advisor, NDMC, who are not members of the Council but possess special qualifications for serving on such Committee, shall be the other two members of the Committee. Chief Auditor, NDMC shall be the Member Convener of the Committee.
D. The Committee shall consider the Annual Audit Report of the Chief Auditor and submit its report thereon to the Council. The Committee may also discharge such other functions as may be prescribed by the Council. The Committee shall meet at least once in every quarter.
E. The Committee shall decide in its first meeting the detailed procedure for its functioning and modalities of reporting its recommendations to the Council.
10 (D-5) / Investment policy of NDMC : Minutes of the meeting held under the said policy of the Council laid down by Resolution No. 6(D-17) dated 31st October, 2003 & 5(D-18) dated 25th November, 2003. / Information noted.
11 (C-9) / Minutes of the Special Council’s Meeting No. 01/2005-06 held on 24.05.2005. / Confirmed.
12 (E-2) /
Estimate for establishing 33KV S/S at Trauma Centre, Behind Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
/ Resolved by the Council that the administrative approval and expenditure sanction is accorded to the estimate amounting to Rs.8,93,05,000/- as explained above.13 (E-3) /
Purchase of Allopathic Medicines for the year 2005-2006.
/ Resolved by the Council that administrative approval and expenditure sanction of Rs.177 Lakhs for the purchase of Allopathic medicines from the firms empanelled in the annual rate contract by placing Supply Orders every four months is accorded. Ex-post-facto sanction of expenditure already incurred for the purchase of medicines amounting to Rs.50 Lakhs is also accorded. The Department can also place supplementary orders in between two quarters to meet any additional demand of medicines, if need so arise. The running rate contract with the firms at the rates mentioned in the annexure is also approved.14 (L-3) /
Fixation of flat rates of Licence fee for residential accommodation in NDMC area.
/ Resolved by the Council that adoption of GOI orders contained in OM No.18011/4/2003/Pol-III dated 22.6.04 of revised rates of licence fee for govt. accommodation w.e.f. 1.07.04. The revised licence fee is to be applicable, for municipal accommodation w.e.f. 1.06.05 in respect of NDMC employees. For those on deputation to NDMC, rates shall be applicable from the date of OM, is approved.The Council has also approved adoption of GOI orders contained in OM No.18011/2/2002/Pol-III dated 25.11.04 of revised rates of damage charges, for govt. accommodation w.e.f. 1.12.04. The same shall be applicable to NDMC employees for unauthorized occupation of municipal accommodation.
It was also decided that the cases of ex-employees, who have retired, died and in whose case, dues have already been settled need not be re-opened.
15 (C-10) / Contracts / Schemes involving an expenditure of Rs. 1 Lac but not exceeding Rs. 50 Lacs. / Information noted.
16 (C-11) / Action Taken Report on the status of ongoing schemes/works approved by the Council. / Information noted.
17 (C-12) / Oath taking by Dr. K.S. Sugathan, Joint Secretary (UT) Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India, as Member, N.D.M.C. / Information noted.
18 ( A-7) / Norms for Annual Repair and Maintenance (A/R & M/O) of Roads in NDMC area / Resolved by the Council that norms for Annual Repair & Maintenance of Roads (AR&MO) in NDMC area during 2005-06 as mentioned in the preamble are ratified. It was further decided that these norms be brought before the Council after three years in the month of April, 2008, for review.
19 (K-1) /
fgrdkjh fuf/k ;kstuk ds vUrxZr ikfydk ifj"kn~ ds deZpkfj;ksa dks nh tkus okyh vkfFkZd lgk;rk esa o`f) djus ds laca/k esa A
/ ifjÔn }kjk ikfjr fd;k x;k fd izLrko esa of.kZrkuqlkj ubZ fnYyh uxjikfydk ifjÔn ds deZpkfj;ksa gsrq fgrdkjh fuf/k ;kstuk esa Hkqxrku dh tkus okyh jkfÓ esa laÓksf/kr o`f) dk vuqeksnu fd;k tkrk gS ,oa dk;Zokgh dh iqf"V dh izR;k'kk esa izLrko dh frfFk ls ;g la'kksf/kr o`f) ykxw@izHkkoh gksxh A iqu% ;g fu.kZ; fy;k x;k fd izLrkouk esa of.kZrkuqlkj vkdfLed e`R;q dh nÓk esa fgrdkjh fuf/k ;kstuk dk ykHk nSfud osru Hkksxh ¼Vh-,e-vkj-½ deZpkfj;ksa ds ekeyksa esa Hkh fn;k tk;s A;g Hkh ikfjr fd;k x;k fd bl ;kstuk dk izR;sd ikap oÔZ mijkUr iquZkoyksdu@laÓks/ku fd;k tk;s A ;g Hkh fu.kZ; fy;k x;k fd ftu vf/kdkfj;ksa@deZpkfj;ksa us viuh lsokdky ds nkSjku fgrdkjh fuf/k ;kstuk ls dksbZ ykHk ugha fy;k gSs mUgsa lsokfuo`fr ij bl ;kstuk ls dksbZ ykHk ugha fn;k tk,xk A
20 (C-13) /
Keeping the services rendered by Sh. D.N. Gupta, Chief Engineer (Elect.-I) who is going to retired on 30.04.2005 on superannuation.
/ Resolved by the Council that the services rendered by Sh. D.N. Gupta, Chief Engineer (Elect.-I) are appreciated and kept on record.( U.K. WORAH ) ( SINDHUSHREE KHULLAR )
ITEM NO. 2 (C-14)
The Question raised by Sh. Mohinder Pal Chawla, Member, NDMC, has been replied to and placed at page v)
ITEM NO. 3 ( V–1)
The Delhi Development Authority has displayed a public notice on 08.04.2005 inviting objections/suggestions in respect of final Draft Master Plan 2021 for Delhi inviting objection/suggestion before 7th July 2005.
In this regard, it may be mentioned before public notice , restricted copies of the draft MPD-2021 were circulated by DDA to the concerned Authorities/ One such copy received by Chairperson, NDMC was studied keeping in view the impact of Draft Master Plan 2021 on New Delhi and NDMC Area, and comments were sent to DDA. Subsequently, in a consultation meeting held by Vice Chairman, DDA was attended by Chairperson, E-In-C and Chief Architect, NDMC. These preliminary comments/observations were discussed in detail. Most of the preliminary comments/observations have already been incorporated/included in the final Draft by DDA. A copy of the comments forwarded is placed at Annexure-I ( See pages 16 – 19 ).
(i) The vision of Draft MPD-2021 is to make Delhi a global metropolitan World Class city where al the people are engaged in productive work with a decent standard of living and quality of life in a sustainable environment.
(ii) The following has been proposed in the Draft Master Plan 2021:
1. In Bungalow area, mixed use high density development along MRTS corridor and de-densification of trees/reduction of green cover is not permitted. In this area sub-division of plots has not been permitted and it is proposed that the area would be for only residential use.(Chapter 4 : Shelter)
2. The NDMC area falls under Zone – D and Zonal Plan of Zone D has already been notified.
3. The holding capacity of NDMC area by 2021 has been shown as 8,13000 – (lakhs / million / crores)
4. Reduced space norms for social, educational & Community Facilities.
5. The natural features such as forest, wild life sanctuary, Ridge, River, Yamuna & other water bodies should be conserved and kept free from unrestricted and unplanned urban development.
6. Connaught Place and its extension, Gole Market, Mandi House has been included in the Metropolitan City Centre (MCC) and it is proposed that an integrated plan incorporating urban design landscape, traffic and transportation scheme is to be prepared for its development.