Classroom Rules and Policy
Making Choices for the Future…
O- Opportunity
C- Commitment
H- Honor
S- Success
- Respect yourself and everyone in the classroom so the topics we cover in class and the discussions we have can be conducted without any major problems. Also respect this room and the items in the room. If the items are not yours, do not touch them. NEVER GO BEHIND TEACHER DESK.
- To be sure that everyone is able to express himself or herself in a constructive manner and to be sure we cover all the material we need to cover, students need to be sure that only one person is talking at a time. Also, excessive talking will not be tolerated. This means, if I am talking, no one else needs to be talking. If another student is talking, no else needs to be talking.
- Make sure you come to class with proper materials EVERYDAY! This is part of your participation points.
- Students must arrive on time to class so class time will not be lost and so there will be minimal distractions.
- Students will be allowed to leave the class only under extreme emergency conditions. Students should not expect to use this on a regular basis. I will decide whether or not the situation is an emergency. Using vulgar descriptions will not help the situation. Plan to use the restroom and get your supplies when classes change.
- Do not throw any objects. This ensures the safety of the classroom. This includes paper wads in the trash.
- Do not eat or drink anything in the classroom. This helps keep the room in better shape and avoids distractions. Only bottled water is allowed.
- Participate in class as directed by the teacher. Make sure you participate in class discussions, group work, individual work, etc. in the time that is given to you. DO NOT WHINE, POUT, or BE A BABY. You are young adults, act that way!
- You must hand in all assignments and homework when they are due. I will accept late work with no penalty only if you have made prior arrangements with me or have an excused absence. Otherwise, if it is 1 day late or 100 days late, you will only receive half credit for the assignment. All assignments are due on time.
- You must do your own work. Cheating results in a zero for that assignment, test and quiz. It also makes me loose trust in you as a student.
- You must follow any and all directions (written and verbal) given by the teacher and in addition OBEY ALL SCHOOL RULES!
- First offense – verbal and written warning. I will call your parents. Loss of Participation for day.
- Second offense – Parental conference will be set up with principal present.
- Third offense – sent immediately to the office.
Record of your behavior is kept on a discipline record.
Classroom Format
A.Presentation of Materials
- I will use the PowerPoint projector and board to present material. You must take notes. I will be talking and writing a lot and so will you. Be prepared and keep complaints to yourself. NO WHINING! If you plan to pass this class, plan to do all that is asked of you.
- We will also be working in groups and presenting information in front of the class.
B.Three-Ring Binder
- You must keep notes for this class everyday notes are given.
- The three-ring binder should be divided into the units we cover. I will announce the name of the unit as we cover the material. I will keep a running order of notes and handouts on the board for each class.
- Your binder will be brought to class daily. The binder will be your best friend in this class. You will be allowed to use your notebooks occasionally on quizzes.
- YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY NOTES YOU MISS. If you are absent, find a reliable friend to copy notes from. I WILL NOT give you missing notes and you will NOT be allowed to use a friend’s notebook or materials on quizzes!
- All notes are taken up after the test and receives a grade for that unit. (You will just turn in the notes for that particular unit.)
- All papers need to be dated for organization. Always have your binders in order. I can take surprise binder checks so always be ready!
Division of Notebook/What your tabs should say:
Pass Sign Out Sheet
Movie Permission form
Classroom Rules
Course Outline
- Grades will be based on daily openers/exit exams, exams, quizzes/notebooks, and homework/classwork assignments (Case study group/individual work included). We will have openers and exit questions everday, you will need CPS clickers for this. We will have exams after every major unit. Smaller test/quizzes will be given after each topic.
- Grades will also be based on participation in class. If students sleep, are disruptive, unprepared, or cause any other problems, 20 points will be deducted each day. I will keep track of the infractions. At the end of a week, you should have earned 100 points. However, you will loose these points if you violate the following conduct rubric.
Remain in Seat / Brought Materials / Staying Awake / Class Behavior / On task / Throwing Objects
20 / Follows rules, only up when allowed, no roaming the room / Has all materials such as paper, pen/pencils and notebooks / Alert throughout the entire class / Respectful to teacher, other students and the classroom / Working on the assigned task when told to / Does not throw any type of object
0 / Out of seat and causing problems / No materials / Sleeping during part or all of class / Defiant behavior, constant disruption, passing notes / Not taking notes, not working or participating / Throws objects (includes paper wads, pencils, anything)
Note the following:
- To be successful in this class, you must keep a good binder and bring it to class everyday.
- To be successful in this class, you must do your own work and hand it in on time.
- To be successful in this class, you must put forth effort.
- To be successful in this class, you must be in class.
- To be successful in this class, you must follow the rules and procedures of this class.
Loose-leaf paper and three ring binder. DO NOT plan to use this binder for any other class. It is only for my class.
1. Colored Pencils
2. Notebook
3. ScissorsYOU Will Need these Items, but I will
have some for you to use
4. Pen/Pencils
Note to Parents and Students
I want to have a successful school year and cover topics that are interesting and worthwhile, although some topics may not be interesting to all students. I want all students to feel comfortable in my class and to feel free to express their views and opinions on the topics we cover. However, to avoid hurt feelings and animosity forming in the classroom, the students must obey the rules that have been established.
I plan to keep in contact with you, the parents and/or guardians, and I hope that you, as parents and/or guardians, feel comfortable talking with me if you have any concerns. I want your child to be successful and with your help, I feel that your child will be a successful student.
Also, if your student vandalizes any object in my room such as a desk, poster or book, they are responsible for the damages.
I ask that you and your child sign this document and return it so I know I can count on your support and your child’s compliance with these rules.
PARENTS - PLEASE READ THIS….we will again be using a fairly new learning device in this class. It is called CPS (Classroom Performance System). This technology uses the computer, a projector, and a hand held device to review work on a “big screen.” This should lend to the chance of students performing better on exams and also on the CATS test in April. Each student will have a hand held device that they will be responsible for during classtime. If the student breaks one of these, the cost is $25.00. These will be issued just like textbooks, but they will never leave this room. I encourage all parents to ask their child about the use of these devices and how they work in History class. Please call me anytime if you have any questions about anything…especially grades. My number is 484-4173. Also, you can reach me on email very quickly (BEST WAY!) at kevin.webster @owen.kyschools.us Please email anytime!!Thank you!
Parent Signature ______
Student Signature ______
Mr. Kevin Webster