Chief Child Protection Commission
Friday, September 26, 2008 – Bi-Monthly Meeting
Commission Members Present: Anthony Lazzaro- Chair; Judge Michael Mack;
Linda Sandaies; John Kelley
Commission Members Absent: Anthony Candido, Paul Chill, Ann Dandrow, Monique Ferraro, Shelley Geballe, Gregory Stokes, Judge John Turner
CCPA Staff members: Carolyn Signorelli, Valerie Clark
Public: Douglas Monaghan, Esq.
Meeting Commenced: 5:45 p.m.
Current Agenda:
1. Minutes
July 24, 2008 Minutes Approved
- Representation at time of 96 hour hold. (Blumenthal Letter to Agranoff)
CAS met with AAG Susan Pearlman who is not opposed to a
requirement. Possibility of legislative action & Judicial involvement. CAS will look
into number of 96 hour holds, fiscal impact & delegation of staff responsible to
ensure immediate notification to assigned attorney. Further analysis of expectations
of attorneys needed.
- Legislation clarifying child’s right to independent counsel.
CAS discussed the need to have all children appointed by CCPA regardless of parent
ability to hire private counsel. Conflicts when parents hire & control payment to
private counsel, concern over control of proceedings. Discussion of Rule 1.8f -
“Conflict to be paid by a 3rd party”. C.G.S. 46-129a “Court shall appoint” CAS to
research CCPA role further.
4. Pending Appeals/Providing Moot arguments
CCPA to set up training & moot arguments to prepare attorney for Appeals.
5. Jurisdiction of Juvenile Court over kids awaiting Adoption
Discussion of jurisdiction of Juvenile Court over child while adoption pending in
Probate court.
6. Database Progress
DOIT & Kidsvoice have not finalized details of contract. Negotiations still
7. Family Contempt & Paternity Contracts
CCPA is contemplating offering 8 to 9 annual contracts to provide required
representation in statewide Family Paternity/Contempt proceedings.
8. Commission Term Endings/ Members’ Plans
Judge Wolven and Judge Taylor have replaced Judge Mack and Judge Turner as
commission members. CAS will send letters.
9. New Business/Discussion
10. Public Participation
Due to economic crisis, cost of gasoline alone, welcome possibility of increasing
CCPA Juvenile Contract attorneys to $50.00 per hour addressed by Doug Monaghan.
Meeting adjourned: 7:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Valerie Clark
Financial Program Manager CCPA