President Goldman called the August meeting of the Borough Council to order in Council Chambers of Borough Hall at 7:30 P.M. this 3rd day of August 2009.


Police Chief DiValentino led all present in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.


Mr. Clark, Mr. Davis, Mr. Durkin, Ms. Durkin, Mr. Hildenbrand, Mr. Madden, Ms. Pancoe , Vice President Dobbs & President Goldman. (9)Mr. Golden arrived at 8 p.m. Ms. Marlowe and Dr. Montanaro were excused.


Solicitor Clarke, Police Chief DiValentino Manager English and Assistant Manager Centola.


Motion to approve the minutes of the July6, 2009Borough Council Meeting. Councilman Durkinmoved, seconded by Councilman Davis.

MOTION CARRIED, all present voting “AYE”


Vice President Dobbs reported the fund expense total for the various funds for the month ofJuly2009, as listed in the agenda packet.

GENERAL FUND (3 PAYROLLS) ______$153,254.10

FUND 01 GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT______$128,378.08


FUND 03 FIRE TAX ACCOUNT ______$9,833.98

FUND 08 SEWER TAX______$2,379.00

FUND 09 SOLID WASTE FUND______$22,097.94

FUND 18 STREET TAX FUND ______$700.00

FUND 31 CAPITAL PROJECTS______$59,024.29

FUND 60 POLICE PENSION FUND______$14,347.72




Councilwoman Pancoe moved, seconded by Councilman Davis to approve the payrolls and invoices for the month of July 2009, as listed in the agenda packet.

MOTION CARRIED, all present voting “AYE”.


Gary Bachman of 427 Hillside: The Fire Department, the Police Department and the EMS are opposed to speed humps as it will affect response time.

The speed hump on Hillside will do nothing to stop traffic or speeding on our street. I am asking council to postpone this decision.

Peggy Roe of 129 Walnut: I was not informed about the installation of the speed humps that were installed last summer. I am angry about not being informed and find the lack of communication to be disrespectful. We traded the issue of speeding for a noise problem. Walnut St. is punished by speeders, vehicles are very noisy over the humps and they humps are too high. Please delay vote on speedhumps.

Lisa Deitch of 144 Walnut: The hump on Walnut is very noisy. Is there any data on how effective this hump is?

Pat Matthews: I was not informed and they are proposed on my street, but not on my block, but I will still be affected. Everyone should have been informed. I am not in favor of speed humps for many reasons includingparallel parking, liability, road rage, and bicycle safety. Where are statistics from last two years?

Carol Estolitz Beaver Hill: I agree with everyone and don’t want a speed hump on West Ave.

Kevin Roe 129 Walnut: Earl (Armitage) said the humps were 3 inches high, I think they are 6 inches and I think this is a liability.

Bill Adair of 467 Leedom St: I am submitting a petition to request council to cease moving forward until concerns are addressed. The main concern is why were not all residents notified? The letter to the editor was more informative than anything I have heard. What other local municipalities have speed humps?

Nancy Hardimon 500 Cedar: I am totally in favor of humps. 4 out of 5 days there is a near accident or fender benders in the corner of Cheltena and Cedar.

Kevin Pirout of 505 Hillside: I am in favor of speed humps and I hope it slows people down. People use our roads as cut-throughs. I am worried about my 2 year-old son when he is out. I hope speed humps are a huge pain for people and they stop cutting through and use 611 instead.

Josh Kapowitz 416 Newbold: It is news to me that 80% of people opposed speedhumps on our street. Traffic on our street is way too fast. As was as I know 6 out of 7 families on our street want speed humps or some kind of traffic calming.

Newbold is the second fastest street in the Borough and something has to be done.

Cindy Wolman of Newbold and Washington: We have accidents frequently but I am opposed to speed humps. You can’t regulate human behavior. I would like to see true public safety issues where people are being hit.

Gene Factor: 400 Runnymede: I am side-swiped often. Jenkintown Police department does a great job, but can’t we hire a new officer instead?

Ed Foley of 151 Highland: I urge council to use restraint. 14 speed humps is a lot for 12 miles of road.

David Fitzgerald 510 Cheltena: We are 3 ½ blocks long and have a stop sign, there is no traffic problem.

Chris Shan of 511 Cheltena: I am supportive of this. I can’t get my kids out of the car without worrying about being hit.

Harry 126 Walnut: Purpose of humps to slow people down. Only slowed residents, not visitors. What study has been done to show this is needed on Walnut?

Sue Strohm of 409 Runnymede: We definitely have traffic problems, but not everyone agrees what to do about it. We need help. We get side-swiped a lot.

Bruce McCullough of 128 Cedar: I am the father of 6 kids under 12. I do not want a speed hump, parking is a problem and speed humps make it worse. Don’t put them on our street.

Matt Reagan 200 block of Walnut: What is the speed hump going to do on my block?

Holly Wilson of Newbold: Safety is a huge concern; but this won’t make a difference.

Kevin Strohm 409 Runnymede: People race to the light I’ve popped in front of people. 18 wheelers are coming down the street. Abington school busses and police cars blow through. Please inconvenience me and put a speed hump; I will be fine and it will make my street safer.

Karen Hartman of 516 Cheltena: I am opposed to speed humps on Cheltena. I have a petition compiled of neighbors and take issue with communication. Post card was junk mail-esque. The logic was questionable because the 400 and 600 blocks are just as affected. Families are interested in the documentation of accidents. It seems like tabling this is a good idea and I hope the decision won’t be made tonight.

****Ms. Hartman handed Manager English her petetions which are enclosed****

Karen Wagner of 406 Runnymede: I fully support speed humps and people have to slow down.

Joe Castachio of 419 Newbold: I wonder why Pennoni voted the way they did?

Lucy Harp 418 Newbold: We had a discussion in April and both sides were presented. 80% opposed speed humps but many feel there is a speeding problem. In November 2006 we got a flyer, but didn’t think there was a problem. When we heard about it this summer we had a neighborhood meeting. People need to experience that throughout the borough. Also, why can’t these be on a trial basis?

Molly Durkin of 205 Runnymede: Does someone have to die before people realize there is a need for this? Patrick Kerr died at York and Hillside a few years ago and I would hate to see something like that happen again unnecessarily.

Steve Kinnes of 100 block of Greenwood: I am neutral, but am asking that this vote be postponed.

Robert Wilson of Newbold sent in a letter to be read by Lucy Harp: His main points are can PennDOT provide residents with a list of communities who wanted speed humps installed and what were their primary reasons for wanting it? How does that info compare with Jenkintown’s reasoning? What specific traffic calming measures were implemented in those communities prior to the installation of speed humps? Has any communities who have had speed humps removed them and why? How have those communities realized any unintended consequences with speed humps especially for emergency vehicles? In the event speed humps have had to be removed, what was the cost to taxpayers?

Councilman Davis stated he has a petition from the residents of Beaver Hill in opposition to the proposed speed hump on the 100 block of West Ave.

Councilman Madden stated that he was the previous chair of the Public Safety Committee and that this is not a new issue. It had been on agendas for years and has been discussed.


Administration & Finance Committee:

The minutes are at the desks of council.

Public Works Committee:

There are no minutes. The committee’s sole purpose in July was to work on the postcard sent out about speed humps.

Public Safety Committee:

Chairman Montanaro is not present and there are no minutes to date.

Building, Zoning, & Revitalization Committee:

The minutes are at the council desks.

Jenkintown School District:

No report

Jenkintown Community Alliance:

Written report in packet

Multi-Municipal Group:

Councilman Golden reported the group is taking the summer off. 120 people came to the First Suburbs Documentary showing. JCA is working with the Hiway to get it shown there.

Solicitor’s Report:

Solicitor Clark has no report.

Mayor’s Report:

No report

Police Chief’s Report:

No report

Manager Report:

The parking lot bid will go out July 27th and bids are due August 7th.


1. Resolution 2009-12

Motion: To adopt Resolution 2009-12 appointing Thomas Danlak to a seat on the Zoning Hearing Board, this will expire on December 31, 2012.

President Goldman moved, seconded by Vice President Dobbs

MOTION CARRIED, all present voting “AYE”

2. General Insurance Policy

Motion: To authorize the administration to accept the proposal from Joyce Insurance Group to provide General Liability/Property Causality Insurance for the Borough.

Vice President Dobbs moved, seconded by Councilman Golden

MOTION CARRIED, all present voting “AYE”

3. 600-602 Greenwood

Motion: To move the 600-602 Greenwood Ave. Stutz Candy Building and Reverse Subdivision from a conditional approval in accordance with the current building code, the storm water maintenance agreement, and certification of sanitary sewer capacity.

Councilwoman Pancoemoved, seconded by Councilman Golden

MOTION CARRIED, all present voting “AYE”

4.Road Resurfacing Project

Motion: To authorize the administration to advertise bids for the 2009 Borough

Road Resurfacing Project.

Councilman Clark moved, seconded by Councilman Durkin

MOTION CARRIED, all present voting “AYE”

5. Parking Attendant System

Motion: To authorize the administration to advertise bids for the parking attendant system for the Borough parking lot.

Councilman Clark moved, seconded by Vice President Dobbs

MOTION CARRIED, all present voting “AYE”

6. Stormwater Management Ordinance

Motion: To authorize the administration to advertise an ordinance for stormwater management for the Tookany/Tacony Frankford Watershed.

Councilman Clark moved, seconded by Vice President Dobbs

MOTION CARRIED, all present voting “AYE”

7. Traffic Calming

Motion: To award a contract to Associated Paving Contractors Inc. to include the base bid, alternates 5 and 6 and alternate 7 with speed humps as recommended.

Councilman Clark moved, seconded by Vice President Dobbs

MOTION CARRIED, all present voting “AYE”

8. Traffic Calming Speed Hump Recommendations

Motion: To recommend the construction of following speed humps as part of the traffic calming plan and the contract to Associated Paving. The speed humps to be installed are on the 100 Greenwood Ave.; the 100 block of Cedar St; the 200 block of Rodman Ave,; the 200 and 400 block of Runnymede Ave.; the 400 block of Hillside Ave.; and the 500 block of Cheltena Ave.

Vice President Dobbsmoved, seconded by Councilman Davis

MOTION CARRIED, all present voting “AYE”

9. Adjournment

Motion: To adjourn the August 3, 2009 Borough Council Meeting at 10:55 p.m.

Vice President Dobbsmoved, seconded by Councilman Davis

MOTION CARRIED, all present voting “AYE”