What is theAlliance


The Alliance Française was founded in Paris in

1883. It is a worldwidenon-profit cultural organization, supported by the French government. It has three goals: to offer courses in French language, to promote French culture, and to encourage cultural diversity. There are over 950 branches in 138 countries, with more than 450,000 students per year, which makes it the largest language teaching association in the world. The first AllianceinAustraliawassetupinMelbournein

1890. There are now 31 Australian branches, six in the capital cities and 25 in the smaller towns and regional areas.

The Rockhampton branch was established in 2001 ontheinitiativeof ourpresident,DrSusanYates. Our tenth anniversary was celebrated in June 2011 and attended by the French Cultural Attaché, Monsieur Pierre Labbe. This year we are proud to have been honoured by a visit from Monsieur Stéphane Romantet, the French Ambassador, who spentanaction-packedtwodaysconnectingwith the Alliance and the city ofRockhampton.

Contacts and Website

Susan Yates - or 0410 878 536.

Pascale Levacher - 4936 3907



Central Queensland Alliance Française PO BOX 3413


Immersion weekend, North Keppel Island, 2012



Parlez-vous français? (Do you speak French)

This is your chance to learn French!

TheAllianceFrançaise offers classes for adults and children. Adult classes are on Wednesdayevenings,6.30-8.30p.m.at thelibraryof theGlenmoreStateHigh School, Farm Street, North Rockhampton. Children’s classes are held on Saturday mornings in theRockhampton Girls Grammar School MusicRooms. Therearefourtermsa year, corresponding to state school terms. Classes are taught by fluent French speakers and the atmosphere is friendly and relaxed. The program covers the basic skillsof speaking,listening,readingand writing with an emphasis on oral communication.

Classes - adults and children

Three levels are offered to adults:

Beginners:Forthosewhohaveneverstudied French or have studied very little. Intermediate:Forthosewhohavebeeninour classesforoneortwotermsorhavehadsome exposure to the language.

Advanced: For those who have had several

termsof French,eitherwiththeAllianceor elsewhere, and who have a reasonable level of oral and written fluency.

Classes cost $170 for one term with a one off cost for a textbook at commencement of a level. Students arerequested to become membersof theCQAllianceFrançaise(see Membership).

Classes for children are held on Saturday mornings during school terms. There are two classes: Les Petits (5 - 11 years) and Les Grands (12 - 17 years). Fees are $108 per

9 week term. For further information on children’s classes contact Susan Yates on

0410 878 536.


An annual fee of$25 per individual or $35 for a family or couple entitles you to receive

regular updates, to attend all social and cultural functions, and to stand for election to the Management Committee. Some ofthe major events, e.g. Film Festival, attract a discount for members.

Social and CulturalActivities

Apart from the French language classes and the weekly conversation groups, we have a programof socialandculturaleventswhich includes:

•26-28April,2013,AnnualFilmFestival organised by the Australian Federation ofAlliances Françaises, featuring five films which are shown over one weekend.

•Frenchfilms,occasionallyshownatthe Walter Reid Centre by Rocky Flix (all with subtitles). Alliance Members receive a concession at all Rocky Flix showings.

•AnnualBastilleDayCelebration-usually a dinner but this year Pétanque in the Park on July 14.

•2-4August2013-Highlightoftheyear- a visit from the French Ambassador, Monsieur Stéphane Romatet and activities to honour the contribution of Anthelme Thozet to our city.

• 11 August - French stall at annual

Multicultural Fair.

•12 -13 October 2013, Annual French Language Immersion Weekend, North Keppel Island - open to students and members.

•Celebrationof theBeaujolaisNouveau, after the third Thursday in November.


Conversation Group

There are two conversation groups:

Some Fridays from 1.00 p.m. to 2.30 p.m. at the Coffee Star Café, 50Bolsover Street, Rockhampton.CheckwithSusan(0410878

536) or Pat (4934 1363).

Most Saturdays from 12.30 p.m - 2.00p.m at The Giddy Goat, corner William and East Streets in the CBD. There is no charge other thanthecostof acoffeeorlunchof your choice. Check with Susan (0410 878 536) or Pascale(0488 012 545).

Everyoneiswelcomeandmanycomeona casualbasis. Joininginwiththisgroupisa greatwayof gainingconfidenceinlistening toandspeakingFrench.Usuallythereisa mixof novicesandfluentspeakerswhoare alwayswilling to help. Membership of the Alliance is required for regular attendees. Occasionally the venue is changed but members are notified by email.

Chatting with the French Ambassador, 2013