Anti-Bullying Week 2015 Quiz – Answer Sheet

All data and statistics used to make this quiz can be found in the Annual Bullying Survey 2015, the Wireless Report 2014 and the Annual Cyber Bullying Survey 2013 which are all available to download at

  1. What percentage of young people experience bullying?
  2. It has been found that 43% of young people asked, have experienced bullying at some time in their lives.
  3. How many of these people are bullied on a daily basis?
  4. 44% of those who reported bullying have said that they experience this on a daily basis
  5. What is the main reason people are bullied?
  6. Appearance - 57%

- High Grades - 23%

- Body Weight/Shape - 45%

- Interests/Hobbies - 41%

  1. Who is most likely to be the perpetrator of bullying
  2. 98% of young people report being bullied by another pupil
  3. True/False - Physical bullying is more common than Social Exclusion
  4. False but only just - 82% of young people bullied said that this was purposeful exclusion from their peer group, whereas 74% reported being physically attacked
  5. What is impacted the highest by bullying?
  6. Self Esteem - 87%
  7. True/False - Most people will seek help to face bullying
  8. True - 55% will tell somebody that they are being bullied
  1. How many people want to change their appearance because of bullying?
  2. ½ of young people want to change their appearance due to being unhappy about it
  3. Which platform has the highest amount of Cyber Bullying
  4. Facebook - 54% of young users are cyberbullied
  5. How many people have received nasty comments on social networking apps
  6. 47% of users reported unwelcome or malicious comments being posted to their social media accounts
  7. How many people received hate based comments (such as racism, homophobia etc.)
  8. 42%
  9. How many people have experienced their personal information being shared online without their consent?
  10. 28%
  11. Who is more likely to post abuse about you on social media?
  12. Somebody you don’t know at all
  13. True/False - People who bully others are more likely to be in trouble with the police
  14. True - 36% of those who bully others are likely to be in trouble with the police compared to 23% who witness bullying and 22% who have been bullied
  15. True/False - 50% of young people have witnessed somebody else being bullied
  16. False - 69% of young people reported witnessing somebody else being bullied
  17. How many young people say they have bullied somebody else?
  18. 50% of young people report to have bullied somebody else, 30% of which say they do it at least once a week