For holiday dates please see

Autumn Term 2016 – Year 5Newsletter

Dear Parents/Carers

Welcome to year 5.

The year 5 team hope you had a truly restful break. Your teachers this year are Mrs Pastirmacioglu, Ms Coffi,Mr Dixon and Mrs Geay, and. The following is an outline of the work your child will be covering this term in Year 5. We hope that your child is settled back into school life and feeling rested and ready for the new challenges that Year 5 holds. Across the year, we have planned many exciting experiences which we are looking forward to sharing with both the children and yourselves.

Raynham Primary School was featured in the recent Teach Primary magazine. The article highlighted the habits of 12 great schools. Raynham, being one of them, earned this place for the support we give to our children, in raising attainment and standards. Please see


In Maths we have started looking at Roman numerals and we will return to using these later in the year. We are also continuing to improve our knowledge on rounding and place value. The focus of our Maths this terms is number; consolidating and improving our skills on the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication & division). We will also be applying this knowledge into word problems. As always, the children will be improving their basic times table skills and these will be tested on a regular basis.


We will be learning to writenon-chronological reports about our class countries and book reviews. In addition, we will be studying a unit on poetry and legend stories. We are also looking at stories from Roald Dahl.


We will be learning about our class countries: Fiji, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea.


During black history month we will be looking at Caribbean immigration.


This term in Science we are learning about Earth and Space. Children will be comparing the relative sizes of the Earth, Sun and Moon understanding why we have day and night; researching space travel and recognising orbiting structures within our solar system.


We will be setting our vision for the year and establishing the class rules. We will also be looking at this term’s Raynham Values: Respect, Equality, Tolerance and Peace.


We will be using laptops to explore how games are developed. By the end of the term we will have created an educational computer game.


PE lessons will be taught by Mr Grambo this year. During the PE lessons this term we will be learning about invasion games and net games.PE lessons will take place every Wednesday. Please ensure PE kits are provided for this lesson.


Year 5 swimming will take place every Tuesday afternoon. Please make sure children have appropriate swimwear. It is important your child takes part in these sessions. We will be walking to Edmonton Green Leisure Centre.


Music will be delivered by Mr Wishart this year. This term we will be developing our knowledge on music and improving our singing.


For the duration of this year, we will be learning Spanish with Mrs Steadman. This term we will be focusing on food names and healthy eating.

Other notices

Children will be set English, Maths and Science homework every Friday. Children should return homework no later than the following Wednesday.

As children will be partaking in lunch time athletics. Please ensure that children have plimsolls or trainers in school at all times.

We would encourage children to read for half an hour every day at home. We would appreciate it if you could support your child in developing their reading skills.

Please encourage your child to go to bed at a reasonable time in order for them to function properly the next day. Lack of sleep has a detrimental effect on learning.

Children are able to borrow books from the school library to read at home. Please ensure you provide your child with a book bag to enable them to do this. We cannot

allow books to go home without a book bag as they may get lost or damaged, which will incur a fine. Book bags can be bought from the office for £3.10.

Scooter Pods

Scooter Pods are available in the school near the bike shelters for the children to lock away their scooters. This is to keep them out of the playground.

Finally a polite reminder that children need to be in full school uniform at all times. Please ensure all belongings are clearly labelled with your child’s name and class.

We hope your child enjoys their time in year 5

Mrs Pastirmacioglu/Mrs Geay Ms CoffiMr Dixon

5 Fiji 5 Papua New Guinea 5 New Zealand