Checklist for Superseded Training Components
Units/Qualifications Superseded
Superseded Code & Title New Code & Title Related Qualification/s Date of Change E/NE
Content changes for NE (Not Equivalent Units)
Checklist (write N/A for steps that are not applicable) / Staff / Date / Initial
1. Content changes are made to all training and assessment materials and previous versions are archived. / ………… / …………… / ……………
2. Training and Assessment strategies and are updated and previous versions archived. / ………… / …………… / ……………
3. Trainers’ qualifications are upgraded where there is non-equivalence or equivalency of Trainers’ skills and knowledge are recorded. Trainers’ Matrix and HR Files are updated. / ………… / …………… / ……………
4. Update Student Management System: Qualifications / Units / Reports / ………… / …………… / ……………
5. New and continuing students undergoing superseded qualifications are transitioned within 12 months of release date on and issued Credit Transfer for previous qualification units. / ………… / …………… / ……………
6. ASQA’s current version (03.2012) of ‘General direction: Transition and teach out’ is adhered to as per Appendix A.
Superseded Training Package Qualification
-No new enrolments will take place after 12 months of the release date on TGA
-Students must be transferred as soon as practicable but no later than 12 months from the date of publication on TGA
-Current students have a 6 month teach-out period in addition to the 12 months transition period if they would be genuinely disadvantaged for transferring
Deleted Training Package Qualification
-No new enrolments will take place after the release date on TGA
-Current students must completed training within 18 months after its publication on TGA as deleted
-For exceptional circumstances RTO will apply to ASQA for an extended extension period
Superseded Unit of Competency (excluding version upgrade)
-Students who have commenced a unit but have not completed by the time it is superseded must not be required to transition to its replacement unit, however is entitled to a period of up to 12 months to complete the unit and receive a statement of attainment.
-After 12 months the student will be immediately transferred to the replacement unit if not completed.
-For exception circumstances RTO but demonstrate to ASQA its reasons for extending the transition period for students. / ………… / …………… / ……………
7. Hard-copy paperwork is reprinted. / ………… / …………… / ……………
8. Scope of Registration is updated (except for version changes (“A” to “B” of units of competency) within 12 months from the date of publication on TGA. / ………… / …………… / ……………
9. Website and marketing materials are updated. / ………… / …………… / ……………

Version 1 – July 2013