Healthy Living Pharmacy Training

My pharmacy would like to attend training for HLP and the access the support available through Worcestershire Council and Herefordshire & Worcestershire LPC.

Pharmacy Name:
Pharmacy Address:
Pharmacy email:
Pharmacy Phone number:
OCS Code:
HLP Leader Name:
HLP Leader contact details (email and phone):
Health Champions (at least equivalent of 1 FTE):
Contact details (email and phone number)
Contact details (email and phone number)

Training Preferences (please indicate which applies):

The Leader will undertake accredited training:

‘in house’

Face to Face session arranged by LPC / Council / AHSN

The Health Champion(s) will undertake the required RSPH Level 2 training:

‘in house’

Online through Buttercups

Distance Learning Pack plus Face to Face session arranged by LPC

Attendance at face to face events (& exam):

Pharmacist: Date:

The Council or AHSN will fund face to face sessions for one of the Health Champions including one exam attempt. The pharmacy may be required to fund the second Health Champion’s training and exam (£65 +VAT). For online training and associated examination, the pharmacies will need to pay for the training directly to Buttercups or alternative provider. We have negotiated a rate of £42 + VAT plus £20 + VAT for the exam for Buttercups. Once the online course has been completed and the examination passed, the LPC will refund the £62 training / exam fee for one of the Health Champions. Where we have space a second Leader can attend the leadership training by prior agreement of the LPC.

Event / Attendee (funded place) / Additional Attendee (if space and / or funding available) / Comment
Leadership Training 2nd February (9am - 4.30pm) PEAR TREE INN, WR3 8SY / One funded place per pharmacy. If require a second leadership place – add in second column and we will confirm if space. (40 places per day)
18th January Health Champion Level 2 RSPH (9am - 4pm) WHITEHOUSE HOTEL, WR1 1EA / AHSN are providing this training and will include whole days training with exam. (25 places)
Please click here to register

OR you can attend one of sessions below
28th January Health Champion Level 2 RSPH (9.30am - 4pm)
WYRE FOREST DISTRICT COUNCIL, DY11 7WF / This training is only available to organisations (including pharmacies) that have signed up to Worcestershire Works Well ()
To book on to this training email
9th March Health Champion Level 2 RSPH (9.30am - 4pm)

Please complete and return to Michelle Dyoss/Fiona Lowe (fax 01527 570724, email or , 80 Golden Cross Lane Bromsgrove B61 0LE)

RSVP: 11th January 2017