PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL - December 31st & January 1st


My friends, we begin this new year in prayer — remembering all our brothers and sisters throughout the world who are in need, we cry out, Lord, Hear our prayer.


For the church: that it may further explore and uphold the role of women…

For peace among all people in the coming year…

For those individuals, groups and organizations that minister in Mary’s name…

For a world committed to sustaining life and promoting families…

For all women whose support is essential to the life and growth of others…

For those who promote the role of women, especially in those countries where women are persecuted or demeaned…

For those most in need this community; and for all the intentions in our parish book…we pray,

2. For our brothers and sisters who are ill: ...... especially Roshika Fernando, Thalia Shapiro, Regina Almendral Jontoe, James Grandfield, Bill Gasgaska, Marguerite LaMarque, Judy D’Agostino, Stephen Berrigan, all those wounded in terrorist attacks...... and all those wounded in the service of our country,..... that they be patient in their time of suffering and soon come to the fullness of health.... in this time of hope and mercy, we pray....

3. For those who have died, whose memories are with us at this time:

Thurs. 5:30 pmBernadette McGuire

Fri. 8:30 am Kirill Demin

11:00 am Georgette Henry

(For whom this mass is offered)

All those in whose memory the sanctuary has been made beautiful for Christmas… Anne Duffell, Nancy Taylor, Billy Speiran, Paul Dong Soo Ha who died during the past week...... the victims of all terrorist attacks and all the victims of our present wars, that they may rest forever in the embrace of the one true God, in this time of hope and mercy, we pray....

4.And let us pause now to present our own personal petitions...(PAUSE ....count to 10)...... We are still a nation at war, let us pray for our president, our elected officials, the members of our diplomatic corps(core) and all those who serve our country in our uniformed services..... may their efforts for peace and justice be fruitful;..... together, let us raise our voices in a prayer for true and lasting peace......

the words are found on the back cover of the hymnal...


God who transcends all time, we humbly bring to you our hopes and dreams for the coming year. Calm our fears, hear our deepest concerns and empower us to face the future with wisdom and courage. Like Mary, help us to recognize your presence among us each day. We pray in the name of your Son, Jesus. Amen.