Mad Scientist Vocabulary Review
Materials for 2 Players:
• Die
• Minute Timer
• Mad Scientist Game Board
• Markers (Coins, paper clips, bingo chips, etc.)
• Mad Scientist Word List
• Dry erase boards and markers
Note: If you are the first pair to play the game during the week,
use a dry erase marker to list all the vocabulary and spelling
words for the week on the Mad Scientist Word List.
1. Roll to decided who will be the Mad Scientist and who will be
the Assistant for the first round of play. High roller wins.
2. Flip the timer over. The Mad Scientist chooses a secret word
from the Word List Card and either writes a definition or draws
a picture on the whiteboard to show the meaning of the word.
This must be done in one minute or less. Since the word is
secret, the Mad Scientist may not talk!
3. As soon as the Assistant knows the secret word, he or she
writes it on his or dry erase board.
4. If the guess is correct and the word is spelled correctly, both the
Mad Scientist and the Assistant take turns rolling the die to see
how many spaces each of them will move ahead.
5. If the word is incorrect or is misspelled, the players need to talk
it over. Both players lose a turn and no one moves ahead.
6. Switch roles for each next round.
7. Continue playing until you have used all the words or until you
run out of time.
Mad Scientist Word List
Vocabulary Words
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
4. ______
5. ______
Spelling Words
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
4. ______
5. ______
6. ______
7. ______
8. ______
9. ______
10. ______