LPN Stakeholder Meeting Notes Organized by Topic/Strategy
Spring 2016
All notes from both meetings are collected into topical/strategy areas. Each area includes a list of index card feedback that was provided at the beginning of the day during the presentation. The end of day index cards were gathered after all of the groups met. For all index cards participants wrote down their one biggest solution or idea and then the cards were circulated amongst participants to provide five separate ratings from 1-5 with a possible total of 25 points possible.
Each topical area also includes notes from the groups that developed plans for their area. In some cases there was a group at each of the two meeting sites (Bismarck and Fargo).
Awareness and Marketing
Feedback from index cards including ratings:
- Focus on the image of the LPN. Need to create excitement around this profession and make the LPN feel that they are valued-20
- How LPNs are valued as a profession “When are you going on for your RN?”, Increased value/view of LPN- 18
- Change the name- LPN=low paid nurse, Nurse=feminine, LPN is less than RN, other professions have technicians such as “medical technician”- 15
- Promotion of nursing as a career choice- 15
- Publish/market statistics on earning potential as an LPN vs RN to show the value of being able to start working sooner, have less debt and get on with funding the goals/dreams they have, i.e. buying a house, starting a family etc.- 24
- Give more respect to the LPNs. There is not as much advertising to go to school for LPN as there is an RN- 22
- More awareness of differences between LPNs and RNs along with similarities- 19
- Get rid of the stigma that holding an LPN degree (2 year degree) isn’t good enough. Emphasize the role and importance of the LPN and how these types of nurses affect the quality of healthcare- 19
- Additional marketing to promote LPNs- 18
- Make it aware that LPNs have the education to care for specific patients- 17
- More advertising, make the number of LPNs vs. RNs public. Also advertise the schools that offer PN programs- 17
- Statistics sharing/availability. Youth education/enrichment on-job introduction. Scholarship for education programs- 15
- Value- figure out as facilities/education programs/individuals can make them feel valued-pay, advertising, benefits, understanding scope- 17
- Advertise LPN as a Profession, advertise scholarships are available- 16
- Promote and value LPN- media campaign “not just an LPN”- change mindset- 12
- Marketing of nursing- increase knowledge, scholarships- 12
End of Meeting Feedback Cards:
- Get more information out to communities about the need for LPNs and how important their role is- 23
- Marketing nursing to all generations of learners- 23
- Marketing plan- 17
- Promotion of nursing careers within the state- not rated
- Advertise/market to students/employers the benefits of an LPN degree- 24
- Advertise/promote nursing- 21
- Refine and better marketing strategy for LPNs in ND- 19
Marketing/Awareness Group One Ideas
Brainstorming Ideas:
- TV campaign- age and culture specific
- Recruit from other states
- Start younger- middle school
- Nurses talk in classes
- Open up the hospital to younger people- have them come in like a skills fair
- Partner with academic partners and have students come too
- Mobile lab that goes to rural areas-
- Bring the legislature in regarding workforce
- Use twitter, social media and facebook
- Billboards
Goal: Media campaign to increase LPN awareness role and employment.
- Center for Nursing
- Board of Nursing
- Funders: Dakota Medical Foundation, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, ND Hospital Association, Nursing Schools, Essentia and Sanford Foundations, Tribal Councils, Economic Development, Media Grant, Gala-fundraising and invite legislators, business, chambers of commerce
- ND Prairie Public Radio and TV
- Instagram account #NDNurses
Initial Steps:
- Develop a funding proposal- include economic development approach and include bids from media agencies
- Submit to funders
- If funded- develop media plan
- Aggressive plan- 2 years
- Start with low hanging fruit
- Decrease cost and increase impact
- Interview a local student
- Clean crisp billboard
- Market the large number of opportunities in nursing
- Mobility
- Job for anybody
What is the role of:
- All sites for marketing campaign
- TV interviews
- Johnson and Johnson geared to every ages- documentary
- Those who are LPNs come back into nursing
- Recruit from another state who has different degrees in nursing
- Military
Additional Thoughts:
- Should start with an Executive Committee- representing all disciplines within nursing
- Money- finding a good media campaign
- Someone to take the responsibility
- Represent nursing
- Spirit of LPNs- 2 levels of PNs, Nurses having pride in their profession.
- Medical Community- there are 17,000 nurses including 3, 000 LPNs
Awareness/Marketing Group Two Ideas
Brainstorming Ideas:
- Advertise out of state= students/workers
- Attractive to high waitlist schools
- Attractive to low income
- Military nurse recruitment into jobs
- Quality of Life- most specific to LPN- works well with family/home life
- Career opportunity to change midlife
- ND has unique opportunities to recruit to tribal colleges- open enrollment
Goal: Give voice to the LPN story including how/why, pro/con
- DPL and Department of Health/Board of Nursing
- College Nursing Programs
- Good Life Story
- JSND Labor Market Information *openings/pay
- Health Care Institutions
- Patients
- Retirees
Implementing Steps:
- Collecting individual stories and statistics- Board/Center should collect how much an education costs and salary from employers, target students that are ready to change their career or are waitlisted
- Collaboration between education and job placement and long term care for scholarship and tuition breaks
- Retired RNs teach at colleges and as adjunct
- College list of opportunities
- Buy in
- Who collects information- legwork- Board of Nursing /Center for Nursing? 3rd party- reliability of sources
- Cost- changing information- media costs
- How to reach target audience
Work with High School Students
Feedback from index cards including ratings:
- Work with high school students in all areas of ND to make aware. Recruit students into nursing. Is CTE Health Careers available for all areas in ND?- 23
- Not enough information for high school students in regards to what the role for LPNs is- 23
- Organization/individuals/colleges to be more involved with high school students. Health careers classes, mentoring programs, speakers, show them all the opportunities of how being an LPN can springboard many career opportunities-22
- Get into the high school setting and educate students on the opportunities/advantages of becoming an LPN-21
- Get into high schools, advocating for LPN positions-21
- Advertise the role of LPN and various programs among high school students-21
- Get students involved earlier in high school-20
- High school student volunteering and/or develop a mentoring relationship with a nurse-20
- More clarification in school on LPN vs. RN role-20
- Exposure to healthcare while still in high school-19
- Attempt to give straight forward information to young high school students not the fluff- 17
- Get into the high schools. Brag up the field, catch people wanting an early entry into the workforce. Get on the same page with education programs- multiple options causing confusion- 17
- Making the PN role attractive to potential students-18
- LPN vs. RN role- more clarification in school- 14
- Students need to be aware of the different types of nurses they can become- LPN, RN, NP etc.- 14
- Educate HS students that PN is a viable lifelong job-13
- Promote more programs to high school students, give out more grants to students- 24
- Value of any education certificate not AS or BS, changes need to be made at all levels, parents to agencies to accreditation- 23
- Recruiting at high school, more advertising for programs- 21
Feedback from end of day index cards:
- Again- getting into schools and promoting/advertisement- 21
- I believe it is most important to get a marketing team together and recruit high school and MS individuals as early as possible as the marketing team today suggested- 21
- Get out into the high schools, grade schools to promote nurse education- 20
- Initiate interest in nursing in high schools- 20
- Educate young kids and young adults as to what an LPN does and potentially what they can do. Example different roles of workplace- 17
- Get into schools to advocate the PN profession. Advertise- 16
- Identifying students in grades 9-12 that may be good candidates for a career in nursing- 10
- Early start in recruiting and promoting a career in nursing (elementary school)- 10
- Credit eligible classes for high school students (elective) that introduce healthcare knowledge and skills- 21
- Scholarship information to high school students- 18
- Recruit students to pursue nursing education and become nurses (no matter track chosen)- 18
Work with High School Students (also 6th grade and Junior High) Group One Ideas
Brainstorming Ideas:
- Career day
- School to work program
- Scrubs camp/nurse camp
- Job shadowing
- HOSA/CTE visits
- Health education
- Educate parents
- Talk about nursing scholarships
- PN and RNs talk to groups
- Candy stripes/volunteer programs
- Advertising during school events and in school newspapers
- FFA groups- nursing groups
- Allowing high school students to work as CNAs, dining assistants etc.
Goal: Give students “real life” experience to encourage them to become a PN and stay a PN through scrubs camp/job shadowing.
Who is Involved:
- College/universities
- High schools/junior high and elementary schools
- Classrooms/teachers/counselors (career in middle school)
- Health care organizations
Initial Steps:
- Develop a champion team of LPNs to promote the role.
- Get buy-in from schools of importance.
- Community effort instead of individual organizations.
- Push for 4 year degree.
- High school counselors
- Difficulty getting in to program
- Cost/HRSA help with funding
- Parents
Other thoughts on solutions:
- Funding for LPN champion group
- Funding for nurse scrub camps
- Review data of what “target age” should be
- Job shadowing- HIPPA constraint- federal constraints- no director patient contact
- Maturity of age groups
- Help promote CNAs working in high school- where does the age 18 rule come from?
- Use of lifts at age 16 is not allowed
- Having the right staff do the job shadowing
- LPNs will have to answer questions
- Age of LPNs would/could be younger
- Age of LPN champions need to be “young” to talk to students
- Use sim labs
- Have age appropriate simulations
- Make it fun/hands on
- ? catchy slogan/name
- Student get a scrub top
- Find out who is genuinely interested after camp
- LPN buddy/mentor- before you even get in school
- Dual high school credit- before getting in to program- Anatomy
- Have knowledgeable counselors/instructors about classes to take next steps/planning
- Time barrier- how often/how long/advertising
- ? student paid to attend camp
- NDSU has a summer camp, Governor school- they live on campus during the camp 6-8 weeks on campus- could add a health career tract
- Mobile sims lab to go to schools- have different activities for different age groups
- Candy striper- has conversations with patients
- Expanding Horizons is for high school girls- career expo
- CNA- get credit offered from colleges/universities
- Offering classes to high school students to make them aware of their options-21
Work with High School Students Group Two Ideas
Brainstorming Ideas:
- Scrubs camp
- Credit eligible classes brought to school
- Healthcare organizations at career fairs
- Start at lower grade levels
- Scholarship information
- Nurse presentations- what do they do
- Options with healthcare degree
- Economic outlook
- Affordability
- Future professional groups
Goal 1: To increase awareness of the personal economics (economic outlook).
- Department of Labor
- US Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Schools
- Parents
Initial Steps:
- Gather data on costs of school, average wages, average debts, average cost of living, age of college graduates (average).
- Analyze data, develop a story of personal economic situation after high school.
- Direct marketing to schools, career counselors and parents.
- Getting people to do the work (ex. Getting to the schools).
- Parents mindset
- Government favoring for RNs.
Additional thoughts:
- Customized website showing the amount of salary and debt at graduation for 2 year degree versus 4 year degree
- Showing projections post-graduation of income and debt and ability to achieve financial goals (ie. Have a house, car, wedding, family vacation, retirement savings).
- Separate projections for retirement (ie. Save $100 a month at an early age vs. having to save $1,000 a month at an older age for the same outcome).
- PN organization would help attract students to get 2 year nursing degree, non-traditional students, CNAs.
- Some students may feel they don’t have time to go on to a 4 year degree.
Goal 2: To increase amount of credit eligible classes that introduce health care knowledge and skills in high schools.
- High school, colleges/universities (if dual credit)
- Board of Education
- Board of Nursing
Initial Steps:
- Plan curriculum of class
- Finding interest (instructors)
- Getting course approved through Board of Education and Board of Nursing.
- Get funding
- Communicate with career counselor, school administration.
- Funding
- Approval
- Student interest
- Parents/public
- High School and college cooperation
Additional Comments:
- Some schools offer CNA classes.
- Good introduction to health career.
- Gives colleges opportunities to recruit.
Training and Education Programs
Feedback from index cards including ratings:
- Advertisement for nursing education such as Johnson and Johnson Campaign-20
- Tuition breaks, student loan payback- 22
- Affordability/scholarship funding- 19
- Recruiting qualified instructors for PN programs- 19
- Offer more scholarships, living expenses for LPNs- 15
- Increase wages/loan repayment etc. for LPN clinical instructors- 19
- Lack of available faculty to teach in education programs- increased faculty pay- 19
- National accrediting bodies and decreasing the number of credit hour to obtain a PN degree discouraging associate programs?- 19
- Education need clinical sites available for LPN program- 18
- Location- not near a collect and/or university, more classes available online. Offer workshops paid by institution of work- 16
- Invite seasoned nurses to the classroom and have more clinical instructors, scholarships/grants, job shadowing for different levels of nursing- CNA, CMA, LPN, RN, Manager-14
- Add positions/fill positions as we increase clinical instructors- 10
- Make LPN programs more flexible as average age for LPNs is 40+- may stay and work as LPN- 20
Feedback from End of meeting index cards:
- Need for partnership for industry and educational agencies- 21
- Standardize college programs to make one LPN program- 9
- Attract more nurse instructors- 25
- Increase pay for clinical instructors/faculty. We can’t have new nurses without someone to teach- 25
- Increase clinical instructors- 24
- Incentive to increase number of nursing positions by more nursing faculty- 22
- Increase benefits and wages for clinical instructors- 18
Training and Education Group Ideas
Brainstorming Ideas:
- Increase incentives for clinical instructors
- Increase educational level of active LPNs
- Student loan repayments
- Increase LPN wages
- Retention- sign on incentives
- Accessibility to a PN organization
- Creativity with scheduling
- Daycare on site
- Short-term housing 24/7
- Education scholarships for part-time students
Goal 1: Increase number of nursing students in available nursing programs by increasing the number of faculty and clinical instructors.
Who is Involved
- Board of Higher Education
- Legislation
- Education Leadership
- Employment agencies
- Nurses/marketing- produce educators
- Lobbyists/CUNEA
- Contact legislations to increase salaries of nurse educators
- Contact LTC- Shelly Peterson to lobby for nurses
- Marketing the benefits of teaching- giving back
- Monies available
- Legislation
- Politics (government and education system)
- Lack of incentives to advance degree
Work Environment
Feedback from index cards including ratings:
- Greater collaboration among LPNs to discuss issues and address concerns of the LPN workforce- 25
- Wages and benefits for PNs- 20
- Higher salary along with sign on bonus- 18
- Pay, why is Fargo paying less than Grand Forks, Bismark. Scope- clear, consistent usable by all levels of nursing i.e. LPN, CAN, RN, NP- 17
- Offer more benefits to LPNs to retain their employees- 16
- Wage- duties similar to RN but significant pay difference-16
- Fixed/set schedules for those with families- 13
- CNA education- 13
- Allowing better job satisfaction in jobs and creating roles for LPNs to climb the ladder-12
- More CNA programs throughout the state- 12
- Recruit LPNs by offering incentives to stay LPNs for 5 years (pay of LPN loans)- 7
- Change the culture and view of the LPN positions. Increase relations/teamwork between the LPNs and RNs which would increase job satisfaction-25
- Advertise out of state- 24
- Work with employers on supply for clinical sites, work with high schools regarding career choices in healthcare and the ability to work anywhere they want due to the increase demand and decreased supply- 24
- Utilize LPNs. Show that they’re more than a glorified aide- 24
- Need more recruitment strategies for nursing in the state of north Dakota- 23
- Use each team member to full potential of role- 23
- Retention bonus, recruitment incentives for rural locations- 22
- Let the LPNs do what they went to school for. Don’t push LPNs out- 22
- Utilize the LPNs that are available. Decrease the pay difference between LPNs and RNs. Give more respect to the LPNs- 21
- Recruit in rural communities- 21
- Offer the same respect that RNs get that they work together as a team- 20
- Promotion of individual stories, reputations, tasks, give voice, out of state attraction piece, work with JSND to promote/assess supply and demand figures to connect with schools and education programs- 19
- Pay based incentives based on settings in which nurses work, employers provide educational assistance to LPNs wishing to advance careers- 19
- Recruitment- flexibility of hours, paying for workshops to increase education- 17
- Nurse campaigns in other states that have an over-abundance of LPNs- 16
- Recruitment in rural ND, 12% native in Bismarck, 4% native in Minot, 7% native in Grand Forks, native, oversees, refugees- 15
- Reasoning behind pushing LPNs out of hospitals, long term care settings, taking over LPN’s stable patients- 15
- Try to get LPN wages increased- 14
- Find out what the workforce really needs- hospitals- no LPNs, clinics need LPNs, long term care need LPNs, what is “other” we need to find their area- 11
- Grow your own- recruit LPNs in facilities or areas where they enjoy working- 23
Feedback from end of meeting index cards: