2016American Handcrafted Fresh or Powdered Goat Milk

Bath and BodyCare Products Championship

Sponsors for event

American Dairy Goat Association and Hoegger’s Farm Supply

The American Dairy Goat Association welcomes your participation in the 2016AmericanFresh or Powdered Goat Milk Bath and Body Care Products Championship to be held at its Annual Convention at Austin, TX on Tuesday, October 25 and Wednesday, October 26, 2016. This competition will be open to all soap makers. Awards: Hoegger’s $200 & $100 gift certificates will be given for the Best in Show & Reserve Best in Show in for both the Basic Bath Care Products Creative AestheticsBath Care Products Divisions. Ribbons will be awarded to 1st – 3rd place winners in each division. Entries will be judged by Charlene Simon, Hot Springs, AR and Elin Criswell, Georgetown, TX.

Entries will be showcased at the Goat Products Reception to be held at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, October 27, 2016. Both

Convention attendees and the Austin area public will attend this event.

Since this event is intended as a promotion for Goat MilkProducts, we encourage producers to include small amounts of promotional materials and distributor information along with theirentries. These promotional materials will be withheld during judging and placed with products at the Reception. All entries in the gift package division will be auctioned during the reception.

Rules for Entry:

Only products that includefresh or powdered goat’s milk are eligible to compete in this competition.

For entries received by September 19, 2016, the entry fee will be $10.00 per entry.

Products MAY NOT include pre-made bases; barsoaps MAY NOT be made from melt and pour bases.

Bar soaps may include any combination of tallow, lard and/or vegetable oils.

Fragrance will be defined as any fragrance oil, combination of fragrance oils, or combination of essential and fragrance oils.

Miscellaneous Body Care Product will be defined as a product containing fresh or powdered goat milk that doesn’t qualify for any other classes in this competition.

Products may only be entered in classes that they qualify for. If in doubt about a class, contact Karyl Dronen.

Please fill out one entry form for each product entered.

All entrieswill be displayed at the Goat Products Reception.

Please send promotional material or placards in shipping container(s) with your product.

Send Entry Forms to Karyl Dronen, 9721 Mound Prairie Drive, Houston, MN 55943. For more information on the Bath Care Products Competition, contact Karyl at or 507-894-4274.

Payment must accompany entry forms. Make checks payable to ADGA.

Please send entries without packaging or any other identifying material unless otherwise specified. When entry forms are received, printed labels with unique identifying number and category will be sent to you. Place these labels on each of the products that you are entering in the contest before shipping them.

Send one bar of soap orone small individual container of other products, for judging and one normally packaged soap bar or product for display at the reception. Gift packages may contain a combination ofany products produced by the entrant plus non product items.

Entries for the Bath Care Products Competition must be onsite by 3 p.m., Monday, October 24, 2016.

Hand delivery may be madeby prior arrangement with the committee.

Those shipping bath care products to the hotel must prominently mark packages “ADGA Bath Care ProductsCompetition”and send packages to Hilton Austin Airport Hotel, 9515 Hotel Dr. Austin, TX 78719“Attention Karyl Dronen”.

Packages must include a packing slip containing number of packages shipped and number of items in each box.

Please include your company or brand name for the items you have entered.

Basic Body Care Products Competition Classes:

A. Soap Bar Fresh Goat’s Milk

A1. Essentials or Herbal

A2. Fragrance

A3. Unscented

B. Soap Bar Powdered Goat’s Milk

B1. Essentials or Herbal

B2. Fragrance

B3. Unscented

C. Liquid Soap Fresh Goat’s Milk

C1. Essentials or Herbal

C2. Fragrance

C3. Unscented

D. Liquid Soap Powdered Goat’s Milk

D1. Essentials or Herbal

D2. Fragrance

D3. Unscented

E. Lotion Fresh Goat’s Milk

E1. - Essentials or Herbal

E2. Fragrance

E3. Unscented

F. Lotion Powdered Goat’s Milk

F1. Essentials or Herbal

F2. Fragrance

F3. Unscented

G. Body Wash Fresh Goat’s Milk

G1. Essentials or Herbal

G2. Fragrance

G3. Unscented

H. Body Wash Powdered Goat’s Milk

H1. Essentials or Herbal

H2. Fragrance

H3. Unscented

I. Miscellaneous body care product – Fresh or Powdered Goat’s Milk


Creative AestheticsBody Care Products Competition Classes: This competition puts emphasis on the creativity of the products, color or colors, how the scent matches the products look and packaging. Packaging may include everything except the producers identifying label. The quality of the bath care product will also be judged as in the above categories.

J. Soap Bar Fresh Goat’s Milk

J1. Essentials or Herbal

J2. Fragrance

J3. Unscented

K. Soap Bar Powdered Goat’s Milk

K1. Essentials or Herbal

K2. Fragrance

K3. Unscented

L. Liquid Soap Fresh Goat’s Milk

L1. Essentials or Herbal

L2. Fragrance

L3. Unscented

M. Liquid Soap Powdered Goat’s Milk

M1. Essentials or Herbal

M2. Fragrance

M3. Unscented

N. Lotion Fresh Goat’s Milk

N1. Essentials or Herbal

N2. Fragrance

N3. Unscented

O. Lotion Powdered Goat’s Milk

O1. Essentials or Herbal

O2. Fragrance

O3. Unscented

P. Body Wash Fresh Goat’s Milk

P1. Essentials or Herbal

P2. Fragrance

P3. Unscented

Q. Body Wash Powdered Goat’s Milk

Q1. Essentials or Herbal

Q2. Fragrance

Q3. Unscented

R. Miscellaneous body care product – Fresh or Powdered Goat’s Milk

S. Gift Packages(may include products from all categories)

Entry Form – 2016ADGA Body Care Products Competition

(One entry form per soap/product entry; please copy this form for more than one entry. Keep a copy of this entry form for your records.)

Send entry form(s) to Karyl Dronen, 9721 Mound Prairie Drive, Houston, MN 55943.

Bath Care/products must be shipped at entrant’s expense to Hilton Austin Airport Hotel, 9515 Hotel Dr. Austin, TX 78719 “Attention Karyl Dronen”.

Packages must include a packing slip stating total number of packages shipped and number of items in each box.Packages must be clearly marked “ADGA Body Care Products Competition” and must be onsite not later than 3 p.m., Monday, October 24or earlier than Friday, October 21, 2016. All entries must have appropriate contest labeling.


Name:______Farm/Business Name: ______

Address: ______

Phone Number: ______Cell______

E-mail: ______

Division (circle one):Basic Body Care Products Creative AestheticsBody Care Products

Class (Class Name and Subcategory if one) ______

Your Company or Brand Name forBath Care Product ______

Entry Fee ($10.00)______(received by September 19, 2016)

Late Fee ($15.00)______(receivedbetween September 21-September 26, 2016)

I hereby certify that the products entered comply with the rules of this competition.
