Friarswood Primary School

Abbots Way, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffs, ST5 2ES.

Telephone 01782 297345





Dear Parents / Carers,


Well done to Year 2 who achieved 98.9% attendance last week.

Daily Mile

The second week of the daily mile started off as a challenge due to the awful weather and quite a few children having fun in the mud. We are very sorry to those parents who have had extra washing. However, we did not let this deter us from the challenge. The children are now walking a route around the school grounds which is on the pavements. If they come home covered in mud, it will because they haven’t followed the simple instructions and route.

Just to explain further why we are doing this.

Many schools across the country are taking part in this challenge to help tackle the serious issue of children not leading active lifestyles. Although we have playtimes, some children don’t really play or move about. They’re not always ‘active’. The daily mile challenge can happen at any point in the school day. Some schools who have long playtimes in the afternoon, do it then. Some schools have asked children to come in early to school so they can do it before the start of the day. We have chosen lunchtimes as it is the longest break of our school day. Due to this, it means that children can still play before they take part and then play after they have taken part. We have found that many children want to keep going around the route with their friends, which is great.

Staff have noticed that in the afternoons, children have a better attitude to their learning and their concentration seems to have improved as well.

We have been visited this week by a sports leader for the area. He chatted to some children and was so impressed with their responses that we have organised for some other schools to visit us to see how we are implementing the challenge and how it is not taking time away from learning but having a positive impact on learning.

Well done to all of the children and staff who have made this work. Thank you.

Friarswood will be 80 years old.

Just a reminder that on Sunday 27th November, the school will be 80 years old. To commemorate this, on Friday 25th November, the children will be off timetable and learning about the history of the school. If you have any past information about the school, please could we have it or copies of it? Photos, stories from previous pupils or samples of work from past pupils would all be very welcome. We will of course keep everything safe and return it at the end of the day.

Year 4 Assembly

Thank you to all of the family and friends who turned up for the Year 4 assembly. The children performed their Viking assembly confidently with lovely clear voices. We had Vikings rowing and attacking monks, singing and chanting and many facts about the Vikings.

New Vic Theatre trip

A reminder that we are going to the New Vic theatre on Monday afternoon. The show starts at 2:15pm. We have been told that it will last for approximately 2 – 2 ½ hours. We should be back about 5pm.

When parking in Abbots Way to collect children, please can I ask you to consider the buses. Last year, the buses couldn’t actually get up the road due to some very ‘strange’ parking. Hopefully, parents will bare this in mind on Monday.

Children not going must have their PE kits in school.

Christmas Dinner

Just to let you know that Thursday 8th December is full. We do have eight spaces left for Wednesday 7th December if you require one/two of these spaces please send the form and adult money in by Tuesday 22nd November as the kitchen will have to put the order in on Wednesday 23rd November.

Book Club Money

If you wish to order books from the Book Club, please can you ensure that the form and money are returned to school on Monday. Mrs Dean will be sending the orders off during Monday morning.


Christmas Fayre – we need your help!

Unfortunately, we are not sure that we can run the Christmas Fayre this year due to lack of parental support. There are only a couple of parents who are trying to set this up but they are struggling to do this by themselves. If you are able to help with the organising in any way, please could you contact Mrs Bebbington or Mrs Lesniak as soon as possible. We will of course keep you informed as to whether the Fayre will be going ahead or not.

Future Dates

Mon 21st Nov – Road Safety week

Mon 21st Nov – New Vic Theatre (children not going will need their PE kits in school)

Thu 24th Nov – Dougie Mac coffee & cake morning

Fri 25th Nov – Non-uniform in exchange for bottles for Christmas Fayre

Tue 29th Nov – Immunisations for Years 1,2 & 3 (information to be sent from NHS)

Thu 1st Dec – Year 5 class assembly

Fri 2nd Dec – Year 5 trip – Jodrell Bank

Fir 2nd Dec – 5:30pm – Christmas Fayre

Mon 5th Dec – Non-uniform in exchange for chocolate for Chocolate Bingo

Wed 7th & Thu 8th Dec – Grandparents’ lunch

Wed 7th Dec – PTA Chocolate Bingo, 6pm

Fri 9th Dec – Team Treat

Fri 9th Dec – Reception & Nursery trip to Glebe Farm

Tue 13th Dec – 9:30am - KS1 Christmas play

Wed 14th Dec – 1:30pm – KS1 Christmas play

Thu 15th Dec – 11am – Nursery Christmas show

Fri 16th Dec – 1:15pm – Carol Concert

Fri 16th Dec – Last day

Tue 3rd January 2017 – Back to school

Thank you for your continuing support.

Mrs Wilmer