Questionnaire reference / Alex Gannett / Interviewer’s email /
Interviewer’s organisation / SFS
Cc / Interviewer’s sex / ☒ M / ☐ F
Translators name / Frank / Country / Tanzania
Date / Sept. 19, 2017 / Village / Rhotia
Time started / 10:30 / Time ended / 11:30
GPS Location
A1 Respondent’s role (e.g. farmer, park ranger, village leader, etc.) / Village Chairperson as well as farmer
A2 Main livelihood(s) in village (e.g. farming, livestock, etc.) / Agriculture and Livestock
A3 Respondent’s sex / M
☒ / F ☐ / A4 If the respondent is a woman, is a man present during the survey? / N/A / N

A5 How many years have you lived in this area? / Less than 1 year
☐ / 1 – 5 year
☐ / 6 – 10 years
☐ / >10 years

A6 What is your age? / 18 – 35
☒ / 36 – 53
☐ / 54 – 70
☐ / >71

In this section we are trying to learn about the most significant changes in weather and climate that have occurred over the last few years. It is not necessary to find out about all the changes that have occurred, just those the interviewee mentions as most significant.
B1 What are some of the biggest changes you have observed over the last few years?
If they immediately begin talking about weather or climate, record their responses in section B2 below.
Soil Fertility decrease, building schools, Decrease in crop yeild, Water resources distroyed, water availablity now very scares, better settlements, deforestation no planting-after education they are planting more
B2 What are the biggest changes in weather you have observed over the last few years?
Engage the interviewee in conversation about different aspects of the weather and, if you are not certain of their answer, then ask them to clarify. e.g. After a chat about rainfall, “so, do you think rainfall is staying the same or increasing or decreasing? What about timing?”
Past, a lot of rain- sept-dec short rain, now no short rain, long rains start later
Rains started to decrease in 1998
Natural springs were from january-june now they are dry year round
Now almost no river flow
Increase in tepms, in feb and september
B3 The boxes below are for use by the interviewer only. Please place a check mark next to the changes in weather, climate and extreme events that the interviewee has mentioned
☒ Increased rainfall / ☐ Heat waves/Hotter days X / ☐ Wildfires
☒ Decreased rainfall X / ☐ Cold spells/Frost / ☐ Erosion/Landslides
☒ Changes in timing of seasons X / ☐ Storms / ☐ Sea level rise
☐ Drought X / ☐ Changes in wind / ☐ None
☐ Flooding / ☐ Ice/Permafrost melt / Other:
C1. Main livelihood
This section is focused on the impacts and responses to changes in weather and climate on the main livelihood of the interviewee, or the main livelihood in the area. Be sure to repeat the changes in weather they mentioned, then ask how this has impacted their livelihood.
C1a How have the changes in weather you mentioned impacted the main livelihood?
What are the specific impacts? Be sure to list the weather changes that have played a role
(e.g. hotter temperatures lead to decreased production and more pests; changing seasonality of rainfall changes the availability of surface water, etc.)
Elaborate the nature of the change with as much detail as possible. The examples are merely indicative / Quality of crops decreasing
Increase in ferilizer use
Less crops with less rain
Waterfalls in Ngorongoro dry, they dug wells – this lead to conflict
Made pumps to get water to the people but wildlife often distroy them
-this leads to confilict between people and wildlife
infastructure distroyed, rangers don’t help at all they say that once the animal is out of their park its no longer their problem
C1b How have people responded to these impacts?
(e.g. change in farming practices, change in location, water management, disease/pest management, diversifying livelihood, use of natural resources, natural habitat encroachment, illegal hunting, diversifying livelihood, etc.)
Elaborate the nature of the change with as much detail as possible. The examples are merely indicative / -Improved farming practices, leaving corn stalks and leaves as mulch to keep moisture in (started 10 yrs ago)
- wheat machiens – help mulch the soil
- crop rotation – cant have the same crops in the same soil every year
- started growing wheat – also give it fertilizer
- other crops no fertilizer
- use pesticides
- decrease in total nuber of livestock
- lack of food + water caused decrease
- livestock farmers moved to rangelands, far away
- small 5-10 cows in individual care
-- they eat the crop leftovers
C2. Natural Resources (e.g. water, wood, etc.)
This section is focused on the impacts and responses to changes in weather and climate on natural resources in the area
C2a How have the changes in weather you mentioned affected the availability of natural resources?
What are the specific impacts? Be sure to list the weather changes that have played a role
(e.g. traveling further for firewood, traveling further for water, using alternative species for fire, reduction in the variety and/or size of wild animals to eat, any animal species no longer seen, reduction in availability of wild fruits, etc.)
Elaborate the nature of the change with as much detail as possible. The examples are merely indicative / -  Firewood- they prune their trees
-  Water must be used efficiently
-  Harvest rain water- funded by local church, ngos or individuals
-  Some wildlife conflict, not a lot, often elephants and baboons
C2b How have people responded to these impacts?
(e.g. natural habitat encroachment, illegal hunting, change in livelihood location, diversifying livelihood, water management, etc.)
Elaborate the nature of the change with as much detail as possible. The examples are merely indicative / -  people complain to district office about the elephants
-  they chase baboons by themselves
-  the church helps with the water funding
-  some have moved farther south in order to be albel to graze their cattle
C3. Other impacts and responses
This section provides is for noting any other general responses to changes in weather and climate that are not specific to the categories above, for example health.
C3 Are there any other impacts or responses to the changes in weather you mentioned?
e.g. new health conditions, migration, borrowing, reliance on NGO/government support, selling assets, etc. / N/A
C4 The boxes below are for use by the interviewer only. Please place a check mark next to the response to changes in climate that the interviewee has mentioned
☐ Change in farming practices / ☒ Water management / ☐ Natural habitat encroachment
☒ Change in livestock practices / ☐ Disease/Pest management / ☐ Illegal hunting
☐ Change in fishing practices / ☒ Use of natural resources / ☐ None
☐ Diversifying livelihood / ☒ Change in livelihood location
The intention here is to investigate whether any responses to changes in weather in climate are having knock-on effects on biodiversity (local wildlife and ecosystems). In some cases, this will be obvious from the impacts and responses outlined in section C, and so you will be able to fill these in yourself. In other cases, the respondent may not explicitly point to the impact of responses on biodiversity – particularly if they are negative.
However, with your knowledge you may be aware of the implications for certain responses, and so can further probe these. For example, if it has been mentioned that livestock are now roaming a protected area, you can specifically probe issues such as increased human-wildlife conflict, and change in wildlife populations, as a result.
Which responses potentially have negative impacts on biodiversity?
(e.g. Increased competition for water leads to an increase in human-wildlife conflict, shifting livelihood location leads to
increased land degradation/
encroachment, etc.) / Which response?
Which response?
Which response?

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