Strategic Diversity Group



Date: 20September 2016 at 10.00

Chair: Chief Constable Anthony Bangham

Minute-taker: Chris. Rayner


Attendance:Lee BowersUNISON, Warwickshire

Sharon CanningsDCI, Stop & Search Project

Elizabeth BaioVice Chair, Disability IAG

Kal ParkashStrategic Equality & Diversity Advisor

Katrina GilmanEquality & Diversity Advisor

Paul DazemoorVice Chair, SIAG

Kesh LadwaRecruitment Manager

Debbie MullisOPCC, Warwickshire

Tracey OnslowOPCC, West Mercia

Jo-An GoldingEquality & Diversity Advisor

Anthony BanghamChief Constable

Clive GriffithsHealth & Safety Manager

Amanda BlakemanAssistant Chief Constable

Adrian SymondsEquality & Diversity Advisor

Steve CullenT/Assistant Chief Constable

Gill ChristieHR Business Partner

Bal Kular-TaylorChair, MSN

Jerry Reakes-WilliamsCI, Christian Police Association

Andrew McManusL & D Team Leader

Sasha TaylorCorporate Communications

Debbie TeddsCh Supt, SSI

Jo AngellSSI

Apologies:Penny CurtisHR Officer

Martin McNevinCh Supt, Protective Services

Lee DavenportCh Supt, Local Policing

Wayne ParkesHead of ICT

Michael PiperDisability IAG

Jason DownesDCI, Warwickshire Police

Mal UllahChair, Alliance BME IAG

Simon PaynePolice Federation, Warwickshire

Zaid KhanDI, MSN

Chris MairChair, SW IAG

Jatinder BirdiChair, SIAG

Adrian DavisInsp, Special Projects Team, Warks

Chris SingerT/Deputy Chief Constable

Dave ValenteChristian Police Federation

Dan ThomsonUNISON

Charlie HillCh Supt, Local Policing

Open Session


1.Attendance & Apologies

As above.

2.Minutes of the last meeting (June 2016)

The minutes of the last meeting were agreed as an accurate record.


Action 08 – 220316: Kal Parkash to monitor the numbers of the new tactile warrant cards being issued and provide an update at the next meeting.

Work is ongoing regarding the wording to be used on the warrant cards. A further update will be given at the meeting in September.

Update: It was advised that work is ongoing with the procurement team on how to make the cards more cost effective. Tactical work is continuing behind the scenes and a national solution is being sought. It was confirmed this will be a single warrant card with the same holder in brail for West Mercia and Warwickshire Police.Discharged to Kal Parkash and ACC Blakeman to take to Uniform & Equipment Group.

Action 12 – 220316: When available, the Retention Policy to be added as an item to the Agenda for Strategic Diversity Group. (Kal Parkash/Mukesh Ladwa) The draft Retention Policy will be submitted to this meeting for consultation when available. Action to be carried forward to next meeting.

This will be addressed within the ongoing agenda item. Discharged.

Action 14 –210616: ACC Singer to ensure that CMPG and Warwickshire Unit are aware of the benefits of involving IAG members at the time of critical incidents.

Information has been sent out. Discharged.

Action 15 – 210616: A standing item is added to the Agenda for Strategic Diversity Group – Feedback from IAGs regarding their involvement with critical incidents.

Standing item added to agenda. Discharged.

Action 16 – 210616: Item to be added to the Agenda for the meeting taking place on 20.09.16 – Review Performance Data in relation to Court Cases and Publicising Positive Outcomes. (Zaid Khan, SSI)

It was advised that discussions have started and Kal Parkash is working with the CPS. Action to be carried forward to next meeting. Discharged

3.Victim Satisfaction User Group

A presentation was delivered to the group by Ch Supt Debbie Tedds and Jo Angel regarding the mandated Home Office survey. This is a telephone survey by police staff at Hindlip covering around 5 key areas. Results are shared on a quarterly basis with all forces. West Merciais currently ranked 8 and Warwickshire is ranked 7.

A Victim Satisfaction Board has been set up which has been running for 10 months and SPOCs have been identified. The group has now split into a tactical group and a strategic group. It was advised that we are good at investigations but not good at informing victims. An action plan was set up 12 months ago for officers to make contact with the victim within 48 hours.

Racist and hate crime is being monitored; however, feedback is not being received from victims if English is not their first language as there is no translation facility in place at the moment.

Victims are spoken to after 6 - 12 weeks of reporting an offence andit was suggested that different ways of engaging with people should be trialled as well asasking victims how they wish to be contacted.

It was stated that this had been brought to SDG for support and any assistance to Ch Supt Tedds would be gratefully received.

4. Hate Crime

Kal Parkash provided the group with a brief update as follows:

  • draft plan will be available prior to the Hate Crime Awareness Week commencing 8 October.
  • working with Tell Mama (anti-Muslim hate incidents) - training for OCC staff
  • National Hate Crime meeting attended where education was discussed
  • True Vision - commitment from Home Office this will be improved

Sasha Taylor added that posters will be circulated for the Hate Crime Awareness Weekvia SNTs and distribution will be monitored.

Action 1 – 200916: Report talks about national commitment. C/Supt Lee Davenport to provide a briefing at the next meeting on any key actions/activity for West Mercia Police and Warwickshire Police to deliver against the national action plan.

5.Stop & Search

A presentation was delivered to the group by DCI Canningscovering improvements and where we are after re-inspection in July 2016. It was advised that the Ride Along Scheme ismore accessible to apply for via the Stop & Search website for which media has been done.To date there has been 197 requests across the alliance and once vetting checks are complete visits are facilitated through SNTs. There is a good cross section of age range and positive feedback which has been mentioned in Force Orders. Other items to note are as follows:

  • Complaints due to Stop & Search – this remains low and all are published on the website.
  • Training to support officers around reasonable grounds – this has seen a significant improvement.
  • Positive outcome – significant improvement.
  • IAGs are pleased at the way they have been involved in Stop & Search.
  • Comms – internal and external messages published around positive news.

6.BME 2018 Programme & Recruitment

Andy McManus delivered a brief presentation to the group on 3 initiatives:

Fast Track: 3 individuals, 1 external has been signed off, 2 internal will join the programme in November. It was advised there is a lack of candidates and as the salary is not attractive this could be a possible factor. Internal applications will continue to be sought.

Direct Entry for Inspectors: this is an 18 month programme for external candidates of which we currently have 3.

Police Now:looking to recruit 6 officers at the rank of PC into the Alliance. The focus is on high performance graduates.

This is attractive to BME groups and marketing will be through career fairs and social media etc. It will be a 2 year posting on a specific community project.

ACC Blakeman enquired about recruitment for people with disability and learning difficulties and those without qualifications but have the skills. It was suggested this could fit into Fast Track.

Action 2 – 200916:Discharged to ACC Blakeman to discuss with Kal Parkash and Kesh Ladwa outside of meeting.

7.Reasonable Adjustment (Disability Working Group)

Clive Griffiths gave an update on behalf of Penny Curtis. The work is complete and all documentation has been published on the intranet. Adjustments are to be brought in for people disabled or injured and a guidance document and flowchart are being produced.

Suggested adjustments need to be confirmed as the correct ones prior to a decision being made. Equipment, IT and furniture are all contained in order forms for PPL and procurement. With regards to fitting, training, acceptance and monitoring, the process is out there but has not been officially launched, this is being introduced gradually.

Legal advice has been sought to make sure when this is launched that reasonable adjustments are looked at. This should be broadened to cover workplace adjustments.

Access to work is fully bolted into this process. A joint decision will be made as to what people are entitled to which is acceptable to the end user and use friendly. Adjustments will be recorded in the person’s record.

Depending on the items, a new person can expect to receive the items they require to work within 2 – 8 weeks.

8.IAG – Critical Incidents and updates

Updates were received from IAGs as follows:

  • Warwickshire Pride – good event with attendance from T/DCC Singer
  • Death of Dalian Atkinson – concern around Tasers
  • Leamington Gurdwara incident

It was stated that the local IAGs are happy with the support they receive from officers.

SIAG – a meeting has taken place with the PCCs and their full commitment has been given to support the IAG structure along with the offer to assist with recruitment. The new Hate Crime plan will be reviewed at the next SIAG meeting.

Paul Dazemoor raised the subject of training to forces for foreign countries where the death penalty is still in force for being gay. It was advised that training ceased 18 months ago.

Action 3 – 200916: Discharged to Martin McNevin to provide Paul with an update.

Update: - Martin provided Paul with update confirming West Mercia Police no longer hosts the International Senior Leadership Training Programme on behalf of the College of Policing.

9.Staff Network Updates

Updates were received from staff networks.

Bal Kular-Taylor, MSN, advised that the group had not met since 20 April. However, work is ongoing around health and wellbeing and SSI are to consult on the new survey which will be coming out mid October. T/DCC Singer attended to discuss community cohesion in Devon & Cornwall.

Ch Insp Reakes-Williams, Christian Police Association suggested that awareness should be raised by way of a pack advertising all of the networks. This could possibly be through the Health and Wellbeing Board.

Action 4– 200916: Discharged to Sasha Taylor, Corporate Comms and HR to look at ways of advertising and staff Induction.

ACC Blakeman stated that the Women’s Network meet twice a yearand are well supported by the Health & Wellbeing Board plus Sarah Grainger regarding fitness testing. It was advised that the Network are hosting the Senior Women in Policing Conference next year.

10.Office of Police & Crime Commissioner

Tracey Onslow provided the West Mercia update.

Debbie Mullis provided the Warwickshire update.

Police & Crime Plan up for consultation this week.

Hate Crime Awareness Week – Philip Seccombe to do radio interviews and stands will be displayed in local supermarkets.

11.Equality & Diversity Advisors Verbal Update

Katrina Gilman, Ade Symonds and Jo-Ann Golding updated the meeting on their areas of work.


DCC selection: Kesh Ladwa advised this isopen to BME IAG for a representative for the panel, interview taking place 20 October.

Two Ticks: Kesh Ladwa advised this changed in July 2016 to Disability Confident. Kesh explained the levels and that we are currently working to Level 3.

Action 5 – 200916: Kesh Ladwa to link in with ACC Blakeman and Disability Working Group.

ACC Blakeman wished to place on record her thanks to the IAGs for their involvement at theLeamingtonSikhTemple and Death of Dalian Atkinson inTelford.

The next meeting will take place at Leek Wootton on 20 December 2016 at 14.00.

No Closed Session Recorded

No items reported.