Dear Parents:

Good communication between home and school is essential to the success of every student. The start of a new school year is the perfect opportunity to open an exchange of ideas between the parents and teachers. We encourage you to contact us with any comments or concerns you might have.

During the coming school year, we will be contacting your son or daughter's teachers on a regular basis to monitor his or her progress. If areas of concern are brought to our attention, we will first notify your student and discuss any problems they may be experiencing. We will be emphasizing problem-solving techniques that they may use and encourage them to resolve the difficulty on their own. If problems persist we will then notify you and make you aware of the situation.

We encourage you to contact each classroom teacher as well as our special education staff with your concerns. We will be happy to answer any question or help in any way. Thank you for your support. We hope to have a great school year.


Mrs. Sue Coulter-

EXT # 644 / voicemail #644 *

Mrs. Amy Zobrist-

EXT # 237 / voicemail #237 *

Jim Kasap-

Voicemail #235 *

Ms. Chrissy Kamm-

EXT # 224 / voicemail # 224 *

Mr. Dan Fandel

EXT # 235/ voicemail # 235 *

Ms. Tara Toepke

Voicemail # 545 *

Mrs. Samantha Anderson

EXT # 235 *

What kind of help can you get in Resource study hall???

English Class

·  reading short stories and novels

·  writing paragraphs and essays

·  proof-reading assignments

·  research in the Library

·  studying for tests

Math Class

·  Re-learning new concepts taught in class

·  Homework help

·  Studying for tests

Science and Social Studies and Health and Vocational Classes

·  Reading material from books

·  Homework

·  Getting notes

·  Studying for tests

·  Taking tests

·  Researching material in library

·  Writing papers

Test taking policy

Resource assistance is available to have most tests read or re-taken as needed.

The student will stay in their classroom during test time and work as much as they can. They are to write “resource” on the top of test, or tell the teacher that they want extra time to finish the test in their study hall. The test will then come to resource study hall and during the student’s resource period, the student may have extra time to finish the test or they may ask for assistance with reading.

Resource Students’ Responsibilities

1.  Come to resource prepared to work, not to talk or socialize.

2.  Bring all materials daily to study hall to work on. You will be working on class work or reading every day

3.  Complete all homework at home when possible.

4.  Listen in class

5.  Make every effort to take notes

6.  Request all make up work when absent as soon as you return to class.

7.  If students are on the weekly “F” list, they will work on that subject until they are off the list.

8. Communicate with Resource teachers (If we don’t know what the problem is, we can’t help)

·  Request accommodations needed.

·  Communicate all difficulties

9. Communicate with classroom teachers:

·  find out what your assignments are

·  show good faith by getting assignments completed

·  make arrangements to get extra help before or after school

·  make arrangement to make up, re-take or finish tests in resource