Earth Movers

Photo Story 3

Objective: Students will work in pairs to complete a story planner and create and narrate a digital story using harvested graphics from the Internet to identify and describe changes in the Earth’s surface caused by one of the following forces: volcano, earthquake, glacier, tsunami, or hurricanes, tornadoes, weather and erosion.

Technology Skills: (1A, 2A, 4A, 4B, 5A, 7A, 7C)

§  Demonstrate the ability to save, name and print a document

§  Use a variety of input devices such as a microphone

§  Apply appropriate electronic search strategies

§  Acquire information including text, audio, video and graphics

§  Use appropriate software to express ideas and solve problems

§  Use a variety of data types including text, graphics, digital audio and video


3.6B Identify that the surface of the Earth can be changed by forces

Before the Computer: Teachers will provide information about forces that change the earth. Partners will come to the lab with a completed story planner of their chose force of nature.

Keywords: technology, computer, digital story, narrate, microphone

Duration of Lesson: approximately 4- 5 lessons


Before lab, print the story planner. Have students write information that will be narrated for each picture. See example here.

Day One: Harvest Graphics

1.  Use the Internet sites listed on the Required Student Lesson page to harvest three graphics which apply to the story planner descriptions.

¨  Right-click on the picture.

¨  Click Save picture as.

¨  Navigate to your H: drive (Home Directory)

¨  Create a new folder by, clicking on the Create Folder icon.

¨  Name it forces and click OK.

¨  Name the picture

¨  Click Save.

Day Two: Create Title Page and Credits Page

1.  Open PowerPoint

2.  Title Page

¨  Click in the Title text box and type the title. (ex. Earthquakes: Forces that change the Earth) Change the title as desired.

¨  In the Subtitle text box, type “By Student Name and Student Name”.

3.  Credits Page

¨  Click Insert>New Slide

¨  Click the Title and Text icon

¨  Type “Credits” in the Title text box.

¨  In the text boxes, type the title of the web sites.

¨  Press Enter to get next bullet.

4.  Slide Design

¨  Click Format>Slide Design

¨  Click a design to select it.

5.  Save as JPEG

¨  Click File>Save As

¨  Navigate to your H: drive (Home Directory)Forces folder

¨  Name the file

¨  In Save As type box, click down arrow to select JPEG.

¨  Click Save.

¨  Choose Every Slide, when you see the message “Do you want to save every slide in the presentation or only the current slide?”

A folder with your file name will appear in the H: drive>forces folder. It will contain the pictures of the title and credits page.

Day Three: Photo Story 3
Watch Atomic Learning Videos to learn more about Photo Story.

1.  Import Pictures

¨  Open Photo Story 3.

¨  Click Next to begin a new story.

¨  Click Import Pictures button.

¨  Navigate to your H: drive>forces folder.

¨  Hold the Ctrl key down and click on each picture.

¨  Click OK.

¨  Import Pictures again. Navigate to H:drive >forces and then the folder that contains the title and credits pictures.

¨  Hold the CTRL key down and click on each picture. Click OK.

2.  Arrange pictures

¨  Click and drag the pictures in the correct order.

§  Title, Picture 1, Picture 2, Picture 3, Credits

3.  Adding Titles to Pictures

¨  Click Next

¨  Click Yes to continue

¨  You can type one or two word description for each picture

Ø  Click on the first picture.

Ø  In the text box, type one word description

¨  1st picture - Ex. Shaking and Cracking

¨  2nd picture- Ex. Destruction

¨  3rd picture – Ex. Tsunami

¨  Use the formatting bar to change font, color, size and to align the words.

4.  Click Next

5.  Custom Motion

Complete the Custom Motion and Transitions section for one picture at a time. Try to use the same transition so that it will not distract the audience.

¨  Click the Customize Motion button.

¨  Check “Specify start and end position of motion”

¨  Example

Ø  Drag in a corner of the first window to make it smaller.

Ø  Click in the middle and drag to the top center of the picture.

Ø  Make sure the second window covers the whole picture.

Ø  Click Save.

Ø  Your movie will center on the first part of the picture and move out to the whole picture. You could also start out with seeing the whole picture and moving in to a part of the picture.

6.  Transitions

¨  Click the Transition tab

¨  Click to select a transition for this picture.

¨  Click Save

After the first picture is completed, do the same thing for pictures 2 and 3. Click on the picture and then set the motion and transition.

7.  Save project

¨  Navigate to H: Drive (Home Directory)

¨  Open forces folder

¨  Name the file

¨  Click Save.

¨  Save throughout the project.

Day Four: Narration and Making a Movie

1.  The student should come to the lab with their planner. The information on the planner is what will be narrated. Look at the Example Story Planner.

2.  Use the How to Record sheet to set up microphones ahead of time. Talk to your ITS if the directions do not work.

3.  Working as partners, each student will narrate a picture.

4.  Record Narration

¨  Click on the first picture.

¨  Click the red record button and talk in the microphone.

¨  Click No to change audio settings.

¨  Begin narration, and then click Stop when finished.

¨  Click Preview to hear it.

¨  Click the Delete Narration button to delete the recording if needed.

¨  Click on each picture to record the narration.

5.  Create Music

¨  Click Next to get to Create Music

¨  Click the Create Music button

¨  Choose a Style, then Band and Mood

¨  Click Play to hear

¨  Click OK to select

¨  To delete music, click the Delete Music button

¨  To make sure the music does not over power the voice, drag the Volume slide to a lower position.

¨  Click Preview listen.

¨  Click Next

6.  Saving as a Photo Story Project

¨  Click the Save Project button.

¨  Navigate to H: Drive> forces folder.

¨  Keep the same file name

¨  Click Yes to replace.

¨  Click Save.

¨  This will save the project in its Photo Story form. You can go back and edit this file.

7.  Saving Project as a Movie

¨  Click the Browse button

¨  Navigate to H: drive >forces folder

¨  Click Save

¨  Click the Next button to create a movie.

¨  Allow time to build your story

¨  Exit or view your story.