
1. agree to maintain any paths or fencing andkeep the plot clean,properly cultivated,and substantially free of weeds, especially seeding or spreading.The Committee will make regular inspections of the site and tenants will carry out any remedial work if the Committee considers it necessary.Failure to keep the plot in a satisfactory condition may result in instant termination of the tenancy. If tenants are unwell or unable to maintain their plot for whatever reason they shall contact the Committee by phone, email or in person to inform them of this. They should discuss with the Committee their proposals for arrangements for the maintenance of their plot during their absence. Plots left unattended for any period exceeding 4 weeks between March and October, without continuing agreement of the Committee, may be deemed vacant and the tenancy terminated.

2.cultivate growing areas each year. Any patio, grass or other covered ground removed from productive cultivation shall be apparently less than half of the plot, paths and winter covers excepted.

3.not do anything on the plotor allotment site which is or may become a nuisance or annoyance to tenantsof other plots, or the public. They will not keep or store any animals or birds on the allotment and will not allow within the allotment site any animal unless retainedon a lead within their plot.

4.not sublet, assign or part with the possession of the allotment or part of it without the consent of the Committee. Membership is not transferable.

5.not use the allotment or any structure erected thereon for the storage of any goods or supplies other than those used directly in the cultivation and maintenance of the allotment. Any buildings or structures to be erected with the exception of nettedcagesor poly-tunnels will require the consent of the Committee. Buildings or structures erected willhave guttering and associated facilities (i.e. water butts) attached for the collection of rain water.

6.not use sprinklers, seep hoses or other hoses. A hand held hose can be used until further notice. Water butts will be used to collectrainwater and reduce the need to use metered water.

7.not use the allotment or any part thereof for the purpose of trade or business and in particular for the sale of the fruit, vegetables, flowers, bulbs grown upon it.

8.keep the gate locked at all times. Every member is responsible for maintaining site security. Each member will be issued with one key for the gate which they are responsible for. Lost keys will be replaced at a cost to the plot-holder. Keys should not be copied or passed on to others unless otherwise agreed by the Committee andmust be returned on termination of tenancy.

9. Tenancies of vacant allotments will be granted following interview of applicants by two or more members of the Committee. Applicants will be consideredin order of application once requests for swaps from existing members have been considered.The Committee has the right to refuse any application without stating the reason.

10. pay rent on time. The Annual Rent is due on the 1stFebruary each year. Rent must be paid in advance and can be paid at six monthly or monthly intervals at the discretion of the Treasurer. If the rent remains outstanding for more than 30 days this may result in the tenancy being terminatedunless otherwise agreed by the Committee.

11. be responsible for keeping themselves informed through meetings, notices, letters, emails or minutesand take responsibility for ensuring contact details held by SRAA are up to date.

12. The tenancy may be terminated if the Tenant or their visitors breaches any of the above rules, with the tenant having to clear their site within 14 days of notification attempts from the Committee. The tenant has the right to appeal under the Appeals Procedure. Property not removed will be treated as a donation to benefit SRAA.

I have read and understood the agreement as set out above and agree to comply withit

Signed ______Print Name ______Date ______