ATSIP 2018 Traffic Records Project of the Year

The last day to submit is April 20, 2018.

Winners will be recognized at the 2018 Traffic Records Forum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.


As we all know, traffic records is the vital tool needed for reducing motor vehicle crashes. Experts in both public and private safety arenas, stress the importance of making the best data available for safety programs to be the most effective. Projects to improve data capture, manipulation and evaluation are experiencing great success throughout the country and the world. Best Practices seeks to bring as many of these projects to the forefront as possible so we may all benefit now and in the years to come.


If in the planning or development stages, please wait. Perhaps you could present your ideas, plans, and new developments at one of the forum sessions. If in the implementation stage, please submit. You should detail concrete evidence of how the project impacted on safety through improved data collection or use.

The following six National Agenda goals should be considered as they pertain to your application for Best Practices recognition:

Does the Best Practices candidate:

  1. Involve a leader(s) who promotes the importance of highway safety information systems, used for safety policy and program decision-making?
  2. Involve the coordination of the collection, management, and use of highway safety information among various organizations responsible for highway transportation policy?
  3. Represent an example of integrating the planning of highway safety programs with highway safety information systems?
  4. Represent an example where managers and users of highway safety information have utilized or were provided the necessary resources to select the appropriate technology to meet their information needs?
  1. Represent examples of highway safety professionals being trained in the analytic methods appropriate for evaluation of highway safety information?
  1. Involve the promotion and use of technical standards for characteristics of highway safety information systems, critical to the development and management of highway transportation safety programs and policies?


  1. Download the form, shown below. Fill it out using WORD. Return it by April 20, 2018as an email attachment to Patrick Dolan at .

2. The total length should not exceed 6 pages. (No fluff - Submit just enough detail to convey the project and its relation to highway safety as described in the directions above) Do not reduce margins or font size from what is given.

  1. Try to answer all the applications questions. Those lacking the necessary information will not be forwarded to the evaluation team.
  2. Compose and submit one document. You may copy in pertinent sections from other documents. You may include the work of multiple authors as long as they have given you permission. Cut and paste in only what is needed, where it is needed.
  3. A nominating person and a project manager must be identified by name (they can be the same person.) Please feel free to expand this section to include additional team members.

6. When you are done, make sure your application illustrates the best aspects of this project and why you think it deserves to be a Best Practice winner. If you need to say something not captured by our questions, add it within the 6 page maximum length.

7. Only Government Agency projects will be considered for Best Practice recognition. Vendors may have contributed to the project development however, only applications submitted by a public agency will be reviewed and presented with an award if selected.

8. Please note: The top three candidates selected for the Best Practices Award will be required to present their proposal during a session dedicated to their category at the 2018 Traffic Records Forum inMilwaukee, Wisconsin. Candidates selected will be contacted two weeks prior to the conference.

The Best Practices Committee thanks you for your time and effort in submitting applications.

Thank You and Good Luck,
James P. Dolan III
Best Practices Chair

Best Practices Recognition Form

Part 1 - Project Summary

Project Title:

Project Description (three sentences or less):

Nominating Person Contact Information:
Agency and Office:
Address with City, State, ZIP:

Project Manager Contact Information: (if different from above)
Agency and Office
Address with City, State, ZIP:

Lead Agency for Project:

Participating/Cooperating Agencies (if any):
(Additional members of project team and their contact information may be provided as desired.)

Which National Agenda goals apply? (May be numbered 1-6 corresponding to the order given in the original document)

Reference the priority in your traffic records strategic plan to which this project applies:

Project Cost:planned $: actual $:

Extent of Project Implementation:(Sample Response: As of April 2016, the project created software that has been installed in 10 of the 15 cities in this pilot project. Five of those cities have provided performance information used in the “benefits” sections of this application.)

Summary of Project Benefits: What was improved, who benefited, and how?Benefits may be measurable or anecdotal, direct or indirect. If you can demonstrate the benefits of a traffic records project all the way to the bottom line (saving lives, reducing injuries and damage due to motor vehicle crashes), please do so!

It may be easiest to fill out the benefits section under Project Detail first, and then write a one- to three-sentence summary of that material here.

Part Two: Project Detail

Guidance to completing this section—you may delete this italicized guidance section from your final document before returning it.

Please respond in a narrative format

Content is important - not pages of paper

Please make reading this section as easy for reviewers to read as possible. Use subtitles, bold highlighting, indentation, bullets, etc. as appropriate. Separate paragraphs with a space etc…

Project Description:(your opportunity to write more than the three sentences permitted in Part One)

Describe the major process steps for your project, including any unique aspects that enhanced success:

Provide the evidence and reasoning used to determine the success of the project:

Why should this project be recognized as a best practice in traffic records?

I would like to have this project considered for presentation during one of the forum sessions

______Yes, oral presentation ______Yes, poster presentation______No