Names: ______Date ______Class Period ______

UNIT 6: Chicken Wing Dissection –Skeletal and Muscular Systems

Standards: SAP1a, b, c, e; SAP2b; SCSh2a,b,c

Each student should must complete their own lab sheet and add it to their portfolio.

Introduction (Include the purpose for the lab and provide applicable and relevant terminology associated with the lab. If the lab includes an experimental procedure, clearly state an hypothesis) ______

Materials (List all materials needed for the lab) ______

Data (be sure to provide titles to your tables, figures, charts, or drawings. Also, provide a descriptive caption to each one as well)

Title ______


Title ______

Data Continued (be sure to provide titles to your tables, figures, charts, or drawings. Also, provide a descriptive caption to each one as well)

# / Tissue / Description (color, texture, etc.) / Tissues it attaches to:
1. / Skin
2. / Fat
3. / Muscle
4. / Tendon
5. / Ligament
6. / Blood Vessel


Have your teacher check your work area. Be sure everything is CLEAN and DRY.

Lab station check: ______

Observation Questions:

  1. Do you think your wing is from the right or left side? Explain why.
  1. Joint questions:
  2. Which joint in the human body (shoulder, elbow, wrist or finger) is the equivalent to Joint A?
  1. Does Joint A move more like a ball and socket joint or more like a hinge joint?
  1. Which joint in the human body (shoulder, elbow, writs or finer) is the equivalent to Joint B?
  1. What skin layer are you underneath?
  1. How many different groups of muscles are attached to the bones that connect at joint A?
  1. On your drawing, outline in RED each muscle that FLEXES a joint.
  2. On your drawing, outline in BLUE each muscle that EXTENDS a joint.
  1. What happens to the ability of the wing?
  1. What happens to the ability of the wing?
  1. How many ligaments hold joint A together?
  1. Explain whether or not you caused each of the following types of injuries when you pulled the wing apart at Joint A:




Analysis Questions:

  1. For each of the following chicken parts identifying the types(s) of tissue(s) that make up the part. Write “C” for Connective, “E” for Epithelial, “M” for Muscle and “N” for Nerve on the appropriate blanks


tendon______nerve______fat______blood vessel____

skin______ligament_____ bone______muscle______

  1. Why are tendons important to a muscles ability to move a bone?

3.  What type of tissue actually moves the chicken’s wing?

4.  What tissue of the chicken wing is commonly referred to as the meat?