Online Resource 3Number of patients, admissions, LOS and costs of all patients in WA, by age group (2006)

Age groups / Patientsa / Admissionsa / Same-day
admissionsb / Overnight
admissionsb / Mean admissions per patient / Mean
LOSc / Total cost
USDd / Cost per
patientd / Cost per
0-19 / 27,932 (0.08) / 78,607 (0.11) / 34,120 (0.43) / 44, 487 (0.57) / 1.4 / 3.4 / 293,378,602 / 10,503 / 3,732
20-24 / 20,826 / 32,233 / 15,157 / 17,076 / 1.5 / 4.1 / 110,618,838 / 5,312 / 3,432
25-29 / 22,391 / 34,447 / 14,284 / 20,163 / 1.5 / 4.3 / 128,959,952 / 5,759 / 3,744
30-34 / 26,493 / 42,427 / 18,940 / 23,487 / 1.6 / 4.7 / 151,497,179 / 5,718 / 3,571
35-39 / 25,606 / 43,515 / 22,656 / 20,859 / 1.7 / 4.9 / 143,347,960 / 5,598 / 3,294
20-39 / 95,316 (0.28) / 152,622 (0.21) / 71,037 (0.47) / 81,585 (0.53) / 1.6 / 4.5 / 534,423,929 / 5,607 / 3,502
40-44 / 22,996 / 42,887 / 25,984 / 16,903 / 1.8 / 5.0 / 130,855,168 / 5,690 / 3,051
45-49 / 24,101 / 47,066 / 29,576 / 17,490 / 1.9 / 5.0 / 143,172,583 / 5,941 / 3,042
50-54 / 25,392 / 52,927 / 34,708 / 18,219 / 2.0 / 5.0 / 159,681,076 / 6,289 / 3,017
55-59 / 27,589 / 61,650 / 41,051 / 20,599 / 2.1 / 5.3 / 187,378,243 / 6,792 / 3,039
40-59 / 100,078 (0.30) / 204,530 (0.28) / 131,319 (0.64) / 73,211 (0.36) / 2.0 / 5.1 / 621,087,070 / 6,206 / 3,037
60-64 / 23,693 / 53,988 / 34,956 / 19,032 / 2.3 / 6.0 / 180,802,943 / 7,631 / 3,349
65-69 / 21,938 / 54,627 / 34,978 / 19,649 / 2.4 / 6.7 / 196,313,431 / 8,949 / 3,594
70-74 / 19,775 / 50,768 / 31,075 / 19,693 / 2.5 / 7.6 / 196,112,897 / 9,917 / 3,863
75-79 / 19,215 / 55,346 / 32,852 / 22,494 / 2.7 / 8.9 / 215,744,602 / 11,228 / 3,898
60-79 / 84,621 (0.26) / 214,729 (0.30) / 133,861 (0.62) / 80,868 (0.38) / 2.5 / 7.3 / 788,973,872 / 9,324 / 3,674
80-84 / 15,034 / 39,755 / 18,451 / 21,304 / 2.5 / 10.0 / 180,793,013 / 12,026 / 4,548
85+ / 12,693 / 31,790 / 9,741 / 22,049 / 2.4 / 11.7 / 170,524,542 / 13,435 / 5,364
80+ / 27,727 (0.08) / 71,545 (0.10) / 28,192 (0.39) / 43,353 (0.61) / 2.6 / 10.9 / 351,317,556 / 12,671 / 4,910
Total / 307,742 / 643,426 / 364,409 (0.57) / 279,017 (0.43) / - / - / 2,295,802,427 / - / -
Mean / - / - / - / - / 2.1 / 6.4 / 7,460 / 3,568

aThe proportion of total patients/admission in each age group is shown in brackets

bProportion of admissions due to same day and overnight admission in each age group is shown in brackets

cLOS – length of stay of overnight patients only

dCost in US dollars, 2007-2008