
If you want to help victims of human traffiking in their efforts to reintegrate or to support a project that promotes values of solidarity and responsability you can donate a sum of many that will go where needed.

You can help:

  • Donating a part of your time and experience by joining the volunteer programme;
  • Donating products (hygienically products, non-perishable food, books and school supplies, clothing and footwear, medical products, etc.);
  • Donating a sum of money directly into accounts:





What means 2% for taxpayers?
The 2% tax is a transparent mechanism through which individual taxpayers may direct 2% of their income tax by a nongovernmental organization (association or foundation).
You can support our programs redirecting two percent (2%) to ADPARE of income tax.
According to Law 571/2003 correlated with GD 44/2004 on the Fiscal Code
methodological norms of application, individual taxpayers have the opportunity to direct two percent of your earned income taxes in the previous year by a nonprofit entity.
This option will not cost you anything.
If you don’t use that option, the amount that remains goes to the state budget.

According tothe Art. 57(4) - (6) andArt.84(2) -(4) of theTaxCode, individuals are ableto directtwopercent(2%) oftaxrevenuesinthe previous yearbyanonprofitentity, religiousestablishments, as well asprivatescholarships.
Click onthe linksof pre-filledformsand complete:

Form230(link) ifyouobtainedinthe previous year incomesfromsalaryonly;

Form200(link) (page4, point.III) if you obtained inthe previous yearincomesonlyfrom independent activities(copyrights, rents, etc.).

Bothforms if you obtained in the previous yearincomes fromwages, andfrom independent activities.

Fillingamountis notmandatory. Empoweredinstitutionwillcalculate thetaxandbe paidaccording to law.
Aftercompletingthe registrationform should besubmittedto theFinancialAdministrationwhobelongs toorbe sentbymailtoit, withreturn receipt requested,until15 of May this year.

Ifyoualready haveablankform, you can filldirectly our data. Theyare:
Name of thenon-profit entity: ADPARE
FiscalIdentification Code of non-profit entity: 15832518
Bank code(IBAN): RO82RNCB0080005648090001

Ifyouwantto jointhe ADPAREassociation, you can do soby sponsoringoneoftheprojectsitdevelops, or itisin preparation. By following the Program section on our website you may be aware of future programes that need your support.
As acompany, you cansponsoranyofthe ongoingprograms, oreventsthatwe conductan eventcangrowtogethertomakeyourcompanyknownasacompanywithstronginvolvementinsocial life.
For companies, the Law571/2003regardingthe Fiscal Code, ChapterIII, Article 31, relating totax creditprovides:
Taxpayerswhocarry outsponsorshipand/or actsofpatronage, according tothe lawonsponsorship, and lawlibraries, taxdeductedfromamountsdue, ifthe following conditionsaremet:

  • arelimited to 3‰of theturnover;
  • No morethan20% ofincome taxdue.

The benefits of a company which offer sponsorships according to the law are:

  • Promotingacompany's imagequality, internal andexternal communication;
  • Taxbenefits(tax deductionsas required by law);
  • The appearanceof the name of your company on ADPARE’s promotional materials (website, banners, flayers, brochures, etc.)
  • Involvementinprojectsthat meetsocialinclusionof personsindifficulty;
  • Presentationof theassociationsponsorsin theAnnual Report.

Thank you!

We havecompetentandcomplementaryareasofintervention. Do you thinkwe could collaborate?
Contact us and recommend potentialpartners!
You know people, corporationsor institutionsthatcansupportus that might be interestedin our projects, wearecomplementaryand togetherwe canhaveagreater impacton combating the phenomen anddevelop sustainableprojects?
Contact us!