Robert Lindsay; Cheney Jr.

In Propria Persona Sui Juris

Fifteenth Judicial District

6190 Skyway

Paradise, California

(530) 877-1265





Robert Lindsay; Cheney Jr.,
Defendant, / NO.__C037374______
“Non Est Factum”

Comes now the defendant in this matter, Robert Lindsay; Cheney Jr., In Propria Persona, Sui Juris, the accused and greatly aggrieved party in this matter who by formal denial against the general issue of any debt of the COUNTY OF BUTTE, hereby deposes and says:

1.)  That I am not the party you seek in this matter. That my name only is Robert Lindsay; Cheney Jr. in proper legal form, as I am a human being, a white Christian male adult, In Propria Persona, Sui Juris; not embarrassed by the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution; and hereby as a matter of right and status, is of a status and sovereign power to question this or any debt brought against me by the COUNTY OF BUTTE, and/or the STATE OF CALIFORNIA or any other government state actor, agent or agency.

2.)  Said Robert Lindsay; Cheney Jr. comes and defends the wrong and injury falsely brought against him as a planned and conspired fraud by the plaintiff’s in this matter and hereby says that the supposed obligation, or “special obligation”, or debt, or “special debt”, or order, or “court order”, (a.k.a. “Child Support); is not his, according to the subject of the Case No. CM 010607, and is factually null, void, in ab initio, and factually in lawful default.

3.)  As the foundation of this action is an unlawful Sealing Instrument which is factually based on an unlawful act of the kidnapping of my son, Windsor Scott Cheney, thereby in the first instant, it is null and void, in ab initio. It is factually a rogue and insolent treason to the peace and safety of defendant, as a member of “We the People”, a member of the posterity of the united States of America, as defined under the republican compact of the Constitution of the state of California (1849) Article I, Section I: “All men are by nature free and independent, and have certain inalienable rights, among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty; acquiring, possessing and protecting property; and pursuing and obtaining safety and happiness.”

4.)  As the foundation of this action is a fraudulent Sealing Instrument which is factually an unconscionable contract, thereby in the first instant, null and void, in ab initio.

5.)  As the foundation of this action is a fraudulent Sealing Instrument which is factually a fraud for profit scheme, brought by plaintiff’s as an organized crime syndicate, fraudulently forced upon my by fraud by way of inducement, as a public menace, thereby in the first instant, null and void, in ab initio.

6.)  As the foundation of this action is a fraudulent Sealing Instrument which is factually a contract, unlawfully forced upon me in a null and void ex parte hearing, thereby in the first instant, null and void, in ab initio and of no lawful effect, as a matter of law.

7.)  Said defendant is ready to verify and defend by proactive lawsuits against Plaintiff’s and by and from his status, is able supra to challenge and question this debt as a matter of law.

Wherefore, defendant Robert Lindsay; Cheney Jr. comes before Almighty God and the above mentioned court and puts himself upon the law for substantial justice and prays for judgment and demands that said action thereof against said Plaintiff’s action be voided in ab initio, null in the first instance, with a bar to future prosecution with extreme prejudice and that defendant unconditionally be set free and said obligation be expunged.

DATED: January, 12, 2001


Dated this 1st day of January, 2001

Robert Lindsay; Cheney Jr. – AT LAW
In Propria Persona, Sui Juris
Fifteenth Judicial District
6190 Skyway
Paradise, California


Butte County ]

] ss.

State of California ]

I, Robert Lindsay; Cheney Jr., being the undersigned, declare under penalty of perjury as follows:

That the afore-going Document(s), Affidavit(s), Declaration(s), and/or Materials, Id., including referenced and/or attached documents, and/or duplicates of such documents are exacting copies of the originals in my/or my counsel’s (specifically not American Bar Association, or professional “Attorney’s”) possession. That I have read the foregoing document(s) and attachments, and know and understand their contents, and having personal knowledge, know them to be true. As to those matters submitted therein upon information and/or belief, as to those matters, I also believe them true.

Executed this twelfth day of January, in the Year of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ, year Two-Thousand-One.

SEAL: ______

Robert Lindsay; Cheney Jr. – AT LAW

In Propria Persona, Sui Juris

Fifteenth Judicial District

6190 Skyway

Paradise, California

[Zip Exempt]


Subscribed this first day of January, under exigent circumstances, before Almighty God, this twelfth day of January, in the Year of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ, year Two-Thousand and One.

SEAL: ______

Robert Lindsay; Cheney Jr. – AT LAW

In Propria Persona, Sui Juris

Reserving All Rights, Giving Up None


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