Register of People with Significant Control

This register comprises the following page types.

(A) Current status of this Register of People with Significant Control

(B) Non-compliance with s. 790D notices given by the company

(C) Restrictions notices

(D) Election by a private company to hold the PSC register at Companies House under s. 790X

(E) Details of a registrable Relevant Legal Entity (RLE)

(F) Details of a Person with Significant Control (PSC)

(G) Details of usual residential address of a Person with Significant Control (PSC)

Sheets (G) must be kept in a separate part of the register as they are not open to public inspection.

The design of this register is based on the draft Register of People with Significant Control Regulations 2016 (the “PSC Regulations”). It has been assumed that the PSC Regulations will come into force (without any amendments to that draft) on 6 April 2016. The information that needs to be recorded in the register may be affected by the manner in which Companies House implements the requirement to update PSC register information as part of the Annual Confirmation (the replacement for the Annual Return expected to come into force in June 2016). It is also possible that other practices will evolve over time in relation to the register.

For further guidance on the PSC Register, see the BIS document ‒ Register of People with Significant Control: Guidance for Companies, Societates Europaeae and Limited Liability Partnerships (at ).


Register of People with Significant Control

(A) Current status of this Register of People with Significant Control

[The PSC register must always include information about the company’s PSCs or registrable RLEs, and/or an update on the company’s status in ascertaining whether it has any. The register must never be completely empty.]

Date from which this disclosure applies / Indicate which (if any) of the prescribed statements in note 1 opposite apply (e.g. “Statement A”) / If applicable, date from which this disclosure is no longer true [note 2] /
Note 1 (Prescribed statement wordings)

If the register does not include details of a person who is currently a PSC or RLE, you must describe the current status of the register using one or more of the following statements. Statements C or D may still be relevant even though the register contains the details of another PSC or RLE. You may indicate which (if any) statement applies by entering, for example, “Statement A” in the table opposite.

The company has no PSCs or registrable RLEs

A.  The company knows or has reasonable cause to believe that there is no registrable person or registrable relevant legal entity in relation to the company.

[Note: You should not use this option if any of the other statements are true.]

Taking reasonable steps

B.  The company has not yet completed taking reasonable steps to find out if there is anyone who is a registrable person or a registrable relevant legal entity in relation to the company.

[Note: You should not use this option if any of the other statements are true.]

Unidentified PSC

C.  The company knows or has reasonable cause to believe that there is a registrable person in relation to the company but it has not identified the registrable person.

[Note: A separate note must be made using the above wording in respect of each registrable person which the company has been unable to identify. It may also be necessary to make separate notes in relation to other individuals whose particulars have not yet been confirmed (see below).]

Unconfirmed particulars

D.  The company has identified a registrable person in relation to the company but all of the required particulars of that person have not been confirmed.

[Note: A separate note must be made above using the above wording in respect of each registrable person whose particulars have not been confirmed. It may also be necessary to make separate notes in relation to other registrable persons who have not yet been identified (see above).]

Note 2

Where any of the above statements are no longer applicable, this must be indicated by entering the date from which the statement ceased to be true.

Sheet A1


Register of People with Significant Control

(B) Non-compliance with s. 790D notices given by the company

Each of the following entries relates to a notice given by the company under section 790D of the Companies Act 2006 which was not complied with within the period specified in the notice.

Date of notice under section 790D / Date on which the addressee became non-compliant / If applicable, date on which the notice was complied with /

A section 790D notice is a notice from the company requesting information from anyone whom it knows or has reasonable cause to believe to be a registrable person or a registrable relevant legal entity in relation to it.

A company is required to include a note in its register whenever such a notice has not been complied with within the period specified in that notice (i.e. no later than the end of the period of one month beginning with the date of the notice).

A separate note is required in respect of each notice under section 790D which has not been complied with (i.e. even if they were issued to the same person).

Each entry on this page is intended to indicate an occasion where the company has given such a notice which was not complied with within the period specified in that notice. The PSC Regulations do not specifically require the register to state the date on which the person became non-compliant. However, it is suggested that some sort of date should be entered, whether it be the date of entry or the date of non-compliance (both of which would be the same if the register was updated promptly). Nor do the PSC Regulations require the register to show the date of the notice. They do, however, require the register to show, where relevant, the fact that the notice was complied with after the time specified in the notice (and to specify the date of compliance). In order to do this, it will be necessary to be able to identify the notice that was not complied with. The information that is most likely to be helpful in this regard is the date of the notice. However, some other form of anonymised identification system could be used (e.g. a serial number allocated to the notice).

Where an entry is made for the date on which the notice was complied with, this should be interpreted as a statement that the notice was complied with after the time specified in the notice.

If multiple notices have been sent to the same person, compliance with one of those notices may constitute compliance with the others.

A company must also enter in its PSC register details of any s. 790E notices not complied with. These can be found in the relevant register entry for the addressee. A section 790E notice is a notice sent by the company to an existing PSC or RLE seeking confirmation that a relevant change has occurred, e.g. that the person has ceased to be a registrable person, or their registrable particulars have changed.

Sheet B1


Register of People with Significant Control

(C) Restrictions notices

The following entries relate to restrictions notices issued by the company under paragraph 1 of Schedule 1B to the Act, the withdrawal by the company of any such restrictions notice and the cessation of restrictions ordered by the court.

Date of issue of restrictions notice / Date on which the restrictions notice was withdrawn (as specified in the withdrawal notice) / Date of effect of a court order directing that a relevant interest in the company must cease to be subject to restrictions /

Where a company has issued a restrictions notice under paragraph 1 of Schedule 1B to the Act, it must enter the fact that it has done so on its PSC register. A separate note is required in respect of each registrable person which the company has been unable to identify. An entry on this page showing the date of issue of a restrictions notice is equivalent to a statement that the company has issued such a restrictions notice.

When a company withdraws a restrictions notice by giving a withdrawals notice, it should enter the fact that it has done so on its PSC register, along with the date specified in the withdrawal notice as the date on which the withdrawal notice was given. An entry on this page showing the date of withdrawal of a restrictions notice is equivalent to a statement that the company has withdrawn that restrictions notice.

Where a court makes an order under paragraph 8 of Schedule 1B to the Act directing that a relevant interest in the company must cease to be subject to restrictions, the company should enter that fact on its PSC register, along with the date on which the order takes effect. An entry on this page showing the date that such a court order takes effect should be taken to be a statement that the court has issued such an order.

Sheet C1


Register of People with Significant Control

(D) Election by a private company to hold the PSC register at Companies House under s. 790X

[Where relevant, tick the appropriate box and provide the related information]]

□  An election to hold the PSC register at Companies House is in force

Where this applies, the following information must be given in the historic register:

Date from which the company’s PSC register has been kept at Companies House:

[Note: Up-to-date information about the company’s PSCs from that date is available for public inspection on the Companies House central register.]

Withdrawal of election to hold the PSC register at Companies House under s. 790X

□  An election to hold the register at Companies House has been withdrawn and is no longer in force

Where this applies, the following information must be given-

Date from which the withdrawal of the election took effect:

[Information about the company’s PSCs relating to the period when the election was in force that is no longer current is available for public inspection on the Companies House central register.]


From [June 2016] a private company may elect to have its PSC Register held by Companies House. If it makes such an election, it no longer needs to make entries in its own historic register but must still keep that register. It must also enter certain information about the election in the historic register.

Sheet D1


Register of People with Significant Control

(E) Details of a registrable Relevant Legal Entity (RLE)

Name of the legal entity:
The address of its registered or principal office:
The legal form of the entity and the law by which it is governed:
If applicable, a register in which it appears (including details of the state) and its registration number
The date when it became a registrable RLE in relation to the company:
Where applicable, the date when it ceased to be a registrable RLE in relation to the company:
Which of the five conditions for being a PSC the RLE meets, with quantification of its interest where relevant :

[The following are the prescribed wordings for this disclosure – tick any which are applicable. For a RLE which meets one or more of conditions (i) to (iii) the company is not required to identify whether they also meet condition (iv).]

Condition (i) ‒ Shares

□  The person holds, directly or indirectly, more than 25% but not more than 50% of the shares in the company.

□  The person holds, directly or indirectly, more than 50% but less than 75% of the shares in the company.

□  The person holds, directly or indirectly, 75% or more of the shares in the company.

Condition (ii) ‒ Voting Rights

□  The person holds, directly or indirectly, more than 25% but not more than 50% of the voting rights in the company.

□  The person holds, directly or indirectly, more than 50% but less than 75% of the voting rights in the company.

□  The person holds, directly or indirectly, 75% or more of the voting rights in the company.

Condition (iii) ‒ Directors’ Appointments

□  The person holds the right, directly or indirectly, to appoint or remove a majority of the board of directors.

Condition (iv) ‒ Significant Influence or Control

□  The person has the right to exercise, or actually exercises, significant influence or control over the company.

[Only be applicable where a PSC or registrable RLE does not meet one or more of conditions (i) to (iii).]

Condition (v) – Trusts

□  The person has the right to exercise, or actually exercises, significant influence or control over the activities of a trust; and the trustees of that trust (in their capacity as such) hold, directly or indirectly, more than 25% but not more than 50% of the shares in the company.

□  The person has the right to exercise, or actually exercises, significant influence or control over the activities of a trust; and the trustees of that trust (in their capacity as such) hold, directly or indirectly, more than 50% but less than 75% of the shares in the company.

□  The person has the right to exercise, or actually exercises, significant influence or control over the activities of a trust; and the trustees of that trust (in their capacity as such) hold, directly or indirectly, 75% or more of the shares in the company.