The Parish Room, Llanddeusant, Llangadog, SA19 9UL

Telephone 01550 740480



After a provisional telephone or email booking the booking will be held for one week pending receipt of a completed booking form and the required deposit being paid.


The deposit required is 50% of both the rental fee and fishing costs. The remainder of any costs is due one month prior to your booked start date. If your booking is within one month of your start date full payment of costs is required. Any payments shall be non-returnable in the event of cancellation unless the booking can be re let.


The Edwinsford Estate does not accept any liability for loss of or damage to any personal effects, baggage, vehicles or nay other items belonging to the hirer or any other member of the hirer’s party.

The hirer shall indemnify Edwinsford Estate against any damage or loss caused by the hirer or any other member of the hirer’s party. Dogs shall be kept under strict control whether on the Edwinsford Estate or adjoining property.

The total number in the party shall not exceed 3 unless prior consent has been obtained.

The Bothy Cottage may not be occupied before 4 p.m. on the hire start date unless prior consent has been obtained from the Edwinsford Estate. On the day of departure it must be vacated by 10 a.m. and left in a clean condition.

Every effort is made to ensure that the Bothy Cottage description is correct on the website. Edwinsford Estate reserves the right to make modifications to the Bothy Cottage specifications that may be considered necessary in the light of operating requirements. Where possible clients will be advised of any major changes before the commencement of their holiday.

If the hirer is not entirely satisfied with the accommodation offered, they should contact the Edwinsford Estate immediately and attempt to resolve the problem. Where this is not possible and in the event of non or improper of the contract, compensation due to the hirer is limited to the cost of equivalent suitable accommodation and where alternative accommodation is not available shall in no circumstances exceed the total cost of the original booking with the Edwinsford Estate.

PAYMENT-Preferably by BACS transfers to Edwinsford Estate.

Sort Code 20 60 38, A/c No 83596303

Alternatively cheques payable to Edwinsford Estate.

I accept the conditions of booking above and enclose my payment as 50% (or 100% if within one month of rental start date) of both Bothy Cottage rent and any fishing costs.

Bothy Cottage £……….

Fishing £……….

Bothy Cottage Dates: From………………. To………………….

Number of fishing Days …………………….


Name……………………………….. Tel No…………………………..

Address…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Post Code………………………………..

Email Address……………………………......

Number in Party………… Dogs………………………………………….

Preferred bed arrangements(please tick) Two Singles….

One large Double………